The Latter-Day Letters

Colossians 4:16
"After this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceansand that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea ."

It is interesting to note that 1/3 of the 66 books ofthe Bible is in the form of "letters".The last 22 books of Scripture are letters written by the apostles to the churches and their co-workers. It is alsointeresting to note that there are 22 Hebrew letters in all, from Aleph to Tav (see Psalm 119) , i.e. from Alpha to Omega. If it seems coincidental that there are 22 Hebrew alphabets ( letters) and 22 Epistles (letters ) and both sets are "letters", I would rather
attribute that to the wisdom of God displayed. Do write in your letters to be read by all and do read the letters from all. May the grace of God be with you.

Please send your letters, questions, articles or reports to John Tng at

Please note that it is impossible for even two like-minded souls to agree on everything. You should read these letters with this in mind and pray for understanding from the Spirit of Truth. Thank you.

WWW Five Doves

3 Mar 2024
I Timothy 1:18: This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;
I Timothy 1:19: Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

Name Message
Paul N.F. Scriptural Guidance: Believers May Test Themselves
Clay Cantrell
Atlas Pages: Jonah & the Resurrection of the Dead
Clay Cantrell
The 911 City & the Abomination that Makes Desolate
Clay Cantrell
Russia & Hamas Wars, Day Counts & Hostages
Douglas H
Resurrection Sunday?
Ernest N
Sealed till the time of the end
Ernest N
RE: James Brownlow
(URL) The solar eclipse of 2024 on USA and the one over Central America by Steve Cioccolanti
(URL) Satan uses the carrot or pleasure to destroy us by Jonathan Cahn
(URL) More information on the April 8 Solar eclipse
(URL) The most outstanding video of the coming April 8, 2024 solar eclipse and how it is a sign pointing to the Rapture and the coming Apocalypse
(URL) Will the April 8 2024 solar eclipse over the USA be a signal for the coming of the Antichrist and the Rapture?
(URL) A thorough coverage of the Rapture and the Bible chapters and verses that are part of it
(URL) April 8 2024 solar eclipse by Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries
RE: Steve C: 02.25.24: outer darkness
RE: Fay: 02.25.24: taking the LORD's name in vain
RE: Steve C: 02.25.24: why protestants convert to catholicism
good to go?
RE: Donna Danna: 02.25.24: inner darkness
RE: James B: 02.25.24: no one can know the day
Bible Codes Indicate Purim 2024.
Humanity - Where Conspiracies come to Die. Incredible Article. Must Read
Astonishing News printed in the NYT
More and More Curious!
Dangerous Times Upon Us
The Oddities Continue. Weird and Weirder
This Sounds like Purim. HUGE Heads-Up
Uh Oh!! This could be Ominous News
Lewis Brackett re The 3 Reasons for NATO Supporting Ukraine
Luis V
GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSE APRIL 8, 2024 - Planetary Parade in Pisces
Luis V
APRIL 8, 2024 AMERICAN ECLIPSE - 40 Day Countdown
Luis V
RED HEIFER COUNTDOWN 2024 - Prerequisite for the 3rd Temple
Luis V
A.I. TRIBULATION PERIOD - He who Controls A.I., Controls the World
Luis V
TIME OF JACOB’S TROUBLE - A People of Signs and Wonders
Jason T
FW: 2.28.24
Russia Was Right - New York Times Bombshell Report
NSA, FBI, US Cyber Command Warn of Russian Cyber Operations Worldwide
Raul D:  Solar Eclipse Rapture Vision & April Taiwan Invasion
Jim: "What's Next? The Day of the Lord" Letter
Fay: "This May be a Significant Pointer" Letter
Steve M:  "A dry run for an EMP attack?"
Excess Deaths and Dr. Pierre Kory (US) and Dr. John Campbell (UK)
Defense Minister Calls For Military Draft For the Ultra-Orthodox
Middle East Closer to Full War - Second Stage of October 7 Coming
Part 2:  "Russia Was Right - New York Times Bombshell Report and Zelensky Seeking Peace With Russia
More On the Time Periods Associated With the Sign Of Jonah
Follow-Up on Embalmers Clots - Dr. Philip McMillan and Dr. Shakara Chetty
Rabbi:  Why I Believe The Messiah Is Coming"
Bruce K
(URL) Trump Is Building Up a MASSIVE 2024 Lead...
Bruce K
Germany plans for Russian attack
Lewis B
JD Farag explains 2 Thess 2 the great deception
Lewis B
Explaining the context of 2 Thessalonians 2
Lewis B
Stalin murdered 30 million farmers, Ukraine remembers ...
Lewis B
Re Nansings, the rapture at the door and I disagree
Lewis B
Re-Mike P about dispensationism and the bride of Christ
Lewis B
KJV Bible Dispensational truth
Lewis B
mid-acts dispensationalism is also called hyper-dispensatalionism
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
TO GINO:  Why Muslims May Worship The Antichrist & His Image
Donna Danna
TO GINO:  Except Those Days Should Be Shortened
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
Grooming? School Hands Out Homosexual Pornography, Condoms To Teenage Boys
Donna Danna
Univ. of Houston Erects Satanic Idol To Celebrate Abortion
Donna Danna
Trudeau's 'Online Harms' Legislation Includes Life Imprisonment Or $20,000 Fine For 'Hate Speech'
Donna Danna
Unholy Deception: AI Robots Clone Voices of Bishops To SCAM Convents in Spain
Donna Danna
BRICS: 30 New Countries Prepare To Join Alliance In 2024, Burn The Dollar
Donna Danna
SCANDAL: Cardinal Dolan Downplays 'Cecilia' Gentili's Sacrilegious Funeral At St. Patrick's Cathedral
Donna Danna
With Super-Woke Pope, Catholics Now Whisper About Other S-word
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
Donna Danna
(URL) Has Google Created An AI Frankenstein?
Donna Danna
(URL) Christianity Illegal? Long Running Govt. Campaign To Stir Hate Reaching End Goal
Donna Danna
(URL) Catholic Church In Spain May Be Deconsecrated After Simulated Homosexual Marriage Ceremony
Donna Danna
(URL) Vatican Approved 'Blessing' Ceremony of 'Married' Homosexuals Sparks Outrage In Uruguay
Donna Danna
(URL) Video Proves Painting of Nude Jesus Ministering to Judas Iscariot Hangs On Wall In Pope Francis' Study
Donna Danna
(URL) State Bill Would Allow Satanic Temple 'Chaplains' In Schools
Donna Danna
(URL) Quebec's Highest Court Upholds Law Banning Public Servants From Wearing Religious Symbols At Work
Donna Danna
(URL) Thousands of Farmers Surround EU Headquarters, Use Tractors To Remove Police Barricades, Spray Officers With Manure
Donna Danna
(URL) Bank Crisis Shows 245 Branches Set To Shut This Year Alone Across The UK
Donna Danna
(URL) Banks Will 'Tokenize' Customer Deposits To Pave Way For CBDCs
Donna Danna
(URL) School Boards Are Silencing Parents Who Object To Pornographic Materials In Their Child's Education
Donna Danna
(URL) Justice Alito Slams Dismissal of Christian Jurors As Unfit to Hear Lesbian's Lawsuit
Donna Danna
(URL) Bill Gates Demands Govts Mandate His 'Global Digital ID'
Donna Danna
(URL) N.Y. Att. Gen. Letitia James Suing World's Top Beef Producer For 'Misleading Public' About Its Climate Impact
Donna Danna
(URL) U.N. To Seize Global 'Emergency' Powers With Biden's Support
Donna Danna
(URL) Scottish Parliament Proposes Banning Silent Prayer Outside Abortion Centers
Donna Danna
(URL) Anti-Israel Protesters Shut Down Jewish Event at UC Berkeley, Break Glass Doors
Donna Danna
(URL) Sanhedrin Warns Britain: Recognize "Palestinian Terrorist State & You Will Be Desert Waste"
Donna Danna
(URL) The Serial Killer Who Might Be The 1st President of Palestine
Donna Danna
(URL) Next Phase of Modern Warfare: The Development of Neuroweapons That Can Control the Human Brain
Mike P
(VIDEO) Aliens & UFOs Promoted to PREPARE for the RAPTURE
Mike P
Reply to:  Mike P. (02-25-24), Who Is The Bride of Christ + Angels or Saints at Armageddon?
Constellation Rapture Sign:  'Rapture' Fish & 'Left Behind' Fish
(URL) The Coming Famine: Healing the Land
Neil L
Most interesting article about the Israeli Air Force!
Patty H
A fearsome Dream
Cell Phone Outage USA on Feb 22nd, 2024.
Elliot H
Amazing Connection of This Jewish Leap Year, Spring Equinox and Purim
Gerry A
Steve C
Kept From the Hour
Steve C
Where is the church?
Steve C
Slippery Slope
Steve C
"Kept From The Hour" - a clarification
Steve C
Four American "Great Awakenings" - should we expect another??
Steve C
(URL) The Ever-Increasing Seduction of False Teachers in Our Postmodern Fallen World
Steve W
Rachel Baxter Visions+Terry Bennet Prophetic dates sync to WWIII+JESUS 2nd Coming 2028
Steve M
Pope calls for a new common sense theology
Steve M
Evidence of the controlled narrative from the media regarding funding of Ukraine
Steve M
Great hidden nuggets about the cross in the OT
Steve M
Bill Gates farmland and the near future
Steve M
Interesting nugget on fabric and energy
Steve M
Civil War movie release set for April 12th (U.S.)
Steve M
Rare planetary alignment April 8th
Steve M
Walton family sells over 1.5 billion in stock!
Steve M
The Luciferians sell off $11 billion this month alone!
Steve M
Glenn Beck and "What's Coming"
Steve M
Did Disney pay a man $60 million to insert "stripes in the sky" in older films?
Steve M
Another EMP dry run clip
Steve M
63k Cross-references in the Bible chart
Steve M
This is either CGI or there's NO WAY he should get away with saying this
Steve M
Another obvious laser attack
Steve M
Biden: "The right roof on your home?"
Derrick D
The April 8th Eclipse - a call to prayer and fasting
Derrick D
Amazing Rapture dream with a visit to heaven
Tony Els
New Trump prophecy
Tony Els
The Trump miracle
Tony Els
CIA & FBI actively trying to destroy Trump
Tony Els
(URL) Watch "Only Those Who Are Left Will Witness THIS SIGN…" on YouTube
Tony Els
(URL) Watch "Confirming Research - Playing Catchup with Godrules and Zen Garcia" on YouTube
KS Rajan
(URL) The Rapture: Perhaps The Most Important Piece Of Prophecy For Us To Understand – By David Jeremiah
KS Rajan
(URL) The Rapture Index’s Narrow Range - By Todd Strandberg
KS Rajan
(URL) Why Are Billionaires Selling Off Stocks and Building Massive Survival Bunkers? - by Michael Snyder
KS Rajan
(URL) Markell: We Can Only Tolerate Looking Around If We Also Look Up – By Jan Markell -
KS Rajan
(URL) Biden: To survive, Israel must take opportunity for peace, security with Palestinians
KS Rajan
(URL) Egypt Warns Of 'Catastrophic Repercussions' If Israeli Attacks Rafah
KS Rajan
(URL) War Cabinet revokes Ben Gvir’s authority over Temple Mount during Ramadan to prevent escalation – report
KS Rajan
(URL) Replacement Theology: The Backdoor Assault On The Integrity Of Scripture – By Jonathan Brentner -
KS Rajan
(URL) What are Biblical Signs? – Pete Garcia -
KS Rajan
(URL) A Pipeline Of Criminals Into The United States - by Michael Snyder
KS Rajan
(URL) US, UK, Fiji, and Hungary Only Nations to Defend Israeli Occupation at ICJ
KS Rajan
(URL) March 1: ‘No excuses’ – Biden raps Israeli aid effort in announcement of impending Gaza airdrops
KS Rajan
(URL) Ben Gvir said to bar Netanyahu aide from police meeting on Ramadan preparations
KS Rajan
(URL) AI used by US forces to help identify hostile targets in Middle East: report
KS Rajan
(URL) Israeli strikes said to target pro-Iran stronghold near Damascus
KS Rajan
(URL) IRS urged to strip megachurch's tax-exemption after Pastor Jack Hibbs endorses Steve Garvey
KS Rajan
(URL) Solar eclipse emergency: Texas county braces for fuel shortages, massive crowds
KS Rajan
(URL) Deadly Texas wildfire torches 1 million acres – the largest blaze in state history – as more infernos rage
KS Rajan
(URL) Trump Dubs Migrant Chaos 'Biden Invasion' as the 2 Rivals Make Dueling Border Visits
KS Rajan
(URL) Pentagon is panicking over Biden’s proposal that would increase water costs by $10,000 per household
KS Rajan
(URL) The Record-Breaking Natural Disasters That We Are Witnessing In Texas And California Right Now Are Truly Historic - by Michael Snyder -
KS Rajan
(URL) Everyone In the World Is Desperate for A Ceasefire… Except Hamas And Israel – By Amir Tsarfati
KS Rajan
(URL) The AI Bubble in View of the End Times - By Todd Strandberg
KS Rajan
(URL) Setting Out to Dethrone God: The Slippery Slope Of ‘Statism’ – By Dean Dwyer
KS Rajan
(URL) Israel appropriates 650 acres of West Bank land, declaring it state land
KS Rajan
(URL) Submerged Dwarka: Sea of evidence of a well-planned ancient city-state
KS Rajan
(URL) Hamas leader Sinwar said to believe his forces are on road to victory against IDF
KS Rajan
(URL) Germany plans for Russian chemical attack on its cities and invasion
KS Rajan
(URL) Bill Gates demands governments mandate his 'global digital ID'
KS Rajan
(URL) The Approaching Global Storm – Jeff Kinley

Letters (25 Feb 2024)