Fay (3 Sep 2023)
"A Little bit Here, a Little Bit There"


Hi John and Doves,

I have noticed a lot of noise, this past week, about the Revelation 12 sign. This has come about because of Patrick from Hourly Watch YT channel and his new discoveries. All of which are very exciting. Patrick seems to have offended a few people because he stated that the 2017 Revelation 12 sign was incorrectly interpreted etc. Patrick is such a nice guy - I don't believe he meant to cause insult. The Revelation 12 sign in 2017, galvanised the church. It was a terrific discovery. Patrick from Hourly Watch has simply added to it.

Following on from this kerfuffle, I have also noticed a comment that had me stuck between rolling in the aisles in incredulous laughter and pure anger at how monumentally misleading it is. The commenter asserts that God's promises to bless Abraham were to Abraham alone. Not his descendants! Therefore, only those who bless Abraham, as an individual, will be blessed. And those who curse Abraham, as an individual, will be cursed. I believe careful reading of the article in the link will put that nonsense to bed. Please be sure to check all the scripture references accompanying the article. I could cite many more scriptural references but I'm sure you will all do your homework. I have not named the commenter as there is enough anger and flak, insults and accusations flying around. This is NOT helpful as we near the beginning of great tribulation.

What the Bible says about Promises to Israel (bibletools.org)

Israel and her people were chosen by God. The entire Bible - Old and New Testaments, are ALL about the Jewish people and their relationship with Almighty God. We follow their journey and learn, by example, what the ramifications of disobedience to God are. Time and time again, the stories of the failure of the Jewish people to obey God, are told. The subsequent punishments are told in graphic detail. Yet, Almighty God calls them the apple of His eye. Almighty God promises them that they will eventually be redeemed and will be revered by all nations and people. The WHOLE story - from beginning to end - is built around the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.

The Jewish people are Almighty God's chosen. He is allowing them to be used as an example to the world. He knew they had something special - otherwise He would have chosen a different race. The Jewish people have been blinded in part for OUR SAKE. A quick reading of Romans will confirm this for you. They do not deserve our smug, self satisfied righteousness. They do not have the gift of the Holy Spirit. The end of the Bible story HAS to be completed - to show the world the veracity of scripture. Zechariah 8:23 - when talking about the end times - says the following:-

"Thus saith the LORD of Hosts, In those days it shall come to pass that ten men out of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the robe of a Jew saying, "We will go with you for we have heard that God is with you".

Zechariah 8:23 - Bible Gateway

It all began with the Jewish people and will end with them. It is God's place to remonstrate with and punish His people. It is NOT ours. There is an abundance of proof that those who curse Israel have been cursed themselves. I would be VERY careful of promulgating the idea of God's promises to the Jewish people being anything less than they are. Distorting scripture and the promises to the Jewish people is an incredibly dangerous path to tread. If you have any doubts - please research and do not rely on mortal man.

Please come, LORD Jesus.