Gerry Almond (3 Sep 2023)

September 2, 2023


It appears that we will likely have a September rapture/harvest of souls event. This means, if it happens, that the Laodicea Christians will be transformed at the same time that we, the Philadelphia Christians are raptured. The Scripture for their transformation is I Cor. 15:52ff and the Scripture for our rapture is I Thess 4:16ff.

It also appears that sudden destruction, beyond what we have seen up to now will occur worldwide. Whatever it is, it must be very big. My personal belief is that the sudden destruction of America will occur circa April, 2024. As to the gap in between, I still think there must be relative calm for the time of the great harvest of souls. If we have sudden massive destruction at our rapture moment, many who could be harvested will have died and that doesn't seem to me to square with the heart of Jesus. Nevertheless may His will be done.

As this is written, I belive that antichrist is in the wings awaiting his turn. It makes me think that we are mid tribulation, although many believers believe we have yet 7 more years. They could be right, of course.

So, let's say that the sudden destruction occurs April 8,, 2024 in U. S. A. Babylon, and then there is yet another delay of 21 days, and then comes antichrist, person. Eactly 1,260 days later is October 12, Columbus Day, 30 days later is November 12, Veterans Day, and 45 days later on Christmas completes the 1,335 days of the second half of Daniels 70th week of years. That is the first day of Hanukkah in the year 2027 and 7 days later is New Year's Day.

I don't know if this is right, because the Virgo sign of Revelation 12 occurs on September 19, 2023, when the man child is snatched up to God, which in turn may trigger Satan's being cast out right then. In that case, the war in heave of 21 days (Dan 10) may here reoccur, or since time has little meaning in heaven, his casting out could come when Babylon is X'ed out by the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. In that case, antichrist will come to power 3 weeks or 21 days later on April 29, 2024. He will reign for 1,260 days and then be cast alive in the lake of fire, the false prophet by his side. Then for 30 days, Israel will assume the spotlight and the temple in Jerusalem will be the centerpiece. Just 45 days later, Israel will celebrate its freedom on the Feast of Haunkkah (second Tabernacles) and they will be God's people “born out of due season”. By that I mean the gestation period should end on the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall, but God took it away due to their sins. Hanukkah, in Winter, makes the gestation period overdue, thus born out of due season.

If, on the other hand Satan is cast out in September 2023 at our rapture, he will seek a host body to inhabit. It may be some time before he finds antichrist, or rather, before antichrist is fully ready. Antichrist has to be killed by a deadly wound to the head and revived from the dead (a mimicking of Jesus resurrection) and then people will call him a god. I still think he will need until April 29, 2024 to get ready.

That leaves the sudden destruction at the time of our rapture. It could be a massive solar flare, a great earthquake or quakes, storms, etc. We will wait and see. Now is the time to pray and be ready in our hearts.

