Chance (3 Sep 2023)
"Department of Defense - Monitoring Social Media with AI - Coming Later This Year"

Hello John and Doves,
This is not a surprise.  Not with the DoD running the Covid-19 Operation Warp Speed and the DoD behind the creation of the Covid-19 'virus' and the Covid-19 mRNA "vaccine" (think 'Moderna').  (And recently I heard from an ex-military source that the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff is owned by China - wouldn't surprise me if true.  It certainly is for General Milley, who said that if we go to war with China he'd have to contact his Chinese counterpart!" 
"Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley admitted Wednesday that he would give his Chinese counterpart a heads up if the US launched an attack against Beijing, during a second day of grilling on Capitol Hill that touche don his two reported calls to the Chinese general...Milley was questioned about two calls he made to Li (General Li Zuocheng of the People's Liberation Army) - in October 2020 before the presidential election and on Jan. 8, two days after the Capitol riot."  Doubt Milley told Congress what he really talked to Li about in those two calls as the Chinese absolutely did not want Trump in for a second term - interesting timing right before the 2020 election was stolen for Biden and right after the Dec 6 rally/protest was hijacked by the Democrats/etc.  Mike Lindell's explosive movie proved the Chinese were linked to election computers across the country and votes were changed from President Trump to Biden.)
Milley admits he would tell China if US launched an attack

This DoD is no friend to America or the American people. 
Now the DoD has contracted with an AI company to "detect "real time" disinformation threats on social media" via "Enterprise Argus". The DoD is doing this to control 'the narrative' under the guise of "national security".
The DoD is really getting in our 'personal lives' - where they have no business being.  
"The US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) has contracted New York-based Accrete AI to deploy software that detects "real time" disinformation threats on social media.  The company's Argus anomaly detection AI software analyzes social media data, accurately capturing "emerging narratives" and generating intelligence reports for military forces to speedily neutralize disinformation threats."
"Synthetic media, including AI-generated viral narratives, deep fakes, and other harmful social media-based applications of AI, pose a threat to US national security and civil society,"  Accrete founder and CEO Prashan Bhuyan said.  "Social media is widely recognized as an unregulated environment where adversaries routinely exploit reasoning vulnerabilities and manipulate behavior through the intentional spread of disinformation."
"USSOCOM is at the tip of the spear in recognizing the critical need to identify and analytically predict social media narratives at an embryonic stage before those narratives evolve and gain traction.."
"The US Department of Defense first partnered with Accrete for the Argus platform's licensing contract in November 2022."
"The company also revealed that will launch an enterprise version of Argus Social for disinformation detection later this year.  The AI software will provide protection for "urgent customer pain points" against AI-generated synthetic media, such as viral disinformation and deep fakes.  Providing this protection requires AI that can automatically "learn" what is most important to an enterprise and predict the likely social media narratives that will emerge before they influence behavior."
Their "Nebula Social" helps customers manage AI-generated media risks such as smear campaigns...It also autonomously generates speedy, relevant content to counter such malicious attacks."
USSOCOM to Use AI to Detect Disinformation Threats on Social Media
So the DoD will have something for them and something for the private sector (since they DoD can't operate in the private sector but it can provide this to the private sector) - to control information.  They'll make sure it's what THEY want us to have access to.  They'll nip anything they don't like in the bud before it even makes it to the public - information at the "embryonic" stage before it 'gains traction' and goes viral.
Looks like THEY will make sure the information we get will be THEIR information.  They will tell us what is true - what we are to believe.
The public internet AI-generated synthetic media is coming later this year - Argus Social for disinformation detection.  So much for the First Amendment.
With all of the time/money/ etc put into this controlling us, it sure feels like something big is coming that they are trying to stop the people from knowing about.  Or at least, knowing the truth about.  This is a big push for them to be a step ahead of what is going to happen so they can prevent people spreading the truth about it.  This must be a really big deal for the DoD to do this.  
Sure looks like something big is about to happen - and whatever IT is, THEY don't want us spreading the word about it.  This could be anything from campaign adds, to campaign speeches, to campaign rallies (election 2024) to new Covid-19 "vaccines" to the Ukraine war, to the Biden crimes, to China, to the Maui fires, to President Trump....  It could even be information about the Rapture - that Jesus returned as promised and took millions of His followers.  It could even be about the Antichrist and climate emergency and 15 minute cities and digital money and....
As I've written before - be wary of anything 'fact-checked to death' - because it's more than likely true.  But soon they won't have to fact-check or label something as 'debunked' or 'misinformation' - they'll just delete it before it even gets to anyone and be a step ahead of any questions or concerns we have with their prepared, pre-planned, ready to go "truth".
It's going to get harder and harder for us to get the truth in the news and for us to know what is truth and what is lie. 
Social media" will be a TOOL under satan's control.
Jesus said, "If you abide in My Word, you are truly My disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."  John 8:31-32
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!