Chance (3 Sep 2023)
"Tucker Carlson on President Trump - Saying The Quiet Part Out Loud"

Hello John and Doves,
Unfortunately, I think it HAS come to this.
"Tucker Carlson says that if legal efforts to block Donald Trump from running for president again fails, the next steps could be assassination and a hot war with Russia to maintain power and unite the population."
"If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment, and none of them work, what's next?  Graph it out, man.  We are speeding towards assassination, obviously," he continued."
"Once you start indicting your political opponents, you know that you have to win or else they're going to indict you if they win.  So you can't lose.  They will do anything to win."
He said they aren't 'going to do Covid' again.  We've been there done that and we're not going back.  So what will they do?  "They're going to war with Russia is what they're going to do.  There will be a hot war between the United States and Russia in this next year."
How could WW3 start?  "I think we could Tonkin Gulf our way (false flag) into it where all of a sudden missiles land in Portland and "the Russians did it" and we're going to war."
And Tucker isn't holding back on Obama either!
And Carlson recently went to Hungary.  To apologize for the Biden administration's bullying Hungary on their LGBTQ+ laws.  The U.S. ambassador to Hungary is David Pressman who is gay and a LGBT activist  - he recently gave a speech in Budapest where he slammed Hungary for standing up for Christian values and morals.  Carlson in his speech said that the Biden administration is pushing their own immoral and evil values on Hungary. Even the Hungarian foreign minister accused Pressman of interfering in Hungary's internal affairs.
Tucker Warns Of Trump Assassination, Hot War With Russia | ZeroHedge
Tucker is right - it is not the U.S. ambassadors place to bully another country because they don't believe like the evil people running the U.S. believe.  This anti-Christian, anti-God agenda of those in power in this country can't leave other countries alone - satan wants this evil spread globally.  And he'll use people he's put in positions of authority and power to do this pushing.
I believe that Tucker is correct about President Trump.  If President Trump survives all of these indictments and continues to run for president in 2024, they will have no other option...the country would go into some sort of major upheaval if they follow through.  Then to distract us from internal problems, chaos, riots - whatever is the response to this horrible act - and to "unite" the people, these evil people would do a false flag on a U.S. city - they are experts at distracting us from what they don't want us to look at (like 9/11) - and blame Russia for it.  Rallying the nation to war with Russia.  Redirecting our anger for them towards Russia.  These evil people have a multitude of sins to cover and nothing less than WW3 will distract the people and bury their sins from the light.  We were recently told the world needs a major "shock" to get it in line with the new agenda.  WW3 would do that.
Good for Tucker!  But this makes him a target also.  Since Tucker was 'asked to leave' FOX news he's isn't censored by FOX anymore or who they kowtow to.  He can say 'the quiet part' out loud.  And it looks like he's going to continue to 'talk' until they permanently silence his voice to the American people and the world.
Tucker is saying 'next year' for this war with Russia - but it could come sooner.  Especially as more news keeps on coming out about the 2020 election, Hunter and Joe's crimes, push to mask us and mandate the new Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine.  Americans are waking up.
We are living in very dangerous times.  
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!