Filling values of Hebrew letters.

Millui or full-letter filling - The value of each letter is equal to the value of its name (the spelling of the name of the number comes from the Talmud). Therefore, the value of the letter Aleph is (1+30+80) = 111, Bet is (2+10+400) = 412, etc.

Generation of combinations:

The generation for the order of the combinations is the same method as for the matrix of Genesis 1:1 which has an internal design system based on the binary system. For example: The 127th combination of the word combinations in Genesis 1:1.  127 in binary = 1111111.

296  407  395  401  86  203  913  = 2701

1       1     1      1     1    1      1

The 37th: 37 in binary is 100101

296  407  395  401  86  203  913

         1     0      0     1    0      1  = 407 + 86 + 913 = 1406. not surprisingly a multiple of 37!