Michael (3 Sep 2023)
"Pi search"

         I came across this while searching various gematria values on a pi search website…It’s probably old news to most people on this site, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
     If you search Barack Obama’s 793 gematria, it appears very early at position 13…the number of rebellion.  If you search the number 2384, the shortened version of the Gregorian and Hebrew years 2023 and 5784…They also appear very early in the pi string…position 16…
     So, beginning at position 13 the number sequence is …7932384…possibly marking a very unique time period (or Doorway) between Tishri 1, 5784 and January 1, 2024 the first day of the Hebrew/Gregorian New Years…
     I’m sure many have seen the hebraic teaching on the year 5784 being an open door…Interestingly, position 18 of the pi string falls exactly between the 23/84… Is the beginning of the string(position 13) and position 18(between the years) marking the famous Revelation 13:18 verse and when the beast rises?
There is exactly 108 days between these dates.


         As a side note to my previous email…When I found the numbers 2384 in the pi string at position 16…I felt urged by the Holy Spirit to simply subtract the position number from the numeric number…2384 - 16 = a glaring 2368…simply amazing…

Fascinating! Thanks Michael!