The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

26 - 27 June 2013: No letters

25 June 2013

Hebrews 2:1: Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.

Name Message
Jim Bramlett
We have experienced a miracle!
Jim Bramlett
The Old Covenant vs. The New Covenant
Daniel Matson
7 years since Hezbollah-Israeli War
Frank Molver
re Wallenda PROPHETIC Canyon tight rope walk of faith praising Jesus, video, drawings
Frank Molver
re Elizabeth vision of wayward husband in heaven
Frank Molver
re prophetic words, quakes etc, from Ian in NZ
Frank Molver
Mike C re Obama's underhanded threats
RE: John B: 06.24.13: 7 year chart
RE: Patti C: 06.24.13
To: Patti C  Re: Those Resurrections and the Rapture
To: Mike Curtis re: Quadriga of Victory
Garry B
Reply to Barry Amundsen (24 June 2013)
Garry B
Reply  to Patti C (24 June 2013)
Michael C
Benefits of being holy in the power of the Holy Spirit...
Michael C
Take time to make things right, even if you are given the "slow hand."
My Greatest HOPE.....My Greatest FEAR......I will post this EVERY 6 MONTHS.....
Scathing Article on Obama.....WOW!  (But this was NOT in Newsweek, FYI)  Experience DOES Matter  !  (We told you so!!)
L Lee
I beg to differ...
Jim M
RE: Frank Molver "Apocrypha alabaster box anointing Christ oddity"
Mary Anna
KML (24 June 2013)  "Re: Mary Anna Mark 13:32 (June 22, 2013)"
Patti C
Michele K
Charles just tickle me
What is faith?
A Dream June 22
(URL) The two witnesses and their ministry who will oppose the Antichrist (Obama) by Patti C. Good work!
Oz movie " Stick to the plan" while pointing to the camera with pinky and forefinger
Keith D
Understsanding Annima Behaviour
Tsunami Safety
Renee M
where the puzzle ends...
Re:  Apocrypha alabaster box anointing Christ oddity (Frank)
Steve T
Jews wanting to pray on their holiest site are branded "ultra rightist" by Reuters
Steve T
USAF Removes Painting That Referenced Bible Verse
Steve T
The Most Logical Rapture Timeline - PERIOD! [REDEUX!]

Letters (24 June 2013)
Letters (22 - 23 June 2013)
Letters (21 June 2013)
Letters (20 June 2013)
Letters (19 June 2013)
Letters (15 - 18 June 2013)
Letters (13 - 14 June 2013)
Letters (11 - 12 June 2013)
Letters (10 June 2013)
Letters (8 - 9 June 2013)
Letters (6 - 7 June 2013)
Letters (4 - 5 June 2013)
Letters (1 - 3 June 2013)
Letters (30 - 31 May 2013)