Neil Lipken (3 Sep 2023)
"I am sending this out again from Pastor Phillip Barnett on the Russia / Ukrainian war."

I am sending this out again for a second time.   Phillip Barnett is an American pastor who has done ministry in Ukraine.   Please start at the 27:00 minute mark.  I just relistened to this again, and I believe that it is very important!   The Russia / Ukrainian war is dragging on and on and on.   Pastor Barnett believes that the Lord told him that this war will lead to the Rapture and concurrent nuclear war between Russia and the U.S.   In Scripture the Rapture is linked to "sudden destruction".  The U.S. has been sending millitary equipment to Ukraine that is being used to kill Russians, and the Russians are not happy about this!

Prophetically this makes some sense, as after this war the antichrist will arise out of Europe to begin the 7 year Tribulation.  Anyhow, I find this section (from the 27:00 minute mark) most interesting and well worth listening to again!  

From the establishment of the State of Israel in May of 1948, we are now more than 75 years into these End Times, and from the "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture, we are the "generation" to see all end time events come to pass.   There is still at some point a 7 year Tribulation ahead after the upcoming Rapture, so the earliest now from 1948 to the Second Coming is 82 years should the Rapture occur very soon.   Would 82 years qualify for a "generation"?   Personally I think so and I think the Rapture could be very near!