Chance (3 Sep 2023)
"1 Cor 10:31  "In a Pickle!""

Hello Reva,
I have added my prayers to all the others that are going up to the Father to cover your dear husband and you.
May the Lord bring your husband healing, comfort and show mercy.  I am also praying for your husband's doctors and care givers - for guidance and wisdom to help him.  May the right health care professionals come into your husband's life to help him with all of his health needs.
And I'm praying for your peace of mind and comfort.  The Lord sees the situation and knows all that is going to happen before it happens.  Somehow, I always find comfort in knowing 'God knew this was going to happen.'.  God is all knowing and everywhere. We live in a fallen world.  But God is always with us.
May you feel God's love and grace with every difficulty you face, with every battle that comes along.  You are in His hands.  
May the Lord deliver you from anxiety, fear, and worry.  May He give you strength and all you need to 'carry on.'
The Lord is faithful; the Lord is merciful.  He is the God of miracles and nothing is too big for Him.
We thank Him for never leaving us to face life alone.  And for His promises that are true.
There isn't one problem the Rapture can't fix - I heard that the other day.  Such a wonderful thought to dwell upon!  Maranatha!  Hopefully soon!
God bless you, 1 Cor!
He has overcome the world.  When we are weak, He is strong. 
You will get through this storm.

- Thank you Lord that you are victorious over every trouble and obstacle. Thank you that you have overcome sin, and death, and any evil that we may face today. And because of you, we too are overcomers. We too can have victory, and we can walk strong in your peace.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33