The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceansand that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

6 Jan 2019

I Thessalonians 5:19: Quench not the Spirit.

Name Message
Paul N.F.
Clay Cantrell
The Uranus “Event”
Bob Ware
'Yehoshua HaMeshiach' (754) + 'Elohiym' (86) = 840 days from 2 October 2016 to 20 January 2019 Blood Moon eclipse
Elliot Hong
The Blood Moon of the 11th Month
Donna Danna
FM Riley
A New Song!
FM Riley
A Treatise On A Week
FM Riley
Welcome To 2019
FM Riley
Snow Man
Signs in 2019
Tu B'Shevat and the Blood Moon
Isn't it Strange?
Garry B
Garry B
Garry B
Greg Wilson
Re: Randy “How I look at the possible timing of the Rapture going in 2019”
Greg Wilson
Re: John B “Is the rapture an imminent event or not?
James Brownlow
We are Approaching --69 WEEKS
James Brownlow
We are Approaching ---69 WEEKS, part 2
Jerry R
An article about the rapture written in 2017, and upgraded Sept 2018...
Jean Stepnoski
Psalms 119 to 126: Years 2019 to 2026
John B
RE: Lori...your "veil" poem and "we must be born again and where that happens" and "the rapture location" and "the rapture timing"and more
John B
RE: Andrea......I believe what you found in Psalm 119 is a huge revelation
Epiphany January 6 , 2019
Matthew B
Finding PI in the Bible
Neil Lipken
2019 Rapture???
(URL) The Spirit, the Soul, and the Body
Lisa Taylor
Super Blood  Moon on Tu Bishvat
Leo T
Gordon S
Garry B & Faye - The 70th Week of Daniel Analyzed
KS Rajan
(URL) News With Views | Economic Overview For 2019
KS Rajan
(URL) Rabbinic Expert: First Super Blood Moon of the Year Sign of Earthquakes, Governments Will Fall - Breaking Israel News | Latest News. Biblical Perspective.
KS Rajan
(URL) Former CIA Operations Officer Says We Are in The Jihadi Phase of Total Confrontation
KS Rajan
(URL) Will Evangelical Prophetic Visions Be the Key to an Undivided Jewish Jerusalem?
KS Rajan
(URL) The Great Church Robbery
KS Rajan
(URL) Muslim Doctor Fired From Ohio Clinic After Threatening to Purposely Give Jewish Patients Wrong Medication
KS Rajan
(URL) Abortion Killed 42 Million People In 2018
KS Rajan
(URL) Christians, Stop Saying Jesus Is the Son of God. It Provokes Muslims
KS Rajan
(URL) Israel’s population nears 9 million on eve of 2019
KS Rajan
(URL) Iran’s Khamenei: Palestinians will soon establish government in Tel Aviv
KS Rajan
(URL) Real-World Witches Are Upset at Trump’s Use of ‘Witch Hunt'
KS Rajan
(URL) The Bible Did Not Burn': Man's Bible Untouched by Fire That Destroyed Home
KS Rajan
(URL) LGBT Sports Writer Has a Beef With Chick-fil-A Peach Bowl
KS Rajan
(URL) 5 Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled in 2018 and 5 Expected in 2019
KS Rajan
(URL) Turkey masses tanks on the Syrian border as the US prepares to leave
KS Rajan
(URL) Pope Francis’ Asserts During New Year’s ‘Mary, Mother of God’ Mass: She Is ‘Our Life, Our Sweetness and Our Hope’
KS Rajan
(URL) Another blood pressure medication recalled over trace amounts of cancer-causing chemical
KS Rajan
(URL) ENEMIES BEWARE: With Iran on Its Doorstep, Israel Quietly Readies Game-Changing Air Power
KS Rajan
(URL) Philippines, Saudis in talks to open Saudi airspace for flights to Israel
KS Rajan
(URL) How Two Gustavos Used California’s Sanctuary State Law to Spread Terror Across 200 Miles
KS Rajan
(URL) Everyone safe but watched in mega-city full of cameras
KS Rajan
(URL) British Spy Confesses He Was Hired By The Democrats To Sabotage Trump
KS Rajan
(URL) President Trump Declares That He Is Ready to End the Government Shutdown
KS Rajan
(URL) Rabbi: Not Converting New Immigrants is Creating Amalek In Our Midst
KS Rajan
(URL) Israeli official ‘in shock’ as Trump says Iran ‘can do what they want’ in Syria
KS Rajan
(URL) Ancient Prophesies Are Being Realized': Netanyahu's Holiday Message to Christians Worldwide
KS Rajan
(URL) Will Biometric Verification Herald A New Era Of Unprecedented Security?
KS Rajan
(URL) Could Vladimir Putin be Gog?
KS Rajan
(URL) This clever AI hid data from its creators to cheat at its appointed task
KS Rajan
(URL) Sweden EBOLA WARNING: Europe on alert as hospital ward CLOSED as patient has deadly virus
KS Rajan
(URL) Democrat Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Refuses to Take Oath of Office on Bible--DAYS OF NOAH
KS Rajan
(URL) Erase the Jewish Connection to Jerusalem': US, Israel Push Back at UN

Letters (30 Dec 2018)