Matthew Badger (6 Jan 2019)
"Finding PI in the Bible"

                Spark Your Knowledge

                               Our God, says in Revelation 22:13,

 “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and  the end, the first and the


  In mathematics, this symbol would be a circle. The golden ratio

 difference between the diameter and the circumference of a circle, 

  is known as PI. ,or 3.14  , After 3 one comes fourth.

 You can simply figure this never ending, never repeating number by

using a simple method of  taking twenty two divide by seven.


                Our God, says in Psalms 19:7,

“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the SIMPLE.”   


    Let me show you how God, created human bodies using this simple mathematical equation. 

                                Watch and count with me!


    God gave us vision using 20/20. Forget about the zeros. Now you see

 the twenty two. God, formed our head, with seven holes. Let’s count.  

Two ears, Two eyes, Two nostrils and One mouth ,when added together

equal seven. Taking the vision divided by the holes equals ”3.14”

    The body, has inside Two lungs and One spine, when added

together equals Three inside, with One Head on Four Limbs on the

outside.   Wow, very cool Right!!! The human body design gets better.


    God also made human skin colors from the dust of the earth. Which

 exactly match in color. This is not by chance. The only colors of dust

 found on the planet are  White , Black, Red, Yellow and Brown.


                                 God says in Genesis 2:7,

 “ And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”  

      What are the olds of skin and dusts colors exactly matching?


                            Anyway let’s get back to PI.

  Funny when you read PI , like Three point One Four, it sounds like

stories found in the Bible. Here are some examples of what I’m trying to


After Three days One Lazarus comes Fourth, from tomb.

After Three days One Jonas comes Fourth, from whale.

Three Nails,  One  Messiah, on Four limbs  for our sins.   

After Three days in tomb One (pi ) Messiah comes Fourth.

All reflect hidden PI.



One God, Engineer, 10 – 10TH in a foot and  Creator of the 10

commandments of Old Testament,  plus One Jesus, Carpenter, 12” in a

foot, Lord and Savior of 12 disciples of the New Testament, equal 22.

God in the 7 days of creation and Jesus in the 7 churches, both divided!


                                    Pretty incredible isn’t it!!!


       Now I’m going to show how PI is found throughout the Bible, of

which most was written over 2000 years ago. To use PI, in the chapters

 and verses and woven into stories found is almost beyond belief.  I say

almost because God is capable of anything. I place no limitations on

God. It’s not so much of what it says or means. It’s the fact of where it

 falls in the Bible, dealing with SIN! 

    Explicitly used at the beginning and end of the entire Bible and at the

beginning and end of the new testament.  To me, learning this shows a

clear indication that the Holy Spirit must have inspired the 40 authors

to write what they did. This is amazing! Watch how subjects of Sin fall

 right on chapter 3 verse 14, or chapter 22 verse 7. Or have these

numbers hidden in the text.


               Here’s Gods judgement against SIN.  Found on PI.

       Genesis 3:14                            

  “And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this,

thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field;

upon the belly shalt thou go ,and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy


        Genesis 7:2   On this verse I’m just pointing out that Noah saved

 the animals by 2 by 2 and 7..    Two is for male and female. That part I

can understand, but to then say 7 of the clean.  I say” wow “ that’s

 reflecting the use of PI.     Could be any number but its not.  Over

thousands of years and thousands of translations this number all along

with all numbers in the bible seem the have remained unchanged .

Numbers found remain the same.      Here’s the verse!

   “Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by SEVENs, the male and

his female: and of the beasts that are not clean by two, the male and

his female. 


          Genesis 22:7   On this verse I’m pointing out that Isaac is asking

his father Abraham where’s the lamb for the burnt offering. Look

 folks,no matter the version of text your reading. This message of the

 lamb offering will always be found on this very verse. Amen.


                                    Here’s the verse.

   “And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said , My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”


    Let me say, that was an amazing start in the Bible of how our creator

shows his judgement against SIN , saving from SIN and sacrificing for

 SIN, all using PI. No matter the size of a circle, PI is always the hidden

 golden ratio that can’t be removed.    Let’s continue.


     The book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, has a total of 22

chapters that discuss the 7 churches being divided.  When this warning

takes places, people will find themselves reading chapter 3:14 where

the 7th church of Laodiceans can be found. Pow! Right on that verse.

Look I know it doesn’t say 7th church but it is. Read Revelation chapter 2

and 3. Count them and You will see.

Gods warning to the 7th  church, who’s left behind , called Laodician,

starts right on PI, chapter 3 verse 14.   This math equation of just the

book of Revelation having 22 chapters total  with 7 church eras

matching  the human body design is out of this world.                                                                                                                                                                   


                                             Jesus is speaking!

Revelation 3:14   “And unto the angel of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God.”


   Let me show you an example of how PI can be heard when even when

it not exactly chapter 3 verse 14. 


                        When the light of the world is removed!  

                                         The Rapture Verse!

             Instead of saying Revelation 4:1 , someone could say

                           After 3 chapters I verse came 4th  called

Revelation 4:1    “After this I looked, and behold, a door was opened in

 heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet

talking with me; which said , Come up hither, and I will shew thee

things which must be hereafter.   2 And immediately I was in the spirit;


   Yelp, it’s the Rapture. For the poor souls left behind, their will learn

the church has been taken. Maybe then they can learn that in the

beginning of the 2nd part of 27 books, the first book is called Matthew,

where Jesus began building the church on a rock.  Look!


                                      Jesus is speaking!

  Matthew 16:18.   “And I say also unto thee. That thou art Peter, and  upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”          I know this verse isn’t PI


     I’m just showing that the church taken in Revelation, started in

 Matthew ,right at the beginning, the first book of the new testament,

not the book of Acts. Like alpha omega. Book of Matthew is where

Jesus talks of building a church built upon a rock. If Book of Mattthew,

in text form is the start of the church, then PI should be easy and simple

to find. And it is, Now let’s see where PI is in Matthew.


                                Wow incredible! Watch!  

                            Only 17 verses into the book!


Matthew 1:17 “So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David until the carrying away of Babylon are fourteen generations and from the carrying away of Babylon until Christ are fourteen generations.”


  Do you see the 3 sets of 14 generations.

That my fiends is what I call again hidden PI.  3.14 again.

                                 But wait that not all!


Matthew 3:14 “ But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptizedof thee, and comest thou to me?”


    Are you kidding me, right on 3:14 John the Baptist is face to face with

 Alpha Omega.   This is impossible to have known, in the future, the text

would be translated to have John the Baptist meet PI. face to face on pi

 chapter 3 and verse 14.



        Most teach the church does starts in the Book of Acts, I’m not

 saying it doesn’t. This letter is not for that. With that being said, this

next one is good. Pilate, in the book of Acts,  was determined to let

Jesus go but couldn’t.


  Book of Acts 3:14  “But ye denied the Holy One and Just, and desired a

murderer to be granted unto you;”       Wow! Pilate, calling Jesus, the

Holy One and Just, in the text, where in the future the writings would

fall right on PI.


    Then the last time in the Bible using chapters and verses to show one

side or the other ,the equation in PI, would be Revelation 22:16.  1+6=7


   Rev22:16  “I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.”


    I’ve have found reading and studying what others have written on

the doves, has lead me to understand some very deep knowledge in the

 Bible that inspired myself to make simple to others if possible.

    Here’s one beautiful example of how the numbers in the Bible are

 truly amazing.

 The new testament has 27 books that Americans in the military used to

hand out everywhere we went. It’s what we did.

 Called speading the gospel of Christ Jesus.

 Now instead of thinking new testament,

 look at it as the 2nd part with 27 books. You will then see

that Noah’s new beginning in life, after judgement started when he 

and his family with all the animals were saved from the flood. Noah and

his family were able to exit the ark starting on the 2ND month 27th day.

 Wow, very cool match!   Our belief of Jesus Christ covering our sins

starts in the 2nd part with 27 books and Noah’s new way of life started

in the 2nd month of the 27th day.  Let me show you the verse. Here

again no matter the version of scripture checked, the numbers remain

the same.      Here we go.


   Genesis 8:14   “And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month, was the earth dried.”


 Noah’s new way of life, After Gods judgement to mankind for their sins on the 2nd month 27 day, matching our Lord’s sacrifice and hope of salvation found in the 2nd part with 27 books isn’t by chance.

If you haven’t noticed , these are the same numbers used in figuring PI


 Someone could see a square yard as being 3 sets of 9. Now add them

 together 9+9+9=27 The old testament has 39 books and 27 in the new.

When Jesus came to us in the new testament perhaps the square yard

became 3-demensional, 3-D ,  or you could say it like this “ After 3 one

letter came in fourth place called D.”   Oldly enough that PI again. So

the Bibles two parts looks like a square yard, inside the Bible we learn

 of The Father,Son and Holy Spirit of the Trinity, The TRIANGLE. In the

scripture is a woven in mathematical golden ratio called PI, hidden

within every circle.

If someone just asks how to simply figure PI, you would answer twenty

 two divided by seven. Look folks! Even  a catch 22 is PI. The day you

say “that’s a catch 22 “   Makes that day, divided from the other days,

making that a pi day.   And here’s one more way of seeing pi for giggles.

 The book in the old testament called “Numbers” is the 4th book in

order. Now I have no clue myself as to how the order is what it is. What

 I’m pointing out is After 3 books 1 comes 4th called Numbers.


  We are all from the same creator. Please understand this and except our cultural differences with each other. Love, Defender of the Faith.


                                       PS, Jesus speaking

     REVELATION 22:7   “Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that                                                         keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.”