Jean Stepnoski (6 Jan 2019)
"Psalms 119 to 126: Years 2019 to 2026"


   The late J R Church wrote an interesting book entitled "Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms" years ago. He saw significant correlations linking the Year 1900 with Psalm 1 and following linked Years and Psalms. What can be learned when we link Psalm 126 with the Year 2026? If 2019 begins the 7 year shavua of The 70th Week of Daniel, we see 2019+7=2026. Why 2026 rather than 2025? Only part of 2019 would be included, therefore year 7 goes into 2026. The cluster of psalms called the Psalms of Ascent are 15 in all, from Psalms 120 to 134. Let us look to Psalms 125 and 126 for clues and information. ONE thing makes Psalm 125 stand out, be distinctive. SPECIAL. Psalms 120 through 124 are about ascent as a common theme. Then. Next are psalms of ascent to JERUSALEM! Psalm 125 is THE FIRST SONG OF ZION in the cluster of the 15 Psalms of Ascent from 120 to 134! Each has a focus, a key, of Jerusalem.

   Psalm 125, in the Tree of Life Version, can be called "Like the Mountains Around Jerusalem" or "Safe and Secure" at www. Themes of Psalm 125: trust in Adonai, the forever status of Mount Zion, wickedness, the wicked led away, and the righteous. "Shalom be upon Israel" are the words of the last verse and implies what? A spiritual sea change happens at Jerusalem and Israel! When? This will certainly happen at The Second Coming of the Messiah. Peace, shalom, for all of Israel.
   Next, let us consider Psalm 126. This can be called "Joyful Restoration of Jerusalem" or "From Tears to Joy" at Shalom is blessedness. Yet, Jerusalem and Israel go into a greater reality or state than shalom according to Psalm 126. RESTORATION! A period of extreme suffering in a period of some kind of captivity is over. Radical change, into wonderful  transformation. "Those who sow in tears will reap with a song of joy." Might this refer to the end of the 70 year captivity at Babylon of old? Yes. But what about a dual fulfillment, in the future, in 2026? Might we discern a second captivity in years of sorrow, 7 fold, from 2019 to 20, then 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 2026? This would be a full 7 year shavua, after a 70 year period from 1948 to 49 to 2018 to 2019. Might The Blessed Hope transpire during the current Israel Anniversary Year 70, before 5-14-2019?

   The near future in 2019. Look to The Feast of Trees, Tu B'Shvat on Month 11 day 15 (Remember 15 Psalms of Ascent) on 1-21-2019. There are 3 important things to ponder about this date. There will be a lunar eclipse and Blood Red Moon over Washington DC. Also, this will be  Presidential Anniversary 2 for President Trump. Israel is close to the equator. The sap is rising in trees there. The almond trees will begin to flower. So this TuB''Shvat is a harbinger of Spring for Israel. This is months before most associate Spring at USA or Europe at 3-21 with the Spring Equinox. Is President Trump a modern day version or reminder of King Cyrus of Babylon of old, linked to the 70 year Babylonian Exile? To review. There are a full 70 years for Israel from 5-14 -1948 to 5-14-2018. But we are still in Israel Anniversary Year 70 until 5-14-2019. Only then does the number go to 71. Have Jerusalem and Israel been in a kind of captivity for these 70 years? Plus a kind of captivity for 7 years ahead on the near horizon?

   On the Feast of Trees, an important annual time marker for Israel (one of 4 Israel New Year Anniversary Dates), for 2 years in a row will be a lunar eclipse and a Blood Red Moon (over Jerusalem in 2018) and a lunar eclipse and Blood Red Moon (over Washington DC in 2019). Coincidence? Happenstance? No. I think not. IMPORTANT EVENTS, IMPORTANT ANNIVERSARIES. SIGNS in the sun, the moon, and the stars. We look ahead with eagerness to "the joy of His appearing." Will The 70th Week of Daniel 7 year shavua be from 2019 to 2026? We shall know soon...

With Love and Shalom,