There are many poems to be written.
There are many stories to be told,But the world's future, I am now going to unfoldFrom John's Revelation of the apocalypseWhich is the future foretold.Into heaven in the spirit, he was taken upAnd on a bittersweet scroll he was made to supAs no living man before him hathSeen or tasted the wine of God's future wrathAs he beheld the world's future and her coming bloodbath.He began to see a future very realAs the angel broke the first sealAnd the future's scroll was unrolled to revealDeath's final hour and its mealOf that time, you know not the hourWhen Christ will come back in all His powerWhen Christ's chosen will be taken upAnd death will on mankind supWhen men drink wrath's wine from death's bloody cupAt that time, men will in fear cowerAt that dreaded, awaited hourFor the grapes who are sour will be trampled downIn the Book of Life, they will not be foundInto the winepresses, they surely will be thrownA more horrible bloody death men have never knownIt will be a bitter brewFor those souls Christ never knewSince they are not mine,the vulturous death riders on these men will dine.I pray for you that it's not too lateFor even now these riders are at Hell's gateFor all lost souls, they do awaitNow hear the death bells begin to tollAs the thunder begins to rollFrom the valley of death,The four horsemen of the apocalypse rode into viewThose vengeful scavengers of death I knewBy which many men would draw their final breathTheir horse hoofs beat the drums of deathAs those hideous grim reapers came into viewThose loud booming hoofs of thunderTo beat mankind apart and asunderMany men's souls they would ravage, and they would plunderBefore they were finally through.Watch out lest they come for you.First, the white horse galloped quickly into sightThis fallen man was dressed all in whiteIt was the Antichrist, a counterfeitOn the Temple's throne, he would sitHe would conquer the world with his deceiving lightThe cruel fangs of death would be in his biteFaithful saints to God he would beheadOn to the ground their blood would be shedThen I saw the angry, red war horse gallop into viewHis sword he flashed, their bodies he strewAs the red blood flewMany men his sword slewAs the pile of bodies grew and grewYet ever onward that horseman flewTo take the blood and souls of men on earthOf men who had no spiritual rebirthAnd were not born anew.They were not God's chosen fewAnd Christ they never knewAnd death laughed in gleeOver those lost souls in victoryThe grim reaper took them as a prize and a spoilFor those men to God had not been loyal.Next the dark horse of famine and sickness trotted into viewAnd its widen open jaws took men and began to chewAnd I knew the pale horse of death would finally ensueShortly thereafter, the pale gray horse of death did followTo take the men's souls that were hollowMen in fear and in anticipation did wallowAs death's mouth opened and took them in to swallowIt consumed many people with great delight
With hunger and sickness it did smiteThe souls of men it did swallowWhose souls were empty and were hollowThat gruesome sight made me sickI hope your flesh the vultures never pickThose soul snatchers you never want to knowAs the winds of death must surely blow.For into the world, those four death riders goIt is just the beginning of the end of mankind's woeDo not spiritually slumber or sleepPray that your soul may escape eternal death's reapFor those lost souls, he will surely keep.Watch lest Christ's coming takes you unawareWhen true believers will be caught up to Him in the airFor that day, your soul you must prepareYou don't want to end up in the lake of fire in despairDo not in spiritual darkness cowerDo you not know the lateness of the hour.Arise, gone is your spiritual nightYou have seen the Son, the lightFor the Son of God has already risen. The hour is lateThe death riders are gathering at the gate.The choice of eternal life or death is still yours to pickAs the horse hoofs begin to impatiently kickWith them chomping at the bitThe time is not now to be a hypocriteRepent of your sins or be left behindWith the rest of sinners and evil mankindWith the choice of eternal death or being beheadedChange the wrong way that you now are headedSoul, awake before it's too lateYou don't want the grapes of wrath as your fateAt a time when the lost souls of this world will be forsakenAnd in fear, men's hearts will be quakingAs they are in their boots shakingWhen from this world, God's children will be takenIt is a time of God's vengeful wrath on sinful manEscape now, if your soul still canBefore the death drumbeats begin to rollAnd your eternal death is forever sealed on its scrollNever say that you were not warned or toldOf what your future might holdFor this poem is the revelation of the future foretoldOf the ApocalypseFrom my very own lipsTo your listening earsBefore the Son of God appearsRepent now and choose eternal lifeTo be part of His Bride and His wife