John Tng (23
Feb 2025)
Revelation of Jesus Christ"
Dear Doves,
The Bible is all about Jesus, especially the last book;
its opening words -- "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" --
clearly spell out the purpose of the Apokalupsis (Greek
for the Apocalypse).
The last book is about the last things -- the
study of Eschatology. I want to venture that it is also about the
revealing of Jesus. In fact, this may be the
primary purpose of the book! After all is said and done, that is,
when the last of the last things has been fulfilled and
we reach the end of history, what then? I believe that is when the
real fun begins! An eternity awaits for us to discover the
unsearchable riches of Christ hidden in the Book of Revelation and
the rest of the books of the Bible.
Strong's Greek Words in the Book of Revelation
In the course of my research, I came across this book that piqued
ENGLISH): All the Greek vocabulary of the Apocalypse (Ἀποκάλυψις)
(see link).
According to the book, 970 Strong's Greek words are found
in the Book of Revelation based on the KJV Bible with Strong's. I
have verified the number using the Accordance Bible Software.
Also, the Greek gematria for the book's opening words --
Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ -- which means "The Revelation of Jesus
Christ", is FOUR TIMES 970! The number does not appear to
be a random number.
But here's the lightning bolt. 970 is also the number of
mentions of Jesus in the KJV!!!!!! The total number of
Strong's Greek words in the Book of Revelation is the same as the
number of mentions of Jesus in the New Testament. This must be by
The search word '*Jesus*' returns 984 mentions in the KJV,
including Bar-jesus and Jesus' (with apostrophe).
Since there are 4 antimentions (namesake only but not Jesus) --
Bar-jesus x1; Joshua x2; and Justus x1 -- the actual number of
mentions of Jesus is 980. Moreover, if the 10 mentions of Jesus'
are excluded, the final count drops to 970 -- the
intriguing number that is equal to the total number of Strong's
Greek words in the Book of Revelation.
Thus, 970 is the total number of mentions of the
real Jesus without the 4 antimentions and the 10 instances
of Jesus'. 970 is the count for the real and
pure Jesus, without the prefix (Bar) and the postfix (').
Sort the 970 Strong's Greek words in ascending order:
G0001, G0003, G0012, G0021, ..... The 888th word in this
sorted list is G5216 (humōn), which means "your" or "of you". This
word appears five times in the Book of Revelation with its last
occurrence found in the very last verse.
The amazing thing is, the 888th word is all about YOU!
Revelation 22:21 "The grace of our Lord Jesus (888)
Christ be with you (the 888th word; G5216) all.
What a comforting thought! Jesus is thinking of YOU -- the apple
of His eye -- as He wraps up the Bible. Jesus signs off the long
letter (close to 12 thousand words) with a secret code, almost
like an I♥️U emoji.
The Jesus Verse
This verse is the 888th verse based on the complete list
of 984 mentions that contain '*Jesus*'. It is Heb 12:2, "Looking
unto Jesus (Greek gematria 888) the author and
finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before
him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the
right hand of the throne of God."
It is also the 888th verse counting from the last
verse of the Bible! This last verse also contains
the 888th Strong's Greek word used in composing the Book
of Revelation !!!!!!!!
The number 888 flashes in neon lights in the Jesus verse!
Some of you might have noticed that one of the four antimentions
is decidedly "antichrist" in temper -- the Bar-jesus
character in Acts 13:6, described by Luke as a "false prophet" and
a "sorcerer". In fact, Bar-jesus is the 666th
mention of Jesus in the '984' set -- a supernatural code.
Without question, the multiple 888 codes that converge on
Heb 12:2 imply cryptographic design. Does the inclusion of
Bar-jesus upset the apple cart? No, it does not. Jesus encrypted
many Antichrist codes in the Bible for watchers to discover -- it
is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is
to search out a matter (Prov 25:2). Often, He would leave behind
traces of His signature in the Antichrist codes. Bar-jesus is one
such code out of many.
Square Peg in a Round Hole
Of the complete list of 984 mentions of Jesus, the name Bar-jesus
stands out in more ways than one. The name Jesus is in the name
Bar-jesus. He is the only villain, the odd one out in the
'984' set, which consists of four persons -- Jesus, Joshua,
Justus, and Bar-jesus. He opposed Paul and Barnabas who traveled
to Cyprus to meet with the Roman Proconsul, Sergius Paulus, who
wished to hear them speak about Jesus. Bar-jesus opposes Jesus. He
is a type of the antichrist. A play on the English word, "bar",
can be taken to mean to exclude, to ban. Bar-jesus wanted to
exclude Jesus, to bar Jesus, or to cancel Jesus.
The square peg in the '984' round hole is a glaring clue. The code
begins to crack the moment you realize that Bar-jesus is
the 666th mention of Jesus. The 970 mentions of the real
Jesus may be divided into two categories: 1) Jesus; and 2) Jesus
with the accompanying titles 'Lord' and/or 'Christ'. Without the
titles, the number of mentions of Jesus is 665! Jesus
Himself appears to draw attention to the name Bar-jesus -- the 666th
mention. It is as though He places a stroke, a "bar", a
strikethrough, across the cancelled version of His name, Bar-jesus.
Bar-jesus is no Jesus.
John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, appears to testify to the
same. The name Jesus is most frequently mentioned by John
in the New Testament. John just loves to mention Jesus -- 281
times based on the '970' set (about 29%). Without the titles
'Lord' and 'Christ', the number of mentions of Jesus by John drops
to 256. Bar-jesus may be considered the 257th
mention much like the 666th mention is spotlighted by the 665
mentions of Jesus. The 666th verse of the Bible is Genesis
John's complete number of mentions of Jesus is 281; this
is also the Hebrew gematria of apher, the 666th
word in Strong's Hebrew concordance! The remaining number of
mentions of Jesus by all other New Testament authors is 689 (970
- 281); this is the standard English gematria of Barack
The number 666 and the term "antichrist" are both Johannine. John
is an Apocalyptic writer extraordinaire.
The Forbidden Chapter
This is not a digression.
Isaiah 53 is an awkward chapter to many Jews. "Long ago the rabbis
used to read Isaiah 53 in synagogues, but after the chapter caused
arguments and great confusion the rabbis decided that the simplest
thing would be to just take that prophecy out of the Haftarah
readings in synagogues. That’s why today when we read Isaiah 52,
we stop in the middle of the chapter and the week after we jump
straight to Isaiah 54." (see link1;
6 Elul 5785: link2;
13 Elul 5785: link3).
The identity of the Messiah is not easily missed to an unbiased
reader of this chapter. After the fullness of the Gentiles has
come in, Israel's blindness in part will be lifted; they will then
proclaim, "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." For
now, they are still in denial of this chapter.
A huge code is hidden in Isaiah 53. One known yet puzzling Bible
numeric is this: There are 666 Hebrew letters in Isaiah
chapter 53! One might expect 888 to be the total instead;
or at least a number related to Jesus. What is Jesus trying to
convey in this poignant chapter that prophesies His own death? The
number 666 seems out of place. What is the intent?
The table below provides the clues:
The last column, V+W+L, is the total of the first three columns:
verse order (V), number of Hebrew words (W), and number of Hebrew
letters (L). The total of the light blue block (vs1-2) is 117
-- the standard English gematria of Barack! The total
of the grey block (vs3-12) is 793 -- the standard English
gematria of Barack Hussein Obama!!!
The number of the beast fits in Isaiah 53 after all. It is
interesting that the total 910 (Barack + Barack
Hussein Obama) is the Greek gematria of Jesus of
Nazareth. It is found only in two almost identical
scriptures, Mark 1:24 and Luke 4:34. The Gospel writers record
that Jesus expels an unclean spirit (in Mark) or an unclean
devil (in Luke). The unclean spirit / devil identifies
Jesus by directly addressing Him as Jesus of Nazareth (in
the vocative form).
The Isaiah 53 hidden code appears to be an acknowledgement from
the dark side concerning who Jesus of Nazareth really is.
This is evidenced by the unclean spirit's confession in the text
-- "I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God".
The number 910 (Obama / Jesus of Nazareth)
is in fact linked to the number of mentions of Jesus in the Bible!
The Jesus Verse -- the 888th verse based on the complete
list of the 984 mentions of Jesus -- contains the 910th
mention of Jesus based on the 970 mentions of Jesus
without the antimentions and the apostrophes!
This connection proves that the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53 is
the Jesus of Nazareth of the New Testament! It further confirms
the identity of the 666 beast -- Barack Hussein Obama.
Doves, Trump continues to hog international news. Maybe he is
God's mercy and delay switch. Maybe he is the Antichrist. I don't
really know. I can only share what has been shown to me and pray
that our rescue is on the way. You cannot make the world great
again. That can only happen in the Millennium. And it will only
last for a thousand years before the final MEGA dawns.
The Earth will finally be made great again. Beyond great.
Come, Lord Jesus!