The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceansand that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

13 Sep 2023: New letters

3 Sep 2023

Philippians 3:7: But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.

Philippians 3:8: Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

Philippians 3:9: And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:

Name Message
Bob Ware
Job 11:6 ‘The Secrets of Wisdom” linked to Rosh Hashanah 5784 starting at sunset on 15 September 2023
Douglas H
High watch Sept 11 - Nov 11
Elliot H
Labor Day, On a holiday? and 22 Years from 911
(URL) Last Update, Rockisland books The Tribulation starts 2023-2024 and ends 2520 days after in Tishiri 10 2031 with the second coming of Jesus Christ. Great work by C J Lovik
(URL) The next wars in Israel by Jimmy Evans and Bill Salus
(URL) A Christian world view, Tucker Carlson interviews Hungary Prime Minister Victor Orban
(URL) Is the Tribulation starting this month?
(URL) Pastor Steve Cioccolanti and the Tribulation visions explained
(URL) Pastor Steve Ciaccolanti on the reason the devil hates Tucker Carlson
IF This is True we Must Brace Ourselves
I am Job! Powerful Stuff
Another Date to Watch
Surprise Solar Flare to hit Mars
Messianic Update. Monte Judah.
Famines! Shocking Article
The Abrahamic Covenant.MAD.
A Little bit Here, a Little Bit There
More Huge Birth Pangs in Israel
Bob Ware - The Last Day of 2023
You Will be a Parable
The Oslo Accords
Upcoming Dates for September/October
The Comet Nishimura and September - Possible Rapture Timeline
Tucker Carlson on President Trump - Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud
Department of Defense - Monitoring Social Media with AI - Coming Later This Year
1 Cor 10:31  "In a Pickle!"
Fay and Saudi Arabia and The Temple Mount
Jean Stepnoski "Days Ahead:  Elul 22..." - Rapture Watch
Gerry A
RE: Donna Danna: 08.27.23
RE: I Cor 10:31: 08.27.23
RE: Steve C: 08.27.23: no room for guilt
in the faith?
mortal & venial sins?
September 23, 2023 Coincidences?
Isaac Samuel
Regarding God's Secret Verses Post
Pi search
Bruce K
(URL) 10 Signs That US Culture Is Being Turned Completely Upside Down | ZeroHedge
Bruce K
17 days rapture notice on the Blue Moon on 8/30
8461 I just found
Cinda Godfrey
President Trump Asks Everyone to Forward This Message
Donna Danna
TO GINO:  Revelation 4:1 As A Rapture Verse
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
TO GINO:  Jesus Sits On The Throne of David In The Kingdom
Donna Danna
Church of England Priests Say Gay, Premarital Sex Not Immoral
Donna Danna
Pope Francis Calls On Nations To End The Era of Fossil Fuel
Donna Danna
THE SIGN That Will Light Up The Sky Signaling The Rapture Resurrection! Watch Before 9/23
Donna Danna
Rapture This Sept 2023?  Will We Escape Nuclear War?  What Does The Bible Say?
Donna Danna
(URL) Pope Francis Appears To Reject The Idea That Homosexuals Are Called To Chastity
Donna Danna
(URL) New World Order: Pope Francis' Lieutenant Blasphemes Jesus Christ
Donna Danna
(URL) Subsidized Uteruses For Men Who Become Trans Women?
Donna Danna
(URL) Woman Physically Attacks Conservatives For Protesting LGBT Grooming Of Children
Donna Danna
(URL) Drag Queen Hired As Principal Despite Child Pornography Charges
Donna Danna
(URL) Breast Cancer Patient Banned From Hospital Weeks Before Mastectomy After She Complained About A Transgender Pride Flag Stuck To Clinic Wall
Donna Danna
(URL) Boston Drops Sex, Gender ID on Marriage Licenses To Alleviate Gender Dysphoria
Donna Danna
(URL) Brazil's Supreme Court Rules Anti-LGBT Speech Is Punishable With Prison Time
Donna Danna
(URL) Joe Biden Wants To Force Every Employer in U.S. To Fund Abortion Including Christian Employers Who Oppose Abortion
Donna Danna
(URL) China Requires Religions To 'Implement XI Jinping's New Era of Socialism'
Donna Danna
(URL) Pentagon Launches Public Website Dedicated To UFO Sightings
Donna Danna
(URL) EU's Censorship Law Is Now Legally Enforceable Across Social Media Platforms & Search Engines
Donna Danna
(URL) Argentina Seeks Deal To Dump Dollar, Use Chinese Yuan To Pay Brazil
Donna Danna
(URL) New Study Finds Extended Use of Best COVID Masks May Cause Cancer, Liver Damage
Donna Danna
(URL) Man Forcibly Admitted To Psychiatric Ward For Criticizing Norwegian Lockdown Policy & Questioning Efficacy of mRNA Shots
Donna Danna
(URL) New Laser Defense Makes Israel Invincible
Jerry R
Dr. Barry Awe on youtube! Great videos all around! Go watch 🙏 #jesusi... | TikTok
Re: "Men Have Forgotten God"
Lewis B
Re Gino & Friends ... Hype-a-cane Hillery :)>
Lewis B
Darwin, apostle of Satan's kingdom
Lewis B
Re Fay, all... Saudi temple Mount an Abrahamic house?
Lewis B
The New Paganism
Mary B
Color Blue
Mike P
(URL) What About John 3:16
Mike P
(VIDEO) The Sign That Will Light Up The Sky Signaling The Rapture Resurrection! Watch Before September 23rd!
Mike P
(Audio) The Born Again Nation
Mike P
Re: Gino - Is Rev 4:1 a Preview
Reply to Chance re UFO Cover for the Rapture
Another Sign of the End Times:  Nuclear Sea Food?
Response to Muriel re Ernest N re Pentecost Day of the Lord / Rapture Timing
Neil L
Watch "Simpsons Episode Predict The Rapture.. 👀🤔" on YouTube
Neil L
So what are these things on the Martian surface?
Neil L
I am sending this out again from Pastor Phillip Barnett on the Russia / Ukrainian war.
Luis V
REVELATION 12 SIGN - A French Connection
Luis V
REVELATION 12 SIGN - A Critique of Video Teaching by Hourly Watch
Luis V
Luis V
NUREMBERG STAR GATE - Nazi Rally Seat of Satan - Echoes of Pergamon
Luis V
ZION: THE ETERNAL BATTLE - Burden of the Nations
Patty H
Awakening:  What is happening in and amongst the Tribal nations
The VOICE Referendum Australia
(URL) Igniting the Fifth Great Awakening: A Vision of Fire Over America
Raul D
Daniel 9:27 vision signing outside Whitehouse lawn on a sunny day.
(URL) Urgent Word: How to Prepare Yourself for What’s Coming
Steve C
"Men Have Forgotten God"
Steve C
(URL) Rapture - SEPTEMBER 18th??
Steve W
11/19/2019 "Q" Intel post + MJK/DJT Mugshots sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
Steve W
2016 PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING foretold the HAWAII FIRES taking place
Steve W
!!! Ecclesiastes 3+"TEXAS CROSS"+Prophetic Signs sync to JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!
Steve M
Strong Delusion, Project Blue Beam, and DEW Tech
Steve M
1996 movie Independence Day, Aliens, and Lasers
Steve M
I've Never seen Lightning like this!
Steve M
Long list of cities participating in Smart City 2023
Steve M
Lasers igniting the storm in Michigan?
Steve M
China spraying something into the air via drones?
Steve M
Preparing for what's ahead
Steve M
No idea if this is accurate: WWIII Sept 19-23
Steve M
Another bizarre photo of the sky
Steve M
"Covid was back and so much worse"
Steve M
Our media doesn't cover these weather anomalies!
Steve M
New footage of how Maui fire started
Steve M
An edifying video--animal reunions with owners
Steve M
My Situation Update
Steve M
WEF Document re Upcoming pandemic
Steve M
Gates releases mosquitoes in FL--Dengue Fever cases reported
Steve M
More UFO Conditioning--the rapture has to be so close!
Steve M
More about the "Coming Pandemic"
Steve M
Fake steak, eggs, and watermelon at Wal-Mart?
Tony Els
Obama outted by Tucker
Tony Els
(URL) Biden tales coming out? Evidence that is undeniable?
Tony Els
(URL) Maui ground zero blocked
Tony Els
(URL) Feast of Trumpets
Tony Els
(URL) Bible reading on Joe Rogan show by country singer
Tony Els
(URL) Watch "Trump’s Ultimate REVENGE Has Just Been Released! White House In a PANIC!" on YouTube
Tony Els
(URL) Burning man concert gets plagued
Tony Els
(URL) Fired nurses being begged to return
KS Rajan
(URL) Could An Agreement Between Saudi Arabia And Israel Pave The Way For The Antichrist’s ‘Covenant With Many’?
KS Rajan
(URL) The ultimate sinister goal of the climate con
KS Rajan
(URL) Fast-food chains under Yum! Brands to go CASHLESS soon: Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC to REJECT cash
KS Rajan
(URL) Time for the Destruction of America
KS Rajan
(URL) TREASON: New York Gov Kathy Hochul Hands Out Jobs to Illegal Aliens as 380,000 New Yorkers Remain Unemployed
KS Rajan
(URL) Euphrates River hits historic lows, preparing for end-of-days
KS Rajan
(URL) "Game Of Thrones' Kind Of Thing": Tech Billionaires Buy 55,000 Acres Outside San Francisco To Start New City
KS Rajan
KS Rajan
(URL) First ever 'alien' objects found on Earth? Harvard physicist Avi Loeb says hundreds of tiny fragments he found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean ARE from outside our solar system
KS Rajan
(URL) Mysterious Black Curtain and “Special Police” Spotted Around Maui’s Ground Zero (Video)
KS Rajan
(URL) Biden Shatters American Tradition For 1st Time in History
KS Rajan
(URL) Mask Mandates Return: Full List of Places With Restrictions in Place
KS Rajan
(URL) Your Device Is Watching You Back: Microsoft Files Patent on Hyper Accurate ‘Face Reader’ Tech
KS Rajan
(URL) ORWELLIAN: California Tracked Christians During Covid Using Cell Phone Data, Lawsuit Alleges
KS Rajan
(URL) Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns?
KS Rajan
(URL) The Feast Of Trumpets Is Coming – Can You Hear The Footsteps Of The Messiah?
KS Rajan
(URL) In-Depth: Blackrock Sits At The Apex Of The Deep State, Holding Unfathomable Power To Reshape The Global Economy
KS Rajan
(URL) Considering Emerging End-Time Signs: Part 2 :: By Gene Lawley
KS Rajan
(URL) Invent Your Own Gender. Governor Gavin Newsom Encourages Youth With Millions In Taxpayer Support
KS Rajan
(URL) A Draconian New Law Went Into Effect On August 25th That Institutes Extreme Censorship Of The Internet On A Global Basis
KS Rajan
(URL) Sweden: Police Again Admit Inability to Protect Citizens from Migrants, This Time Urging Residents to Alter Clothing (Video)
KS Rajan
KS Rajan
(URL) Tucker Carlson Warns We Are Speeding Toward the Assassination of Trump
KS Rajan
(URL) Biometric Technology And A Cashless Society: Why People Are Asking Questions About The Mark Of The Beast
KS Rajan
(URL) End of the U.S. empire and its weaponized dollar? BRICS to account for HALF of global food production when new member states join next year
KS Rajan
(URL) Viktor Orbán : ‘World War 3 Is Knocking on the Door – This Is a Very Dangerous Moment’
KS Rajan
(URL) New ‘Pirola’ variant of COVID is spreading fast, has experts concerned
KS Rajan
(URL) Prophecy Update Top News Headlines - 9/1/23
KS Rajan
(URL) Government Spending Has Bankrupted the US: Economist Peter Schiff
KS Rajan
(URL) Russia deploys Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles Putin says will make world ‘think twice’ for combat

Letters (27 Aug 2023)