Gino (3 Sep 2023)
"mortal & venial sins?"

mortal & venial sins?
I grew up catholic, and I thought about mortal and venial sins like every other catholic I knew.
Whether or not it was according to official catholic teachings, it's what we thought and believed.
I had grown up believing that mortal sins were much worse, and once I committed one, I was no longer in a "state of grace".
That meant to me that if I died before going to confession, and receiving absolution, I would go straight to hell.
However, if I made it to confession, I would be back in a state of grace.
Venial sins, I believed, were not as bad as mortal sins, which still needed to be confessed.
But by committing them, I did not leave the state of grace, and if I died before confession, I would not go straight to hell.
However, I believed that instead of hell, I would need to go to purgatory, to suffer to purge my sins.

Now, since I heard the gospel, and was saved, trusting Jesus, I no longer believe what I believed as a catholic.
I now believe the scriptures, like:

Revelation 1:5b Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

That is so much better than when I was catholic, where I constantly went back and forth.
I went back and forth between going to heaven, but then by a mortal sin, back going to hell.
It was a terrifying roller coaster, always fearing that I was no longer in a state of grace, and was on my way to hell, again.
I couldn't even go one day, let alone a whole week, where I was damned again, because I sinned.
I was not able to, in my mind, to simply reclassify my mortals sins, as venial sins, or just errors - no, I knew I had sinned.
Maybe some were able do that, and thus not constantly fear they were no longer in a state of grace, damned again.

Then when I was witnessed to, I was told of the grace and mercy of God.
That Jesus didn't want me to live as a spiritual yo-yo, on my way to heaven today, but damned again tomorrow, over and over again.
But such is the way of Cain that so many catholics live under, a spiritual bondage of constant fear, of dying while not in a state of grace.
How opposite that way of Cain is from the gospel.

Sin is sin, though:

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

There are not mortal & venial sins, there is just sin.
I cannot even drive the highway for 5 minutes, before I sin in my heart, with the pride of life.
Yes, Jesus wants me to confess to him and repent, and I do, sometimes hundreds of times in a day.
If I was still a catholic, I would go mad, because I would have to admit that 99% of the time I would be on my way to hell again.
Maybe some believe that they have reached sinless perfection, but I certainly haven't.
Maybe some don't consider pride of life, judging others, or self justification, as sins, but I do.

Once a catholic hears the gospel of the grace of God, and trusts Jesus as their Saviour,
it's very hard to convince them, that they re-damn themselves repeatedly through the day.
