Lewis Brackett (3 Sep 2023)
"Re Fay, all... Saudi temple Mount an Abrahamic house?"

With Saudi Arabia getting control of the Temple Mount, its quite
possible the third temple will be a house for all three Abrahamic
faiths like opened this year in Abu Dhabi.
      Many imams in Saudi Arabia think Jerusalem should be demoted in
importance to maintain the supremacy of  Mecca in Arabia.
     This makes perfect sense in the big picture...  this also demotes
the Faux Palestinians to a stateless irrelevance that many Arabs
consider as not being Arabs at all...
    Finally, the AntiChrist's "Covenant with Many" Imho likely
establishes the New World Order 10 region governance...  It's only an
assumption that the main topic of this "Covenant with Many" is only
about Israel.