Luis Vega (3 Sep 2023)
"ZION: THE ETERNAL BATTLE - Burden of the Nations"


Burden of the Nations

by Luis B. Vega   

Israel: The Burdensome Stone 


‘Behold, I will make Jerusalem a Cup of Drunkenness to all the surrounding Peoples. Judah will be besieged, as well as Jerusalem. On that Day, when all the Nations of the Earth gather against her, I will make Jerusalem a Heavy Stone for all the Peoples; all who would heave it away will be Severely Injured.’ –Zechariah 12:2-3 

The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Newsworthy Events surrounding Israel as the Fig Tree Nation and how it is being contested by the Nations. In the most pressing case, it is coming from the Muslim Arabs who call themselves ‘Palestinians’. It is a ‘Battle over Zion’ and who will get that as the ‘Winner Takes All’. This was not the case initially when the Palestinians had a chance at having their own State. They rejected the idea and that of the U.N. Partition Plan in 1947.

For some Historical Context, this is really at the core of the fight for Zion as it is an ‘All or Nothing’ Campaign and effort. For the Palestinians, they would rather not see Israel have a State of their own, than not have one for themselves. This Warped Rationale comes from the Arab and Muslim mindset that compounds the error of their thinking. But to them, it is an issue of ‘Pride’. Consider that the Muslims chant nearly every time a Violent Escalation erupts on the Temple Mount after Friday Prayers. They chant, ‘We rather Die than be Humiliated’.

And this is their Wish, their Death Wish. So, in 1948, Israel took up the offer and declared Independence on May 14. What did the Muslim Arabs do? They all coordinated a Military Attack on all Fronts. They wished to have ‘Aborted the Israeli ‘Baby’. And this is still their Underlying Cause and Desire. All talk about a 2-State Solution is a farce and a Pretext to stall and drag-out the Battle for Zion as they incrementally seek to involve the Nations of the World. Why is Israel always in the news? It is only a tiny Nation with only several Million People.

Yet Israel seems to capture the World Headlines. What is so special about Israel and why do all the Nations see it as a ‘Burdensome Stone’ as the Bible says it will be, especially in the Last Generation. Since the ‘birth’ of Israel, the Battel reignited. It has always been there. In fact, several studies will point out that this ‘Battle for Zion’, is really only a mirror ‘Object Lesson’ of the real Battle that is taking place in the real Zion in Heaven and against Christ Jesus. 

The Battle is raging because like on Earth, in Heaven there is an Element that seeks the Birth-Right, Heaven, the City of GOD, which is the New Jerusalem, and ultimately to sit in the Throne of the Temple of YHVH to be worshiped as ‘God’. This is the ‘Struggle’ or Jihad of Lucifer that is now using the Nations and Peoples like the Arabs and the Palestinians to wage Relentless War against Israel. It is a Battle for Zion, ‘Winner Takes All’. What will happen though is that Israel in the Last Generation will be Double-Crossed by its Religious Leaders as it has always been.

They will make a ‘Covenant with Death’, Isaiah says. This will come with the Church Age ends and then the ‘Man of Sin’ is revealed. He is the Biblical AntiChrist but to the Religious Jews who have sided with Lucifer as in the Days of Jesus, will have sold-out Israel. He will be the False Messiah that Jesus warned would come in ‘His Own Name’. Why? It is he that is the type of ‘King’ and Ruler the Jewish Body has always been seeking. This started with their demand to have a King like the Nations and chose, according to the ‘Flesh’, the Tallest, Strongest, Political, Military Ruler type.  


When is this going to happen? Jesus spoke to this Parable that the Generation that would see the Fig Tree come back to Life and Mature, would be the Generation that would see His 2nd Coming. This is Key and a pivotal ‘Prophetic Marker’ as that is what Jesus stipulated would need to happen. Israel as a Nation, they reject Jesus still much like they did of King David.  

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Prologue………………………………….……………… 11

Sign of Jonah……………………………………..……..  27
Cyrus Prophecy…………………………………..……..  41

Suleiman Decree………………………………………..  63

Stone of the Nations……………………………..……..  71
Israel’s 70th Year………………………………..………  74
Heavy Stone of Jerusalem……………………………..  89

Goliath Stance………………………………..…………  103

Zionists Protocols…………………………...……….….  119
What is the Covenant?...............................................  157

Israeli Nuclear Arsenal…………………...…………….  161

Operation Pillar of Cloud………………...……………..  189
State of Israel…………………………..……………….   215
Jordan Valley Annexation…………...…………………   235
Neftali Bennett………………...………………………...  249

Where is the 3rd Temple Built?..................................   273

Star of the AntiChrist……………………………………  285
Ministry of Messiah……………………………………..   297

Maps of Israel……………………………………………  307
Palestinian Graffiti………………………………………   327

References…………………...………………………….   343


ABCs of Salvation…………...………………………….   345
Book Resources…………………………………………  353 


© 2020 PostScripts Publications
Eternal Battle For

Burden of the Nations 



Category: History 

Copyright: All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License

Publisher: Lulu  

Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date: Jun 24, 2021 

Language: English

ISBN: 9781300033011

Eternal Battle for Zion.png