Hello John and Doves,Back on 20 Aug, Fay sent the letter about the newly discovered comet Nishimura. She wrote "It will move from Gemini into the constellation of Cancer in late August and early September. It will traverse Leo in the middle of September than visit Virgo in the second half of September."
New Comet Nishimura
This comet is causing quite the buzz on youtube now - it's entering Virgo is quite intriguing - especially in September - the 'Feast of Trumpets/Yom Kippur and start of Tabernacles' month.The comet Nishimura, C/2023 P1 has caught the attention of many on youtube. Many channels are sharing information and expounding out it.Here's one such video - on "Endtime Dream & Vision" youtube channel: He says this is a warning from God. He has some of Aaron's God a Minute video (see below) on this video.A comet called Nishimura or "Exalted Manchild" has been sitting in a retrograde motion for thousands of years (from our prospective) - it finally starts moving in 2023 and moves to enter the Revelation 12 sign on September 20-21; it's in the stomach of Virgo on Sept 21 - 22 and exits the virgin on Sept 22 - 23. "There's that number September 23 again." Then the comet goes back out into the universe "forever". The sole purpose of this comet "is to mark the Revelation 12 sign in the Heavens at the Feast of Trumpets 2023. It's like God built the billboard and then He shined a huge light on it to make sure that we didn't miss it." He says we have the biggest Revelation 12 sign we will ever see - where Virgo is covered with asteroids and comets (he has a pic of this with all the names of these at 22:05) that lays out the "entire story of Daniels' 70th Week, the Time of Jacob's Trouble."At about 19:50 minutes in, he made a nice animation of all of this....and there's that pesky date again - September 23~
(216) The Sign that Will Light Up the Sky Signaling the Rapture Resurrection! Watch Before September 23rd! - YouTube
run 26:59Here is Aaron's video on youtube channel "God A Minute": Aaron, Patrick, Bob Barber and Brother John are all on this video talking about this comet. The meaning of Nishimura is "Exalted Manchild" This is like a picture of the Rapture - the comet 'swoops down on the virgin and takes the Believers'. In 2023 this comet really starts moving - it quickly moves through Leo and then moves on to Virgo. Aaron shows how this comet moves to Virgo and out again. They also show the Revelation 12 Sign with all of the comets/asteroids with names (thanks to Patrick) - at 1:33:26 This will never look like this again.run time 1:59:14Patrick at "Hourly Watch" has several 'end time' videos to watch non this comet: he points out September 19 in his studies. The comet Nishimura on September 19, 2023 is right on Virgo's heart - confirming the Revelation 12 sign.
run time 17:25And - here Patrick explains the name of Nishimura and meaning.
(218) Rapture - Here Comes the Grand Finale and Who we've all been Waiting for! - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHVhfIMQcL0run time: 10:12And more: On Sept 22 this comet exits the virgin. He explains and shows what this comet is doing over a change of time. He talks about this comet coming towards the Earth at one point and brings up "his tail drew a third part of the stars and cast them to earth". He shows 9/23 and hopes we are caught up before this day.
run time 11:21Last week, Steve Mullin's letter brings September 23 to our attention. He wrote "Here's a clip of 7 or 8 movies that all claim an asteroid, solar flare or major event will happen September 23rd." He adds Evan Almighty to the list.Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets is September 16/17 - this is 1 Tishrei. The TEN DAYS of AWE start with Rosh Hashanah and end with Yom Kippur - the Days of Repentance. It's in these middle 8 days betweem Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur that all of the above dates talked about fall. And September 23 is also the Fall Equinox.The Jews believe that "..G-d has "books" that he writes our names in, writing down who will live and who will die, who will have a good life and who will have a bad life, for the next year. these books are written on Rosh Hashanah, but our actions during the Days of Awe can alter G-d's decree. The actions that change the decree are "teshuva, tefilah, and tzedakah", repentance, prayer, good deeds. These "books" are sealed on Yom Kippur."
Days of Awe - Judaism 101 (JewFAQ)
IF the Rapture occurs on (or before) Feast of Trumpets - the next days will be literal hell on Earth - I think especially for the Jewish people. They will try to come to grips with what has happened. Many would certainly look to what they do during this time period of Awe with even greater zeal - repentance, prayer, and good works! (And many will eventually come to be Believers.) 'The day of their confusion has arrived (they don't know what has happened) and all the goodmen of the Earth have been snatched away; evil men are all around - they can trust no one.' Micah 7Lisa Taylor sent the letter: Harpazo – Old Testament Style
https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/july2023/lisat716.htmIn this letter, she wrote about judgment after the summer harvest. And quoted Micah 7. Righteous people will not be found on the earth after the Rapture. "...a time of judgment and great desolation will occur after a Summer harvest. She believes "that there will be a catastrophic global earthquake after the Rapture due to the energy which will be expended from our transformation into immortality. It is also because earthquakes have occurred after resurrection events in the Bible. It will be a chaotic time after the Rapture. I certainly agree with what Lisa wrote. "The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved."I have sent several letters to Doves where I referred to Micah chapter 7, where Micah writes "Woe is me! He goes to pick grapes/figs but the harvest has taken them. The faithful, the good people have vanished (Hebrew word abad: vanish) from the land; there is no one upright among the people. All of them wait in ambush to shed blood; they hunt each other with a net; both hands are good at accomplishing evil; do not put trust in your neighbor; guard the doors of your mouth from her who lies in your arms; a man's enemies are the men of his own household; the day of your watchman has come; now is the time of confusion/panic. (The watchmen are us!)
Micah, the prophet, writes about, what I believe is, the Rapture and the aftermath for the Jewish people. The harvest of the fruits has occurred - the good people are 'missing'/the Rapture/The harvest. The watchmen have announced the day - the Lord has come in the clouds - the day we are told to 'watch' for Him. There is panic and confusion as they do not understand what has happened - millions of people are missing - the good people are missing. The Jewish people are left in a world of evil people, that are out for blood and can't be trusted. This is why, Micah says "Woe is me!!! The harvest has taken place! The Rapture has come! Their only hope now is God - "I will wait for the God of my salvation: my God will hear me." At the Second Coming. "The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved!" Jeremiah 8:20Summer ends at the Fall Equinox, September 22/23. Then there are the strange "predictive"? Hollywood movies about 'some' catastrophe to occur on a September 23 (will this be the destruction in the global earthquake of the Rapture?). The appearance of the "Exalted Manchild" comet entering and then leaving Virgo on September 23 - is this a warning? These dates are after Rosh Hashanah. And during the Days of Awe. (Satan knows The Bible - he is discerning the times also - I believe he has a great influence on those in Hollywood and many of the movies that they put out. Maybe he has a better grasp of the timeline than we do? He can feel the shortness of the hour. hmmm.)Pretty compelling information. Add all of this to what JD said about September 25!With all that's going on in the world - especially with the disastrous fires in Maui, which I'm beginning to believe were brought about by some sort of weapon or weapons - D.E.W. and weather control weapons, of some sort - we surely must be close to the start of the Tribulation and thus the Rapture. If THEY can do this to Lahaina...they can do this to any place, to any people, to any of us.I wrote in a previous letter about how weapons like this - weather weapons, directed energy weapons, etc - could be what causes some of the destruction in The Revelation. Then I remembered this verse: Revelation 11:18 where God's wrath will "destroy those who destroy the earth.". So this is what satan's minions are doing during the Tribulation - destroying the earth with their weather manipulating weapons, directed energy weapons, weapons of war, and who knows what else they have in their arsenal. Satan hates God's Earth and hates man made in His image. We are definitely in the final birth pains! If God doesn't 'shorten the days' the whole world will be destroyed.Of course, the Rapture can happen any time before the Tribulation Period. It's sobering to think that after all this time of watching - we may actually be on a count down in days and weeks to the Rapture. I sure hope so.Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!Maranatha!Chance