John Tng (23 Feb 2025)
"Hiding In Disguise"

Dear Doves,

I found a hidden code in the Bible that is a classic example of steganography -- the art of hiding in plain sight. The code itself is about "hiding in disguise". I am not sure if this is a divine humor. Jesus hides the "hiding" openly and teases us to find it.

The Hebrew word, apher, means ashes, or covering. This word appears twice in a single chapter in 1 Kings 20. More importantly, its Strong's number is H666. The first mention of the word appears in 1 Kings 20:38; the verse describes an unnamed prophet who covered his face with ashes (H666) in disguise (H2664) before meeting King Ahab. In the Hebrew Bible, the two words are recorded one after another -- disguise as a verb followed by ashes as a noun -- "the prophet ... disguised himself with ashes upon his face".

Strong's number for disguise is 2664, that is, FOUR TIMES 666! This is looking to be an Antichrist code. Two chapters later, the word is used again. This time, it describes King Ahab, the king of Israel, who disguised as a captain of chariot and went into battle to fight the king of Syria, together with his ally King Jehoshaphat, the king of Judah. Ahab persuaded his "buddy" Jehoshaphat, to put on his robe and act as his body double to trick the Syrians whose real target was him. What a friend!

A random arrow from a certain man, presumably a soldier, smote King Ahab between the joints of the harness; he died several hours later. Man proposes, God disposes. Ahab was trying to escape from God's judgment prophesied by Micaiah, likely the unnamed prophet who disguised himself and confronted King Ahab two chapters earlier. Micaiah was a lone voice against all other lying prophets who falsely declared good unto the king with one mouth.

Here come's the thunderclap. The word disguise (H2664) is mentioned twice in 1 Kings 22:30, the verse that describes Ahab's disguise. Its first mention has an in-text Hebrew gematria value of 793 -- the standard English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama!!!

King Ahab shares some similarities with the 666 beast. Both came to a sorry end in a battle field. One at Ramothgilead, the other Armageddon. Both are evil. Ahab was more evil than all the kings that were before him (1 Kings 16:30). The beast is the lawless one, the son of perdition. Both end in ignominy. Dogs licked up Ahab's blood upon his death. The beast suffers the dishonorable fate, together with the false prophet, of being thrown alive into the lake of fire. Both worships Satan. Ahab served and worshiped Baal; he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal which he had built in Samaria. The practice of Baal worship involves child sacrifice and sexual rites. The beast is one with Satan.

Given what is already known about H666 and its extensive links to the Antichrist, this find adds to the existing body of evidence and confirms H666 as a key Antichrist code.

H2664 (Disguise): Another In-text Gematria Value

This value is 804. It appears in the verse that records the unnamed prophet in disguise; its word position is one word before apher (H666) in the Hebrew Bible. The same in-text value also appears as the second mention of disguise in the verse that records Ahab putting on disguise as a chariot captain when he went into battle against the Syrians.

H666 goes with G666 (I wrote extensively on these two words and their links to the Antichrist); their chapter positions, ch311 and ch1105, prove the identity of the Antichrist over and over again. Start with ch311, count forward to the end of the Bible (878 chapters); continue counting the 1189 chapters of the Bible two more times. The total is 888 + 2368 chapters; the first number is the Greek gematria of Jesus and the second number is the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ!!

Start with ch311 (H666), count forward to the end of the Bible (878 chapters); continue counting the 1189 chapters of the Bible one more time; finally, count up to ch1105 (G666). The total is 3172 -- FOUR TIMES 793!!!! Subtract 804 from this number, the difference is 2368 (Jesus Christ)!

The combined standard and ordinal Hebrew gematria of disguise (וַיִּתְחַפֵּשׂ֙) is 888 (804 + 84)!!!

Jesus confirms the code.


Doves, Jesus is unambiguous on the identity of the one "hiding in disguise". Will the Antichrist drop his disguise this year?

God knows how many times have I pored over the 666 beast scripture, Revelation 13:18. Numerous times have I exhorted watchers to "count" the number of the beast -- the admonition given in the '666' verse to believers who are gamed enough at cracking the puzzle. Only a few days ago I just realized that the standard Greek gematria of pséphizó (ψηφίζω; G5585) for "count", is 2025 !!!!!!

Even more intriguing, its reverse standard Greek gematria is 587; reversing this number it becomes 785 -- the current Hebrew year for the Gregorian year 2025 !!!!!!

The combined standard and ordinal Greek gematria of Barack Hussein Obama (Μπαράκ Χουσεΐν Ομπάμα) is 2025 (1809+216) !!!!!!

A lot is already happening barely two months into 2025. Will it escalate into a mushroom cloud? Or will it gather pace and build up to our meeting in the clouds? Whichever comes first is fine. We know the final outcome.

Come, Lord Jesus!
