John Tng (2 Feb 2025)
"The Apocalyptic Codes"

Dear Doves,

1 Kings 20 and Philippians 2 are apocalyptic chapters of the Bible due to two Strong's words found in them: H666 (apher; to hide) and G666 (apousia; absence) respectively.

The phrase, "the day of Christ", a.k.a. the Rapture, is mentioned three times in the KJV. One of them is found in Philippians 2, the same chapter with G666, which means absence. The word intimates the disappearance of the saints at the Rapture.

The Hebrew word, apher (H666), which means to hide, is used in the context of disguise, an intentional hiding of identity. It is found exclusively in 1 Kings chapter 20, verses 38 and 41. The word apher intimates that at some point in the future, the Antichrist, whose number is 666, will come out of the shadows and emerge from hiding.

In my last letter (see link), I showed that the chapter positions of H666 and G666 are supernaturally hidden in the 666th apocalyptic number, 22454. For ease of referencing, this code is labeled Apoc-1K20P2, abbreviation for 1 Kings 20 and Philippians 2, the apocalyptic chapters.

In this post I want to show that the verse, Numbers 10:20, the only scripture with gematria value of 666, is also hidden in the 666th apocalyptic number. This code is labeled Apoc-N1020, abbreviation for Numbers 10:20, the apocalyptic scripture.

Both Apoc codes can be shown to be deeply connected; they confirm one another.

This pair of codes reflects Almighty's design thinking approach -- He apparently ordered a few key '666'-related chapters and verses in His Word according to the 666th and 793rd apocalyptic numbers.

Apoc-1K20P1 centers on ch311 (1 Kings 20; H666) and ch1105 (Phil 2; G666) of the Bible.

It is pure miracle that the chapter position numbers, {311, 1105}, are found hidden in the 666th apocalyptic number. The manner in which they are coded is apt, logical, and precise. Both numbers are marked out by the two '666' substrings without contrivance (see link).

Why did God choose {311, 1105} as chapter positions to place the two '666' words in the Bible?

The answer may well lie in the two illustrations below:

In the first illustration above, 793 (Barack Hussein Obama) chapters are sandwiched between ch311 and ch1105. In the second illustration, counting is extended into Bible 2; the number of chapters in-between {311, 1105} is the sum of 1318 (CV of Rev 13:18) and 666 the beast number.

These simple yet powerful visuals, add up to this -- that Obama (793) is the 666 beast of Rev 13:18.

Now look at the second code. In the blocks below, there are 366 digits between the two '666' substrings (green block) in one instance of the 739-digit string and 654 digits between the two '793' substrings (purple block) in another instance.

The choice for choosing the '666' and '793' substrings is obvious in view of the plethora of past discoveries linking them as a mysterious pair.

The total number of digits in the green and purple blocks is 1020 (366+654) -- pointing to Numbers 10:20!

Past discoveries show deep connections between 1020 and 793 (see link). These aside, the Apoc-N1020 code in its own right confirms these connections.

The perfect alignment between Biblical data and 'secular' math is unreal. One thing is for sure: this impossible math is not man-made. No 16th century Bible editors had the foreknowledge of exponentiation of a scale computable only with the aid of a modern computer. Human tampering is out of the question.

The inescapable admission is that God is behind these incredible codes.

Code Within A Code
There is a subtle code embedded in the Apoc-N1020 code. This code is the number 439, which can be obtained from key numbers of Apoc-N1020 -- (666-366) + (793-654). This number occupies a key chapter position in the Apoc-1K20P2 code. It acts as a glue cementing both Apoc codes together.

The above illustration shows that 439 is an integral part of the Apocalyptic chapters, {311, 1105}. Another arrangement bears out its outsized significance.

When 439 is added to 311 and 1105, the total ends on ch666 of Bible 2!!

The number 439 figures prominently in the Apoc-1K20P2 code. But the last pattern (see below) trumps the first two in terms of its visual impact and compelling logic. A more pertinent number can hardly be found than 439. It fits in like a glove in the Apocalyptic chapters.

The hidden message of this code is: the man identified by 793 is the 666 beast of Revelation 13:18.


Doves, just when I thought the number waves have subsided, another number pops up on my radar screen. Let me put thoughts into words in my next letter.

With Trump's relentless draining of the swamp, it is not a question of 'if', but 'when', the push back will inevitably come. It's not going to be a pretty sight.

But we are getting out of here. Fret not. A few more grains of sand, the hourglass will empty itself .... then, HE WILL COME!

M A R A N A T H A !
