Notice a soothing story line here? Praise God!

3rd May 2013/
God's blessing and prophecies to Jacob that some he could not see in his lifetime. I wonder if some visions God gave we cannot see in our lifetime.
God showed a huge devil's foot stepping on, Jesus was rebuking it and then it stopped.

1st May 2013/
I still prayed for Ruthie and those in pain for healing and thanked Lord Jesus for coming to this world and suffering on the cross for all of us. Though we do not know the time He returns, have faith to believe that when we have finished the work of great mission, we shall go as the day of Noah.
God showed some pieces of mirrors which reflected a clown preaching under the sea, a huge fish lying behind of that, a coral growing through the surface of sea, a Ark advancing towards the great waves.

6th May 2013/
We studied about the rising of the family of Israel. We are also their descendant because of Lord Jesus. I prayed for His soon return.
God showed Jesus casting a net on the Ark.

17th May 2013/
I prayed for Iasco. I asked God to be with him and protect him, no matter where he is and he go. I also prayed for all brothers and sisters for being patient until the Lord's coming.
God showed His mighty hand holding the Ark in the waves on the sea.