Reply to Chance re UFO Cover for the Rapture"There have been warnings of a staged alien invasion for a long while. The aim of the invaders and the Deep State working with them is to subdue the Earth's population by fear, lowering their vibration to mind control everyone more rapidly. Fear is the main tool of the Dark Alliance of aliens in conjunction with Earth's cabal. They've already been subduing us with fear by using masks to muzzle us, convincing people they need to get these DNA altering injections. They can't force a population to get injections, otherwise there would be revolution, rebellion and more awakening. So they get people to consent to being
assimilated, by using fear and manipulation tactics. Free will ... If one consents to being chained, no one can save them against their will. [However,] these chains are not unbreakable; they are made of illusions. Certain bad aliens have been using this specific technique to conquer worlds already in all impunity; not by violation or force, but by getting populations to consent to be invaded. So they fake an alien threat to scare everyone so everyone will listen to a good savior, a totalitarian government who will say, 'You have to make efforts and sacrifices and do exactly what we say, otherwise you won't survive.'" [Book source: "We Will Never Let You Down," by Elena Danaan w/foreward by Laura Eisenhower, President Eisenhower's granddaughter.]Note: Demons and angels don't need physical craft to get around. They are supernatural in origin. Also, 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6 state "the fallen angels" are being "held in chains of darkness, reserved unto Judgment Day." That's at the end of time -- a long ways off. That also means the fallen angels are not free to roam around and cause problems in today's multi-verse. To claim aliens are repackaged demons is what I would label "dark ages mentality."Here's why: Psalms 33:6 tells us God created everything but humans by speaking it into existence; i.e., "Let there be light." Whereas humans necessitated His breathing His breath of life into them in order to give them a "living soul." That means that the second half of Psalms 33:6 is referring to human/human-like life in those heavens into which God breathed His breath of life to make them "living souls."Aliens can become demon-possessed, just like humans can, but it does not mean that all aliens are demonic, anymore than one would claim all humans are demonic.Because of the aliens advanced technology, they know how to make themselves and their ships disappear from plain sight (cloaking devices, etc.). It isn't supernatural, they just know laws of physics we are just learning about. Out of ignorance people are unfortunately confusing their demonic experiences as being aliens and vice versa. It's created a nightmare to try and untangle, unless one really knows their Bible and/or have had life after death experiences where they got to ask God about it, like Dr. Storm (see below) during his NDE.The Bible says in Hebrews 1:5, "For unto which of the angels said He (God) at any time, Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to Me a Son?" In other words, God never has called angels His "son" and never will. Angels are merely "ministers" to the "heirs of salvation" (Hebrews 1:14) but are not heirs themselves. So what we are dealing with from space are actually a wide variety of types of alien beings (Ps. 33:6) that God created because He loves diversity in all of His observable creation. They are coming from other dimensions as well. Scientists at one time claimed to know of the existence of 13 different dimensions. By now it could be more.Dr. Howard Storm, Senior Pastor, Covington United Church of Christ, told in his 'life after death experience,' how He asked about the existence of aliens. When he asked if there were other worlds, they said, "Yes, the universe is full of other worlds. There are other dimensions of other physical universes and those are filled with other worlds." So, there are worlds in our physical universe that's unlimited number of worlds and inhabited worlds with intelligent beings, and then there are other dimensions with worlds beyond counting, beyond number. He was shown infinite worlds. He was also shown examples of what people on other worlds looked like.When I asked to see what other intelligent beings looked like, images of beings were paraded in front of me. They started off as humans and then they got a little stranger looking, and a little stranger looking, and then they became unrecognizable as human beings and looked very weird. I said, "Okay, I get it. They can be shaped in very different ways. Fine, I get it.""In other words there are worlds in which they have this kind of shape (Ed., human) and worlds where they take on very different kinds of shape. But the shape of us in this world is of little importance. What is important is our spiritual being because we are beings of light - beings of love. In a sense, this tent that we live in now is not who we truly are -- and in our immortal bodies we are glorious. In this body it's more like a little pup tent, or prison." -- Howard Storm NDE / scroll way down at the website to "Other Life In Our Universe," at: mentioned below is the Genesis 6.4 reference to the "sons of God' who came down and mated with women creating "men of reknown." Be it hereby known, that is not a reference to angels coming down and creating giants. As a Jewish scholar once pointed out, the verse says the giants were already here when the "sons of God" came. The "sons of God" are "heirs to salvation," meaning they were from the sin seed of Adam/Eve. Angels aren't from the sin seed of Adam. Plus, good angels don't need saving and bad ones can't be saved. There is no in between.It is more than likely these "sons of God" were the righteous seed of Adam and Eve who were left when Adam and Eve died. They lived on a mountain and went down, against Adam's advice before he died, to where Cain and his descendants lived in the valley below. They were lured down by the music and beautiful women. They ended up intermarrying with Cain's unrighteous descendants (as he was a murderer) thus creating men of reknown. This story is in an ancient book, "The Lost Books of the Bible," in a chapter entitled "Adam & Eve," available in the library of the US Congress.There are those who confuse the "sons of God" in the book of Job, who shouted with joy at God's creation, as being angels. Again, the Bible says the "sons of God" are "heirs to salvation" which angels aren't. God told Jeremiah that He knew him before He formed him in his mother's womb. He was saying He knew us before we came here to take part in His great experiment. We were destined to be those who would need to be saved from Adam and Eve's sin seed and thus qualified as "sons of God" who watched His creation of the universe and Earth where we would come to learn how to rule and reign with Him someday as His "sons." He told Dr. Richard Eby during his NDE that He wanted a family and that's why He created us as His sons and daughters. -- Source: Dr. Richard Eby's book: "Didn't You Read My Book?"Chance (30 July 2023)
Pastor Billy Crone vs Dr. Steven Greer on UFOs/UAPs and The UFO Cover For the Rapture
Hello John and Doves,Here are two very interesting and very different youtube videos - Pastor Billy Crone presents his Christian viewpoint of UFOs/aliens and Dr. Steven Greer presents his 'secular' viewpoint of UFOs/aliens.Years ago, I attended Dr. Greer's Disclosure Project in Boulder, Colorado. Absolutely fascinating information given by dozens of high-level witnesses (NASA employees, airline pilots, astronauts, military contractors, military officers/pilots, etc.) who came forward as "whistleblowers" to disclose what they have seen/what they know about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, reverse engineering and secret government projects involving 'alien' technology and the cover up to keep all of this top secret.In the first video below, One America News' Alison Steinberg interviewed Pastor Billy Crone about the recent UFO congressional hearing and in the second video Clayton on Redacted channel interviewed Dr. Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project - also about the recent UFO hearing:Here are my notes:Pastor Crone believes this is part of a 'custom tailored' last days deception to explain away the Rapture 'that is next on God's prophetic calendar. Christians are taken off of the planet. Millions of people will disappear. So there needs to be a reason as to what happened to these people. It's a deception - these are demons. If we are getting close to this event (the Rapture) happening we should see exactly what we are seeing in the news right now. Governments around the world have denied aliens/aliens crafts for decades. A few years ago they admitted there were 'some craft' that seem to be 'alien' - now we are seeing the next step - non-human beings are in these crafts. This is soft disclosure or predictive programming."If you are going to use the alien/UFO thing to explain away the Rapture of the Church then you have to slowly work people up into that. That's exactly what we're seeing right now." He's not surprised by all of this recent 'disclosure' because he's convinced this is "the excuse to explain away what happened to those people who disappeared."Demons are real. He said that aliens are 'repackaged demons'. Some secular ufologists have come to the conclusion that aliens are really demons. These are indeed 'non humans' but they aren't 'aliens' - they are what the Bible calls demons and they are here to explain away the Rapture.To 'take over the world' THEY would need some sort of global crisis to freak people out in mass in shock and awe. He thinks this UFO narrative could do just that. THEY create a crisis, people will surrender their freedoms - if the TV showed aliens showing up all over the world - many people would fall for it.In this Doves letter 2 Apr 2023 I wrote about the World Government Summit in Dubai where THEY talked about needing a "shock" to shift global society away from the current "world order.". (THEY didn't say what this 'shock' was going to be. Were THEY referring to the Rapture and the coming "alien disclosure"?)
World Government Summit: 'Shock' Needed to Usher in 'World Order Transformation'Ronald Reagan commented about how the world would unit if there was a common threat to the world. Pastor Crone talks about 'messages' some people have received from 'aliens' that sounds very much like a 'rapture' description. Alien ships taking human beings off the planet.Pastor Crone said that THEY will start admitting it more and more and this is exactly what is happening right now.
run time 12:24And here is the Dr. Steven Greer inteview:
(183) "We have alien bodies and they are hiding it from you" Bombshell UFO testimony w Dr. Steven Greer - YouTube
run time 21:33As I wrote in my Oversight Committee Doves letter today: THEY would need to have the MSM keep on this topic and would need this committee to continue their quest - they would need this topic front and center with the public if THEY are sensing through the Watchmen that the Rapture is very very near now. And maybe some of THEM can see, based on the prophecies in The Bible - just like we are doing now, that the Rapture is near.In which case - watch for much more to come out over the next days/weeks.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance (30 July 2023)
"Oversight Committee UFO Whistleblower Hearing: July 26 Follow Up"
Hello John and Doves,The Oversight Committee had their UFO whistleblower hearing on July 26. The three witnesses were introduced and each gave a 5 minute talk. Then members of the committee were given time to comment/ask questions.The DoD will deny everything...but this UFO/UAP topic isn't going away any time soon.Here's an introduction to this hearing:
Oversight Committee UFO Whistleblower Hearing: July 26 (Pentecost/New Wine, Strong's Greek 726)
If you have time to listen to each man's 5 minute talk - it's well worth it. It's a bit over two hours long. (Shorter clips follow.)run time 2:10:01Here are some short clips of some topics that stood out:
(181) UFO whistleblower says U.S. recovered nonhuman "biologics" from crash sites - YouTube
run time 5:14run time 5:19run time 6:18run time 00:48run time 5:30run time 1:50run time 14:15
Comments were made about national security - would the announcement of the objects themselves be a national security problem? No one thought so. As just information on the objects could be released.However, It was noted that these UFOs are a security risk to the U.S. These objects have been known to block radar, shut down photographing equipment, shutdown nuclear weapons systems, move at super fast speed and appear and do whatever and then disappear just as quickly. Ignoring them is not the approach to take for our security.
I do not believe that the DoD is 'ignoring' these - I believe they know what we're dealing with. And that they have been secretly collecting this information and following up with black ops from the get go - they know these entities are dangerous and are far more advanced than us - but being greedy for knowledge/power they are acting in cahoots with these things. Gleaning what they can. In exchange for what?Comments were made repeatedly that pilots - military and commercial - need a safe and unhindered platform to relay what they witness - if this is a military database, it will get buried and military pilots will be 'censored,' careers ruined. These witnesses need protection. Also, a public site needs to be created for the public to report what they see.I would really like to see more put into what these things are and where are they from. Much more than a database to collect the stories. Exactly what will come of the database and who will follow up with this? But this committee is very limited in the scope of this topic. And I believe that they are way behind where many Americans are on this topic.In a previous Doves letter on UFOs, I wrote that I think it would be a lot more shocking and disconcerting to the general public if the DoD said these are of a demonic origin than an announcement that the DoD is working with 'aliens from another galaxy.' Fallen angels would point to the existence of God and truth in The Bible.
It's just ridiculous not to come clean - the only reasons being Russia and China are listening and they may face world outcry to come clean too with their crashed/UFOs/alien technology. Possibly the real reason could be that those 'high up' in this cover up know from whence these UFOs come - demonic origin/fallen angels. That certainly would keep them from wanting the public to know that they are in cahoots with fallen angels. Fallen angels shared their knowledge with man thousands of years ago. And now man is trying to get his greedy hands on as much of this 'new knowledge' that's, basically, fallen right into his lap via crashed/captured UFOs. Competing with the Russians/Chinese/etc who have their own UFOs to reverse engineer.And these UFOs, being unlucky enough to get shot down, or crash, or 'fall from the sky'...only for man to take them and use them to glean 'very advanced' knowledge. A gift or an accident? Either way, man will use them most likely not for the good of all mankind but to further his greedy, evil agendas. Otherwise, THEY would have shared UFO existence from the beginning.But like I wrote above, would these men share the source of this 'advanced technology' with the public if they knew it was from fallen angels? Would the public approve of taking this technology from demonic entities?That would be a Pandora's box they wouldn't want to open...then mankind would have to address demons and angels...and God. Oh, no!I didn't watch all of the hearing, but what I did watch a good part of it; members of the committee were very respectful and wanted more information. Looks like many believe there has been and is an on going cover up.The DoD will deny, deny, deny. And block Congress from getting any information about UFOs that would expose their research, the funding for this, what they really know, etc. And their projects are probably very compartmentalized - so it's hard to see the 'big picture'.Like with the Chinese spy balloon - that was a DoD cover up and the MSM pushed the cover story! The DoD has great influence over the MSM.I hope that this committee continues pushing on this topic and I hope that more and more 'whistleblowers' continue to come forward. The public has a right to know exactly what the DoD is doing with these 'non-human' biologics. And if they are other-world aliens or of demonic origin. Also, I have no doubt that some sightings may be of an angelic origin - on a mission from God.Many believe that an 'alien abduction' will be the MSM reason for the disappearance of millions of people. They don't all just 'disappear'/die in a global earthquake at the Rapture. Some people will see 'something.' And if the Rapture involves that 'taking' to Heaven like Enoch or like Jesus' Ascension - people witnessed them going up into the sky. I believe people will 'witness' the Rapture. That would look like the kind of alien abduction we've heard of and seen in posters/on t-shirts/etc. with animal abductions.If true, the DoD would need to have the MSM keep on this topic and would need this committee to continue their quest - they would need this topic front and center with the public if they are also sensing through the Watchmen that the Rapture is very very near now.Maybe that's why all the whoopla is happening now!Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!