Mary Brown (3 Sep 2023)
"Color Blue"

“The color blue is a most unusual color within the spectrum of Judaism. It was used extensively in the Mishkan and even on the High Priest’s clothing. Its most familiar use was as the color of one of the fringes of our four-cornered garments. And most mystically, in this week’s portion of the Torah, it was in the vision of the Al-mighty that Moses and the elders saw. "Under His feet was the likeness of sapphire brickwork, and it was like the essence of the heaven in purity". (Ex 24:10)”
“All of this suggests that there must be a special holiness to this color. So it seems strange that there is an entirely different reputation to this color too. The gematria of the word "blue" [in Hebrew, 'techelet' - see Ex. 24:6)] is the same as the gematria of the word "you would hearken [in Hebrew, 'shematem]" (Gen 42:22). It is also the gematria of "and sanctify them [[in Hebrew, 'vekidashtam']" (Ex 19:20) and "you shall be ensnared [in Hebrew, 'tinakesh']" (Deut 12:30).”
Why should the numerical value be the same for both "holiness" and "being ensnared"?
There is a good lesson about gematria here. If words found in the Torah have the same numerical value, there must be a good reason for it. This is true even when words that have opposite meanings share the same numerical value. When this happens, you must look deeper and most often broader, until you find the overall relationship between them.

I looked up the Gematria for “blue” (227), and some of its corresponding numbers (528 & 1104 specifically), and found some pretty interesting stuff.
There’s a lot to sift through though.
I am truly Blessed!
According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus!