Lewis Brackett (3 Sep 2023)
"Re Gino & Friends ... Hype-a-cane Hillery :)>"

Hello everyone. What with the strong Southerly cold Alaskan current
running past California, Hurricanes dont live long once they reach
Baja Calif.
  It was reasonably obvious that, as usual, all we would get here was
the amount of rain we get from our usual winter storms. I got about 1
1/2 inches rain in my backyard in Imperial Beach/ san diego, about two
miles from the beach and the Mexican border...
  The noose media hyped Hillary for ratings forgetting any reality...
Sadly, the only serious issues were out in the deserts with flash
flooding with foolish brain dead people driving through rivers of mud,
then  needing to be rescued...
 there was no need for any injuries, but people just do silly things
Thanks to everyone for your prayers... now a minor quake fault line
runs under San Diego bay  but so far, its been quiet!