Bruce Kessler (3 Sep 2023)
"17 days rapture notice on the Blue Moon on 8/30"



The Gematria of the Jewish year 5783 is 23 standing for the rapture  ending the 50th Jubilee year on Rosh Hashanah eve on 9/15/23 which begins Shabbat. The Holy Spirit was first poured out worldwide in 1903 in China which was 120 years from 2023 which was the length of time for Noah to build the ark and preach repentance before destruction.


2023 is a year divisible by 7 as in the time of Enoch who was raptured in 989 BC, and Elijah was raptured with chariots of fire and red horses of fire taking him to heaven in a whirlwind leaving his mantle for Elisha.


The rapture of the church may take place on Rosh Hashanah Eve on 9/15/23 with the 21 high holidays the length of the Wrath of God per Isaiah 24-26 with few left alive—the prophets see less than 6% of 8 Billion saved in the rapture and America is apostate and no longer one nation under God.


Only 20% believe the Bible is the word of God with total destruction on the way and many preachers and their nominal unsaved flocks mock the prophets saying repentance must come now before judgment to escape eternal death with a repeat of the time of Noah.


The rapture on Rosh Hashanah Eve will fulfill one of the three remaining feasts with Yom Kippur fulfilled with the salvation of the Jews on Tishri 10 with no seven year gap as the 1260/2520 days were fulfilled by Antioch Epiphanes and Nero was the 666 beast of Revelation.



Tishri 21 ends the seven days of Feast of Tabernacles which may be Second Coming of Christ and Tishri 21 is 721 which is the number seen by the prophets worldwide to repeat Genesis 7:12 with destruction by fire which is why the wildfires, hurricanes, heat, megadroughts, and natural disasters are happening around the world as a warning of much  worse coming.


There were two super Blue moons on 8/1/23 and  8/30/23  with the moon closest to the earth  and the next one is not until  2037. The fall equinox falls on 9/23/2023 after Rosh Hashanah confirms a summer rapture per Amos 3:7.


The rapture must happen in a 50th jubilee year which is 5783 ending on Rosh Hashanah which is 21 days after the rapture. 21 means the judgment of sin in Biblical mathematics  will be completed on Tishri 21 with 21 days of  judgment by  fire of volcanoes and nuclear holocaust  in one hour per Revelation after the rapture on Rosh Hashanah.


King Jesus feet will land on the Mount of Olives per Zechariah 14:4 and Acts 1:11, and He will walk through the Kidron valley, and enter the Old City through the closed Eastern/ Golden/Beautiful Gate per Acts 3:2 and Ezekiel 46:12 with the Dome of the Rock becoming a Messianic Temple.



Elul  begins Teshuvah or the season of repentance until Yom Kippur which means HARVEST of SOULS in Hebrew and the shofar is blown every morning until Elul 29 with silence before the 30th day of Rosh Hashanah on Tishri 1 when the final trumpet is blasted on the shofar to fulfill I  Corinthians 15:52.


2000 minus 7 years = 1993 = 2023-30 for  30 AD when Jesus ascended to heaven, and the gematria of 1993=1+9+9+3=22 which means LIGHT of the WORLD in Biblical mathematics.  150 x 40 or  120 x 50 =  6000 years or 2000+2000+2000 for the trinity and then 1000 years for the millennium for 7000 total.


Matthew 10:35 says” the Good Samaritan (“ Type and shadow” of Jesus) gave the inn keeper two denarius to take care of the man with wounds and said he will pay the balance when he returns” with two denarius meaning two thousand years.


There have been 1993 years since 30 AD when Jesus was raptured to heaven with 7 perfect  years  to confirm the rapture in 2023 on the  Rosh Hashanah Eve cross over to 5784. 5993 years since Adam divided by 35( length of a  generation)=171.22 = 217 in 2023----2+2+3= 7 for the perfect timing.


2023 is confirmed by Proverbs 2:3 and James 2:3 with the Gematria respectively of Jesus Christ and Harpazo in Greek meaning the rapture in English. Proverbs and James are respectively the 20th books of the Old and New Testament.


217 is the rapture number given to the prophets for many years and the day not known in Matthew 24 is the day the earth burns post the millennium after the Gog war to defeat Satan. Shemini Atzeret on Tishri 22( 722) on 10/7/23 may be the celebration of believers in celestial bodies with King Jesus in Jerusalem for the millennium.


There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, Revelation 22 describes the River of Life in the New Jerusalem, 22 epistles in the New testament---- 22 means LIGHT OF THE WORLD in biblical mathematics. 222 is an angel number meaning perfect spiritual alignment and timing.


The attached dream from the Holy Spirit says the rapture is around the corner, and many are seeing 17 everywhere standing for Tishri 1 to confirm the rapture on Rosh Hashanah. This day has been watched since 1988 which is 35 years ago—the length of a generation.


Lashana Tova,



Bruce Kessler


"Rapture dream----Staggering !"