Renee M (25 June 2013)
"where the puzzle ends..."

Hi John,
I've updated my website and made 5 videos. Am still working on 7 more videos. I have so much information that I want to share and show how all of the pieces of the puzzle fit. I'm almost completely certain that the puzzle ends in late October, with a very small possibility that it could end in late December, but I very seriously doubt that it will continue until then.

I believe that the 2 shakings I had back on January 6, 2001, were pointing to the 7th day of Tabernacles as the Lord revealed to me last year in late August. I could not figure out why there were 2 shakings and the second one had the "rapture" element where we see the Lord and the first one didn't. Since they both took place on the same 7 day trumpets festival and the Lord pointed me to last year's 7th day of Tabernacles as the fulfillment, I believe that the first shaking represented the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2012 and the second shaking is the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2013. The gap in between the 2 shakings represents one year.

Firstfruits were to be brought to the temple anytime between Pentecost and Tabernacles, so the last day that firstfruits could be brought and declared at the temple was on the 7th day of Tabernacles. This is the last day. Jesus said He would raise us up at the last day. What's amazing is that the fruit from trees was to be offered during the fourth year from when the tree started to bear fruit. The last day of the fourth year is the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2013. The first day of the final 7 years was on the 7th day of Tabernacles in 2009, when Mr. Obama was chosen as the Nobel Peace Prize winner. The 7th day of Tabernacles was the only day of the year when the Jewish people looked for their Messiah to come. The world chose Mr. Obama to be the "peacemaker" and rejected the true Prince of Peace.

The fig tree was to be cut down after the third year (last year), but it was given one more year. Remember Devil's Tower, America's first national monument that looks like a giant tree stump and read Daniel 4 - the BEAUTIFUL tree that fed the world that was cut down with only the stump remaining. The Jewish calendar has been off by a month since the Spring of 2012, which means that Nov 6, 2012, was the true 7th day of Tabernacles last year. Once again, Mr. Obama was chosen on the 7th day of Tabernacles on God's calendar.

Queen Vashti was so beautiful and was asked to appear before the world to display her beauty on the 7th day of a feast. She refused to come show her beauty. America also did not show her beauty and chose immorality over righteousness and morality last year on election day. 4 years later, King Xerxes married Queen Esther on the 7th day of Hanukkah. Four years later, on the 7th day of Hanukkah (Jan 1, 2017), the Bride of Christ will be crowned Queen of the Earth with King Jesus for 1000 years and the New Millennium will begin. The Lord is using the Gentile calendar also. Jan 1, 2017, is a Sunday, the first day of the week, first day of the year, and first day of the New Millennium. This is a chess game. The Queen is America. The King is Israel. The Queen is protecting the King, but like Obama said when he went to Israel, "So long as there is an America, there will be an Israel." In other words, remove the Queen, and the King will fall. America is the Queen in Rev 18 who boasted that she will never mourn. She is "America the Beautiful". She is Queen Vashti. She is about to be removed from her throne and replaced by the true Queen, the Bride of Christ.

The correct 7th day of Tabernacles this year is Oct 27. If the Great Tribulation begins on Oct 28 and exactly 1/3 of the days are shortened by 1/3 (4th trumpet), the 1260 days end on the Day of Atonement in 2016 and the 1335 days end on the first day of Hanukkah, the blessed day (Haggai 2 and Daniel 12:12). Judas Maccabeus rode into Jerusalem exactly 3 years after fleeing into the mountains and rededicated the temple on the first day of Hanukkah. They waved palm branches and reenacted the Feast of Tabernacles and Hanukkah became a second Tabernacles festival as Haggai had prophesied over 400 years earlier. This event was a foreshadow of the Lord returning to earth with His Bride on the first day of Hanukkah. This is Christmas Day 2016. Obama told us that in his second term he would win the war on Christmas. Satan seems to think he is going to defeat the Lord at the Second Coming. Amazing that we celebrate Christ's first coming to earth on Dec 25th and that will actually be the date of the Second Coming also. God with us, Immanuel. The 3 days of darkness are 3 years of darkness. 70th week = 7 years, therefore 1 year = 1 day. 3 days of darkness are the last 3 years and are the Great Tribulation.

I believe that Pentecost was the "appointed time" for the Rapture - 3 1/2 years before the Second Coming, but this is where the delay mentioned in Matt 25 and Rev 10 come in - a 4-month delay as mentioned in John 4:35 and Judges 20:47. The 21-day delay in Daniel is the 21 days between the Feast of Trumpets and the 7th day of Tabernacles.

This is just the tip of the iceberg and the shortest possible way to share the main pieces of the puzzle and how they fit together. For more details, please visit my website and/or watch these videos. I'll send you more videos as I finish them. If you ever think that what I have to share is worth sending to Fivedoves, please let me know and I will send posts to Fivedoves. But I don't want to spend time writing posts if you do not feel they are worth sharing. And I also gave my word that I would not send more posts to Fivedoves, so I am bound by my word unless you ask me to share something, in which case, I will be happy to do so. I have tried to be very careful to not sound dogmatic in my videos and website and try to say "I believe" before what I say. Like instead of saying, "The 7th day of Tabernacles is the day of the Rapture" I would say, "I believe the 7th day of Tabernacles MIGHT BE the day of the Rapture and here's why..." I'm finally learning that each piece of the puzzle that the Lord gives to me always looks like the final piece, and one day it will be, but I may never know for certain which piece will be the last piece, so I just have to try to be careful to leave the puzzle open for more pieces even if it looks completely finished.

Blessings to you and your family,
Renee Moses

October 26/27, 2013 Rapture Watch - The True 7th day of Tabernacles (part 1):

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5: