Dear Doves,
God is a revealer (Dan 2:47) and concealer (Pr 25:2) of secrets.
In the most famous code God encrypted -- the 666 beast puzzle of
Revelation 13:18 -- the Cryptographer left His signature in the
ending phrase, "and his number is Six hundred threescore and
six". This phrase shares the same Greek gematria (2368)
with "Jesus Christ".
Inspired by this precedent, I searched for the signature of Jesus
Christ in the 666th apocalyptic number, a proven source of many
intriguing '666' codes linking Biblical numerics with math.
The search led to a few key '666' verses, plus bringing on-board a
new piece of recreational math in the process.
The Mirror of 793 (BHO)
A substring in the 666th apocalyptic number (22454)
stands out among its sea of 739 digits. That substring is "79397",
a palindromic number.
I was reminded immediately of the following number pattern:
The palindromic substring, 79397, is a compressed version
of the pair {793-397}, found at the two-third and
one-third positions respectively on the Bible chapter illustration
397 is the Hebrew gematria of Joshua a.k.a Jesus (יְהוֹשׁוּעַ). Its mirror -- 793,
the English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) -- is the
"anti" version of 397. Anti-Jesus is Antichrist.
The Antichrist connection appears to be validated in the 739-digit
string of the 666th apocalyptic number shown below.
In the black block above, from the first "397" substring
(there are two "397" substrings) to the end of the
739-digit string, there are 670 digits. This number is
the standard English gematria of Antichrist!
The digit sum (3+9+7+9+0+1+......) of the black block (670
digits) is TWICE 670 (AC) and 793 (BHO)!!
The message of the 397 code cannot be more apparent --
Jesus (397) points to Obama (793) the Antichrist (670)
-- twice for emphasis.
The Antichrist (793) is hidden as the mirror of
Jesus (397).
We will see more evidence of the Antichrist codes encrypted by the
Concealer of secrets.
The Opaque Number 1409
My original discovery that started the apocalyptic number series
(see link),
involves the use of two blocks of 739-digit strings joined
together as a contiguous block.
When I applied the same apocalyptic code breaking rule to the
substring "397", an opague number came up that looks
unfamiliar hitherto.
The total number of digits in the above purple block beginning
with the Jesus substring "397" to the end of the block is 1409
-- a number that racked my brain for a few days without yielding.
David posted an intriguing number last week (see link).
He wrote, "Since 1/149 = a repeating decimal. 148 numbers
repeating forever. The sum is 666. Judas Iscariot = 149."
The number 149 caught my attention as I was ruminating on
1409 without a breakthrough. I verified David's math to be
The 148-digit string above (decimal digits of 1/149) sums
to a digit total of 666. Moreover, I was pleasantly
surprised that the substring "1409" is found at the 6th
digit from the start of the string.
But something is still nagging at me. With this number 1409,
I was merely tinkering with numbers within the domain of
math with no interface to Biblical numerics.
Then I had a light-bulb moment. I decided to search for Strong's H1409
(gad), the Hebrew word for 'fortune' or 'troop'. The
next entry in Strong's is H1410 for Gad with a capital G.
This is Strong's format in word catalog sequencing: proper name is
listed after word with identical spelling; for example, H1116 for
bamah is followed by H1117 for Bamah.
How does H1409 factor into any apocalyptic scriptures?
To begin with, the name Gad (H1410) is mentioned in
Numbers 10:20, the only scripture in the Bible with
gematria value of 666. In my post, "The Gathering" (link),
Eliasaph, the leader of the tribe of Gad, leads to six
verses with a combined CV (chapter-verse) total of 2368 (Jesus
Christ) and 793 (BHO); the latter is also obtained when
the chapter position of Num 10:20, ch127, is added to 666,
its gematria value.
The name Gad is mentioned 72 times in the KJV. The odds
of finding it in one of the 31102 verses of the Bible are 432 to 1
or 0.23% of it happening. In terms of probability, this is not
anywhere near the improbable level we would expect of a God thing.
But read on to find out more. In the New Testament, the name Gad
is mentioned only once in Rev 7:5, in the context of
the sealing of the 144,000 from the 12 tribes of Israel. Strong's
Greek for Gad is G1045.
Get ready to be blown off your seat. The sum of Strong's words for
Gad in Hebrew (H1409) and Greek (G1045) is 2454
-- the exponent of the 666th apocalyptic number (22454)!
This built-in self-checking validates the code breaking.
Furthermore, Strong's Greek number for Gad, 1045,
is the sum of 283 and 762 -- the gematria values of Strong's H666
and G666 words -- another big boost in confidence!!!
All roads appear to lead to Rome. The multiple threads the number
1409 weaves into the design add up to an unbelievable
amount of evidence; these include the '666' verse of
Apoc-N1020 (Gad), H666 and G666 of
Apoc-1K20P2 (gematria values 283 and 762 = G1045
Gad), and the exponent of the 666th apocalyptic
number (2454=H1409 Gad + G1045 Gad).
The cryptic number 1409 turns out to be a HUGE clue
(thanks to Gad) that leads to key Biblical '666' data
points and '666'-related math.
Despite the weight of evidence, there is more.
The 666 Magic Square
The actual name of this square is the Magic Square of the Sun. As
you can imagine, this square is too irresistible to occultists.
But all numbers are God's numbers, whether "good" or "bad". He
uses them for His own purpose at His own pleasure.
There is an interesting article on the square using Bible numerics
at this link.
My own take is inspired by the enigmatic number, 1409. It
ties in with my original post on the magic square back in 2009 (link).
The old insights remain, but 1409 puts a shiny new gloss
on them. It further strengthens the linkage between Biblical
numerics and math.
A magic square is a square divided into smaller squares each
containing a number, such that the figures in each vertical,
horizontal, and diagonal row add up to the same value.
Every magic square has a complementary
magic square (see link), obtained by subtracting every
number in the magic square from n2+1 (n=36 for
the 666 magic square which has a total of 666).
666 Magic
1 |
35 |
34 |
3 |
32 |
6 |
30 |
8 |
28 |
27 |
11 |
7 |
24 |
23 |
15 |
16 |
14 |
19 |
13 |
17 |
21 |
22 |
20 |
18 |
12 |
26 |
9 |
10 |
29 |
25 |
31 |
2 |
4 |
33 |
5 |
36 |
Complementary Magic Square
1296 |
1262 |
1263 |
1294 |
1265 |
1291 |
1267 |
1289 |
1269 |
1270 |
1286 |
1290 |
1273 |
1274 |
1282 |
1281 |
1283 |
1278 |
1284 |
1280 |
1276 |
1275 |
1277 |
1279 |
1285 |
1271 |
1288 |
1287 |
1268 |
1272 |
1266 |
1295 |
1293 |
1264 |
1292 |
1261 |
A magic square is identified by its magic constant -- the same total
obtained by summing all the numbers in any horizontal, vertical,
or diagonal lines. The magic constants of the 666 magic
square and its complementary are 111 and 7671.
The sum of both magic constants is the New Testament verse
order of Rev 13:18 -- v7782 (111+7671)!!!
The verse number 7782 has already been proven to be
intimately linked to the 666th and 793rd
apocalyptic numbers, 22454 and 22734
respectively (see link).
Without question, God placed the verse position of the '666'
scripture (Rev 13:18) at 7782 based on incontrovertible '666'-related
But the BIG insight is this: the magic constant of the 666
complementary magic square, 7671, as verse order, is
precisely Rev 7:5 -- the only New Testament verse that
mentions the name Gad !!!!!!
This is nuts!
Somehow, the mysterious figure Gad is connected to the 666
magic square and the 666 beast scripture. It's hard
to quarrel with the numbers.
Apocalyptic Trigonometry
One of the roads leading to Rome (1409) is Trigonometry.
2368 pairs of identical cosine and sine values can be
generated based on the cosine of angles from 1° to 2368° (2368
is the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ).
The corresponding sine angles must be from (1°+450°) to
(2368°+450°) to ensure that the sine values are the same as
the cosine values. For example,
= sin(451°) =
cos(2368°) = sin(2818°)
= -0.882947592858927
Out of these 2368 pairs of identical cosine and sine values, only
one pair sums to 2368.
cos(959°) = sin(1409°)
= -0.515038075
+ 1409 = 2368
The amazing number 1409 is in the equation!
The first three decimal digits of the trigonometric value of sin(1409°),
-0.515038075, form the number 515. This is the
standard English gematria of Jesus!
The cosine angle, 959, is the total number of digits in
the green block (below) counting from the substring "738"
to the end of the block formed by the two 739-digit strings of the
666th apocalyptic number. The number 738 is the Greek
gematria of Jesus (besides the more well-known value 888)!
It is stunning that the two trigonometric angles that sum to 2368
(Jesus Christ) -- 959° and 1409° --
are coded in the 666th apocalyptic number (see below).
Each block begins with a Jesus substring (397 Hebrew
and 738 Greek).
Jesus stamped His signature on the Apoc-1409 code.
Beginning with substring "397" (Jesus; Hebrew) in
the 666th apocalyptic number, the number 1409
leads to 2368 (Jesus Christ; Greek) through
Trigonometry, which in turn reveals 515 (Jesus;
English) and 738 (Jesus; Greek).
Jesus is all over the code!
The Antichrist is also hidden in this code. The gematria total of
Jesus is 4018 (397+2368+515+738).
This is also the BCV (book-chapter-verse) total of all
mentions of "antichrist" in the Bible!!!!!!
1 John 2:18 (antichrist)
= 1218
1 John 2:18 (antichrists) = 1218
1 John 2:22 (antichrist)
= 1222
1 John 4:3 (antichrist)
= 143
2 John 1:7 (antichrist) = 217
4018 = 1218+1218+1222+143+217
The wonder number 1409 practically links up all major '666'-related
chapters and verses in the Bible.
The middle number between 793 (BHO English) and 2025
(BHO Greek) is, guess what, 1409 !!!
Doves, I have more exciting thoughts to share with you on this
topic in my next letter, being mindful of numbers overload (even
for myself!)
The 2025 Year of the Snake just began a few days ago.
The above snake is asp -- a small poisonous snake found
especially in North Africa. The asp was a symbol of royalty in
ancient Egypt (Cambridge Dictionary).
The Greek word for asp is used only once in the
KJV, a hapax legomenon (Rom 3:13). Its Strong's number is
G785 (asp; aspis), which corresponds to the current
Hebrew year 785 !!!
I am not sure if there is any significance to it at all, but I
find it interesting nonetheless.
Right now it seems like the calm before the storm on the world
scene. When the storm eventually breaks, it's going to be a hyper
perfect storm, smashing even the highest scale above category 5
Come what may, our redemption draws nigh.
Come, Lord Jesus!