Michele Kennedy (25 June 2013)


Word given by the Lord on 6.21.13


I saw a grouping of numbers all representing Leviathan and then I saw this number 22501 Strongly.

 I immediately awoke and went to look it up.

What the Lord is revealing to me is very multifaceted like a Diamond that is been cut and reflects the light in a rainbow of colors from every angle!  Brilliant to Behold!


“Behold! Leviathan!   22501

22501 Verse:

Amos 9:5

And the LordH136 GODH3069 of hostsH6635 [is] he that touchethH5060 the land,H776 and it shall melt,H4127 and all that dwellH3427 therein shall mourn:H56 and it shall rise upH5927 wholly like a flood;H2975 and shall be drownedH8257, as [by] the floodH2975 of Egypt.H4714


The Lord of Hosts TOUCHES THE LAND and it shall MELT,  and the People will MOURN. 

As a FLOOD this will come upon all those who Dwell in the World (Egypt).

The Flood is the River KISHON that Ancient River, that Swept them all away who were UNAWARE!

2nd Ref. 22501 Verse from Malachi 4:6;

Gen 24:52

And it came to pass, that, when Abraham'sH85 servantH5650 heardH8085 their words,H1697 he worshippedH7812 the LORD,H3068 [bowing himself] to the earth.H776


The Cave of MacPelah a Burial Land (opening) bought that is today called the Tomb of the Patriarchs- Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Sarah, Rebekkah and Leah were also buried there.


3rd last Ref. 22501 Verse from END:


2Sam 21:20

And there was yet a battleH4421 in Gath,H1661 where was a manH376 of [great] stature,H4055 H4067 that had on every handH3027 sixH8337 fingers,H676 and on every footH7272 sixH8337 toes,H676 fourH702 and twentyH6242 in number;H4557 and he also was bornH3205 to the giant.H7497


Verse #:  8601   | From 1Ki 16:34:  717   | From Est 2:7:  4131   | From Mal 4:6:  14544   | From End:  22501

  BCV:  102120   CV:  2120

  HebGem:  5808


Word Count in the OT.    “FROST” = 22501


Gen 31:40

[Thus] I was; in the dayH3117 the droughtH2721 consumedH398 me, and the frostH7140 by night;H3915 and my sleepH8142 departedH5074 from mine eyes.H5869

Sleep is Departed therefore HE (Israel) IS NOW AWAKE!!!

NT Word Count: “they”= 22501

Matt 27:29

AndG2532 when they had plattedG4120 a crownG4735 ofG1537 thorns,G173 they putG2007 [it] uponG1909 hisG846 head,G2776 andG2532 a reedG2563 inG1909 hisG846 right hand:G1188 andG2532 they bowed the kneeG1120 beforeG1715 him,G846 and mockedG1702 him,G846 saying,G3004 Hail,G5463 KingG935 of the Jews!G2453


“They” meaning the Mockers, the Persecutors, the Leaders


Behold, Leviathan;  Gematria of 2 Samuel 21:20;  5808





From H5810 ; forcible ; collectively and concretely an army: - {power} strong.


We are now Beholding Leviathan!

First Glance, we see the GATE of HEAVEN is OPEN and the RIGHTEOUS ENTERING IN!!!!

Ps 24:8

Who [is] this KingH4428 of glory?H3519 The LORDH3068 strongH5808 and mighty,H1368 the LORDH3068 mightyH1368 in battle.H4421


There are only Two References to this Gematria  5805 of Leviathan!  This is the FIRST and Behold!


24 (Four and Twenty)

Previous Verses!

Ps 24:6

This [is] the generationH1755 of them that seekH1875 him, that seekH1245 thy face,H6440 O Jacob.H3290 Selah.H5542

Ps 24:7

Lift upH5375 your heads,H7218 O ye gates;H8179 and be ye lift up,H5375 ye everlastingH5769 doors;H6607 and the KingH4428 of gloryH3519 shall come in.H935


Ps - alms. 24/7 as in a Reference to TIME that is FOREVER!!!!


Timing of “GENEROSITY” -  Christians and Jews are to declare this attribute of their Father in Heaven…this is done on RoshHaShannah !!!


 “HEADS”=  H7218

ROSH = 501





From an unused root apparently meaning to shake ; the head (as most easily {shaken })


Now  Behold the next Word= 7219 ROSH!


רושׁ ראשׁ

rô'sh rôsh

{roshe} roshe

Apparently the same as H7218 ; a poisonous {plant} probably the poppy (from its conspicuous head ); generally poison (even of serpents): - {gall} {hemlock} {posion} venom.


In the Wizard of OZ (STRONG!) the Wicked Witch of the WEST,  used her Sorceries of Witchcraft  and placed a FIELD of Poisonous POPPIES before the Dorothy and the 3 friends , hindering them from the attaining the EMERALD City.




4 min clip!  A MUST SEE!!!!


 Very Prophetical indeed!  When they Began SEE the “MOUNTAIN TOP” or the City, they began to RUN !!!! 

The Wicked placed a field of  POPPIES before the City! 

 Then the ‘Good Witch’ sent  SNOW to cover the Poppies and Dorothy and the Lion AWOKE!!!

Then this song begins after they AWAKE!

“Your Outta the Woods, Your Outta the Dark, Your Outta the Night!  Step into the SUN, Step into the LIGHT!”


The GATE of HEAVEN; The Transit of the Sun through the Milky Way. “STEP INTO THE SUN”


Kari’s 6/20/13 Post;



1st Mention now of gematria of 2 Sam. 20:22:  (22501)

Ps 24:8

Who [is] this KingH4428 of glory?H3519 The LORDH3068 strongH5808 and mighty,H1368 the LORDH3068 mightyH1368 in battle.H4421


Only Scriptures for this gematrai 5808! 

We have the CHARIOT and HORSE!!!

sa 43:17

Which bringeth forthH3318 the chariotH7393 and horse,H5483 the armyH2428 and the power;H5808 they shall lie downH7901 together,H3162 they shall not rise:H6965 they are extinct,H1846 they are quenchedH3518 as tow.H6594


This is an Army the Lord has Brought Forth, but THEY (chariot and horse) shall Lie Down Together and NOT RISE; THEY ARE EXTINCT; 1846


Job 6:17

What timeH6256 they wax warm,H2215 they vanish:H6789 when it is hot,H2527 they are consumed outH1846 of their place.H4725

The timing is SUMMER time HOT HEAT WARM!

Consumed out is they Leave their Place Spot of COLD!  It’s melts in the Heat and then they DESTROY.

Previous verse:

Job 6:16

Which are blackishH6937 by reason of the ice,H7140 [and] wherein the snowH7950 is hid:H5956

HIDDEN in ICE n SNOW area.


Previous Verse:


Job 6:15

My brethrenH251 have dealt deceitfullyH898 as a brook,H5158 [and] as the streamH650 of brooksH5158 they pass away;H5674

 5158 = Brooks = WINTER TORRENT, a VALLEY

Timing:  SUKKOT Willows of the Brook.

Lev 23:40

And ye shall takeH3947 you on the firstH7223 dayH3117 the boughsH6529 of goodlyH1926 trees,H6086 branchesH3709 of palmH8558 trees, and the boughsH6057 of thickH5687 trees,H6086 and willowsH6155 of the brook;H5158 and ye shall rejoiceH8055 beforeH6440 the LORDH3068 your GodH430 sevenH7651 days.H3117

Another Clue: Valley  AS in SHEEN W

The Valley between to Great Moutains.

Num 13:23

And they cameH935 unto the brookH5158 of Eshcol,H812 and cut downH3772 from thence a branchH2156 with oneH259 clusterH811 of grapes,H6025 and they bareH5375 it between twoH8147 upon a staffH4132; and [they brought] of the pomegranates,H7416 and of the figs.H8384



they bareH5375 it between twoH8147 = 13,522

by Position:





From an unused root probably meaning to be firm ; the earth (at {large} or partitively a land ): - X {common} {country} {earth} {field} {ground} {land} X {nations} {way} + {wilderness} world.

13522 Verse:

Job 28:17

The goldH2091 and the crystalH2137 cannot equalH6186 it: and the exchangeH8545 of it [shall not be for] jewelsH3627 of fine gold.H6337


13522 Verse from Mal. 4:6:

2Kgs 4:19

And he saidH559 unto his father,H1 My head,H7218 my head.H7218 And he saidH559 to a lad,H5288 CarryH5375 him to his mother.H517


HEAD =ROSH (poison); Lad = David and Jonathan & The Sign of 3 Arrows “Going BEYOND”= GATE of ETERNITY!

13522  from Ester 2:7:

John 5:43

IG1473 am comeG2064 inG1722 myG3450 Father'sG3962 name,G3686 andG2532 ye receiveG2983 meG3165 not:G3756 ifG1437 anotherG243 shall comeG2064 inG1722 his ownG2398 name,G3686 himG1565 ye will receive.G2983

Israel receive Obama who came in his own name in April 20-22.  NISAN 9-11.






Recited on Rosh HaShannah!

Gen 22:12

And he said,H559 LayH7971 not thine handH3027 uponH413 the lad,H5288 neither do thouH6213 any thingH3972 unto him: for nowH6258 I knowH3045 that thou fearestH3373 God,H430 seeing thou hast notH3808 withheldH2820 thy son,H1121 thine onlyH3173 [son] from me.