F.M. Riley (6 Jan 2019)
"Snow Man"

What America Has Become
As Revealed By A
Snow Man
                                                                                                  Pastor F. M. Riley
                                                                                                  January 5, 2019
     "Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire," Jude 7.  Read also Leviticus, chapters 18 and 20.  
     I DID NOT write the following article.  Rather, it was written by James Wilson, a dear brother in Christ who lives in Canada. However I was so impressed with the truths set forth in the article, I felt it must be reprinted for our readers, and with his permission I am doing so.

It Snowed Last Night.......

     And at 8:00 a.m.  I made a snow man.  Then at.....
     8:10.....A feminist passed by, and asked me why I didn't make a snow woman?
     8:15.....So, I made a snow woman.
     8:17.....My feminist neighbor complained about the snow woman's voluptuous chest, saying, it objectified snow women everywhere.  
     8:20.....The gay couple living nearby threw a hissy fit, and moaned that it could have been two snow men instead of a man and a woman.
     8:22.....The transgender man-woman..person (it), asked why I didn't just make one snow man with detachable parts?  
     8:25.....The vegans at the end of the lane complained about the carrot nose, as veggies are food, and should not be used to decorate snow figures.  
     8:28.....I was being called a racist, because the snow couple is white.  
     8:31.....The Muslim gent across the road demanded that the snow woman wear a burqa.  
     8:40.....The Police arrived, saying someone had been offended.  
     8:42.....The feminist neighbor complained again, saying that the broomstick in the hand of the snow woman needed to be removed, because it depicted women only in a domestic role.  
     8:43.....The council equality officer arrived, and threatened me with eviction.  
     8::45.....The TV news crew from ABC showed up.  I was asked if I knew the difference between snow men and snow women?  I replied "snowballs," so now I am called a sexist.  
     9:00.....I was on the news as a suspected terrorist, racist, homophobe sensibility offender, bent on stirring up trouble during difficult weather.  
     9:10.....I was asked if I have any accomplices.  My children were taken into custody by Social Services.  
     9:29.....Far left protesters, who are offended by everything, marched down the street, demanding for me to be beheaded.  

"Moral" To This Story
     There is no moral to this story.  It was written only as a reminder of what we have become as a people and nation.  May God help us!