Chance (3 Sep 2023)
"Upcoming Dates for September/October"

Hello John and Doves,
It sure seems like there is a heightened level of excitement going for a 'VERY soon' Rapture!  Five Doves feels full of great anticipation for that day as the Watchmen send in their letters.  I know with each passing day we are one day closer, but it really feels like "this is it".  This seems to be a group movement.  (Disclaimer:  I have a history of being wrong.)
K.S. Rajan in his "I Can Only Imagine" letter last week wrote:  "I believe He's given us special insight in the times.  So we should boldly share what we know while we can."
I Can Only Imagine
Luis Vega even has a link to a Rapture Watch Alert System - I'd say we are at Defcon 1: Rapture Imminent - Readiness Severe!
RAPTURE WATCH - Heavenly Level Warning System
Steve Coerper had a letter last week about those waiting for the Rapture who have family, friends, etc who don't want to hear about it.  May be a very timely letter....
No Room For Guilt
And to add to the anticipation, all of John Tng's letters of late about "2023" and the many amazing discoveries in them - all just recently.
And so many other Doves and their letters over the last few weeks.
Because I weekly watch J.D. Farag's Prophecy Updates - I'll add it:  Look at J.D.'s last prophecy update:  "What if the Rapture is About to Happen?"
Bible Prophecy
It just feels like people are having a moving in their spirit - Get Ready!  Get as many as you can to Jesus!
In this letter I made a list of important days in the month of September/October and the Hebrew months of Elul/Tishrei.  And there's a link to my letter from August about the month of Elul to finish that up.  The month after Elul is Tishrei (starting with Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets).  (I'm using the chabad and torah calendars.  Jewish days are sunset to sunset - thus two Gregorian days given.)
August 30 - 31 rare blue moon. Fay
September and October and Elul and Tishrei:
September 7/8 or 22 Elul:  Feast of New Oil - Jean Stepnoski had a letter last week on the Feast of New Oil  Sept 7/8
Days Ahead: Elul 22, Tishri 1, and Autumn Equinox
September 9 - 10:  G20 Summit in New Delhi, India.  Jim had a link last week to this - could be very significant.
Mega-deal: Historic Breakthrough in Middle East Peace and Fulfillment of End Times Prophecy – Rapture and End Times

G20 Summit, New Delhi
September 11 - The 'Jesus Birthday' comet will be visible to the naked eye.  Luis Vega has all the info on this: 
September 13/14 or 28 Elul:  the last trumpet of the month Elul is blown.  The Jews do not blow the shofar the day before Rosh Hashanah.  More on this in my Doves letter linked at the start of this letter.
Mid-September:  "The Biden administration is eyeing mid-September for the rollout of updated Covid-19 vaccines" per the FDA and CDC.
Biden Administration Eyes Mid-September for New COVID-19 Booster Shot Rollout | Health News | U.S. News
September 16: Dr. Awe's Feast of New Wine - with his counting.  I believe he said the day before Feast of Trumpets.
September 16/17 or 1 Tishrei:  Feast of Trumpets.  Some watch for the sighting of the new moon in Jerusalem.  This has been a high watch Rapture date for many.  Check out Neil Lipken's letter from last week: 
See you in September in the Rapture? Maybe!
September 18:  Venus will be at it's brightest.  It's very bright right now in the night sky - can't miss it.  In Revelation 22:16, 20 Jesus says, "I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star (Venus)...Surely I am coming soon."
September 18 - 19: SDG Summit (Sustainable Development Goals)
The U.N. is having their SDG Summit 2023 on September 18 - 19 in New York.  This will be their BIG push to get the 'rich' nations of the world to accelerate their actions to reach the U.N.'s  2030 goals of Agenda 2030.  This is a seven year time period - 2023 to 2030.  Lots of people are talking about this Summit.
"It will mark the beginning of a new phase of accelerated progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals with high-level political guidance on transformative and accelerated actions leading up to 2030."  This Summit will "mark the half-way point to the deadline set for achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals." (SDG)
"The SDGs are issuing an SOS. The SDGs include the indispensable transitions needed for sustainability, peace and prosperity - for example combating climate change and financing the digital transition.
Steve M had a letter last week about this: 
SDG 7 year agreement
And Steve had this link to a very good video.  Here it is in case you missed it.  Thanks, Steve.
I Pray Lord that everyone who sees this video is blessed and awaken to... | God | TikTok
run time 5:10
September 22:  September or Autumn/Fall Equinox - 'roughly equal lengths of day and night'.
September 23:  Because of Steve Mullins interesting letter with "September 23" in so many movies. Good grief!  Check out the link in his letter.
September 23rd in movies
September 25:  Hawaii Digital Government Summit Honolulu.  I added this because of what's gone on in Maui.  They have a Note on their website concerning this Summit:  "Misleading social media posts have been circulating falsely asserting that the Hawaii Digital Government Summit, which is held in Honolulu each year, is aimed at transforming Maui into the first smart island.  These claims are incorrect...."
September 25:  I watched J.D. Farag's August 20 Prophecy Update; he said 'we may very well be raptured before Monday Sept 25th'.
J.D. said, "I believe with all my heart that the Rapture will happen before Sept 25th."  I can't recall JD ever giving such a specific timeline.  So, worth noting.  Prophecy Update - 2023 - 08-20  At about 30 minutes in on website.
Bible Prophecy
Neil Lipken had this in a letter last week - he has the short clip linked in case you missed it: 
A very, very short video from Pastor J.D. Farag----- Rapture imminent.
September 25/26 or 10 Tishrei:   Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
September 30 - October 1:  Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)  This is a seven day feast.  The last day is October 6/7.  (Fay has written about Natan being taken to heaven on the first day of Sukkot. And this could be the anniversary of the birth of Christ - He came to tabernacle with us.) 
October 7/8 or 22 Tishrei:  Shemini Atzeret  This is the "eighth day" or "greatest day".  This is a solemn assembly; do no regular work, and it has a fire offering.  Leviticus 23:36,39  This is the day that Jesus offers 'living waters'.
October 8/9 or 23 Tishrei:  Simchat Torah
I know this list isn't complete...I may be adding to it in the future.  Let me know if there are others.  I think we are in a very important 'time period'.
The Lord can come for us any day, any time.  I sure hope this urgency, this anticipation, and this crescendo in global events (natural and man-made - economically, environmentally, politically, militarily, etc) are pointing to a BIG EVENT for us in September (or sooner!)
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!