John Tng (11 Aug 2024)
"Two Angel Encounters Pointing to the 9th of Av"

Dear Doves,

Over the years at the Five Doves, two enduring accounts of angel encounter were frequently mentioned by the doves: Vincent Tan's $2.34 and Lisaleenie's 11192. In the first encounter, an angel appeared as human (likely Gabriel) to Vincent while in the second encounter, an angel appeared in a dream to Lisa. In both encounters, the angel vanished into thin air (giving us a heads on the Rapture perhaps?) after delivering a numeric clue.

We doves must have racked our brains trying to decipher the clues left by the angels in both encounters (likely the same angel Gabriel). My brains were certainly fried. Four days ago, while at the park with my son and dog, I was strolling by myself and thinking of all the numbers swirling in my head. Without a calculator, all I could do was counting numbers mentally. When I got back to the car, I quickly checked the numbers using the calculator app and on my phone. It did not take long for me to realize that I was onto something BIG; the flash of insights hit me like a ton of bricks!

It turns out the two angel encounters are supernaturally linked; likely, it was the same angel who gave the numeric clues to both Vincent and Lisa.

I believe my discovery is a major confirmation of a potential 9th of Av rapture this year on Aug 13th, two days from now as of this writing.

The Cryptic Number: 11192

I must confess that when I first came across this number 11192, I did not know what to do with it. It is a big number and according to the angel it is a date. Lisa posted the number on Five Doves on Dec 30, 2008, fifty-five days after Obama won his first presidential election on Nov 5, 2008. I wrote my first Obama post on Nov 22, 2008, based precisely on Vincent's $2.34 as a major clue to solving the identity of the Antichrist (see post on "Has the Penny Finally Dropped?" at

Prior to my post today, I was totally clueless how the number 11192 can be linked to the rapture date if indeed according to the angel, it is a date.

It turns out there is a simple solution! From the date of Vincent's angel encounter on Dec 23, 1993, to Aug 13, 2024 Tisha B'Av, there are EXACTLY 11192 days inclusive !!!!!!


This is totally UNREAL.

As I unpack for you the two supernatural angel encounters, you will see that in terms of number patterns, typology, and historical accounts, the solution to the two puzzles is believable.

Lisa's Dream

Since all old posts from Feb 1997 to Nov 2010 have been deleted from the Doves site, and I did not archive all the old letters and emails having changed several laptops over the years, I do not have a copy of Lisa's original post. Thankfully, her letter was re-published by this site with comments from the web master:

Let me re-post it here in its entirety with remarks from the site's web master.

"In the dream I walked into a very large room. The walls were beautiful, and looked like white marble with gold trim. In the middle of this large room was a throne and even though I couldn’t clearly see the face of the person on the throne, it looked like the Pope. There was a red carpet leading up to the throne, with people standing around the carpet weeping.

I started to walk up the red carpet when an angel stopped me in my tracks. He was standing to the right of me, wearing brilliant white clothing. In his hand was a scroll. He handed me the scroll, and told me to open it. All of a sudden, the weeping stopped and all eyes were on me as I did as the angel directed me to do. I opened the scroll, and to my surprise, all I saw were five numbers on it: 11192

That was it.  Just five numbers.  Puzzled, I looked at the angel and asked him, "What are these numbers?"  He answered me and said, "These numbers are a date."  I asked him, "A date of what?"  All of a sudden he disappeared and I woke up."


Web masters additional notes:

On some posts Lisa Leenie is also known by the name Eileen which appears to be letters of Leenie rearranged.

It has been posted that Lisa passed on 28 September 2015.

The above was first posted on Fivedoves on 30 December 2008, but those posts are long gone, but can still be found on many recent web pages. Multitudes of watchers have been trying to decipher this code since 2008.

The whole experience by Lisa and it's significance to the book of Revelation cannot be ignored, and some day someone will break this code.

Common Google search in blue text: "Lisa Leenie" 11192


The unnamed angel is likely Gabriel as the angel who appeared to Vincent in another encounter (not the 234 encounter), did reveal that he is Gabriel.

The 9th of Av hidden in 11192

In terms of number pattern, one can clearly see the 9th of Av (5th month) hidden in the number 11192.

First, the five digits -- "1", "1", "1", "9", and "2" (Lisa specifically mentioned five numbers in her dream account) point to Av, the 5th month.

Second, the five digits clearly point to the 9th (the digit "9") of Av, the 5th month (5="1"+"1"+"1"+"2").

Lisa's number 11192 is a powerful confirmation that we may have found the solution to the two puzzles. But the more astonishing number pattern lies hidden in the money left by the angel for Vincent -- $2.34.

I have worked on this number 234 many times before. But when I considered 234 in light of Aug 13, 2024, the Tisha B'Av date this year, I was totally amazed by the new discoveries that I have found.

The Angel Money ($2.34)

This is another enduring mystery; it surrounds the supernatural encounter Vincent Tan had with an angel. The full account was reported by Jim Bramlett at this link (see Encounter #3):

The encounter took place shortly after 11 pm on Dec 23, 1993 -- the 10th of Tevet (6 pm sundown) on the Hebrew calendar. The angel left Vincent a small amount of money after he helped Vincent re-start his stalled car with a flat battery. According to Jim's account, the money consisted of two one-dollar bills, a quarter, a nickel, and four pennies.

Hidden Code #1: Aug 13, 2024 (Dollar & Coins)
There are 8 money items/denominations: 2 dollars + 1 quarter + 1 nickel + 4 pennies.
Thus, amazingly, the date Aug 13, 2024, is hidden in the angel money.

Hidden Code #2: Aug 13, 2024 (Cents)
The second code is hidden in the total number of cents in the angel money: 100c (1 dollar), 25c (1 quarter), 5c (1 nickel), and 1c (1 penny). It is interesting that the word, cent, appears in the name Vincent; even more interesting is the word Vin, appearing as the first part of the name, Vincent. Vin means WINE in American English; it originates from French. Tisha B'Av coincides with the Feast of New Wine, the true Pentecost, according to research done by Dr Barry Awe and Tyler@Generation 2434. The name Vincent means victory; in the context of the Rapture, this scripture comes to mind, "Where O death, is your victory? Where O death is your sting?" (1 Cor 15:55).

Now let us focus on cents. Express the money purely in terms of cent in a digit string: 1001002551111.
The date Aug 13, 2024, is once again seen hidden in the angel money.

Hidden Code #3: Aug 13, 2024 (Money spelled in English)
The money spelled in English hides another code pointing to Aug 13, 2024.

The date Aug 13, 2024, is seen hidden for the third time in the angel money.

Hidden Code #4: Aug 13, 2024 and 666 (Cents)
Take a look again at the digit string based on cents: 1001002551111.

A Hint of the Antichrist
Another hidden code on Aug 13, 2024
This is the fourth hidden code in the angel money that points to Aug 13, 2024.

The 10th of Tevet

Why did the angel choose the 10th of Tevet (Dec 23, 1993, 6pm sundown) to give Vincent Tan $2.34?

If this were not the start date, we would never have arrived at Aug 13, 2024, counting 11192 days inclusive from Dec 23, 1993.

The date is not random. The 10th of Tevet is a minor fast day commemorating the Siege of Jerusalem which eventually leads to the destruction of the First Temple on the 9th of Av. The two angel encounters are closely linked with 11192 days between the 10th of Tevet in 1993 and the 9th of Av in 2024. The angel gave a 30-year warning in advance before the potential removal of the Church on Tisha B'Av this year.

E.W. Bullinger was spot on concerning the number 30, "THIRTY
being 3 x 10, denotes in a higher degree the perfection of Divine order, as marking the right moment. CHRIST was thirty years of age at the commencement of His ministry, Luke 3:23. JOSEPH, His type, was the same age, Genesis 41:46. DAVID also, when he began to reign, 2 Samuel 5:4."

The right moment may refer to the moment in 1 Cor 15:52: "In a moment (atomos), in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

Precisely 30 years after Vincent's angel encounter, Dec 23, 2023 is the first day after the 10th of Tevet in 2023; counting 234 days forward from this date brings us to the 9th of Av in 2024 !!!

Thus, it appears that the date, Aug 13, 2024, is triangulated by the two numbers (234 and 11192), the numeric clues left by the angel(s).

The Seven GO Prophetic Words

Older doves may have come across the 7 GO prophetic words given to Jim Bramlett by the Holy Spirit (see link:

Isa 45:2
Isa 52:12
"He will not go out with nervous compulsion or with fear."
Isa 55:12
Ex 33:14
Jg 6:14
Ge 28:15

Each scripture or word contains the word GO in it; clearly this refers to our GOING home at the Rapture.

The most intriguing word is the third word which is not a scripture; its position and choice of words is most puzzling. With words such as "nervous compulsion" and "fear", it implies that the going out take place in a tumultuous time not unlike in a riot, war, or even a nuclear explosion.

With the new insights gained from cracking the angel money code, I applied the same methodology to solve the 7-GO prophetic puzzle with surprising and exciting results!

Third Word

First, there are 45 letters in the third word just like the 45 letters in the angel money spelled in English. Next, to crack this code, we will remove these words, THE RAPTURE, from the 45-letter sentence.

With THE RAPTURE Removed

These four words, "HE WILL GO OUT", remain intact after striking out THE RAPTURE. We know for a fact that believers as represented by Jim will go out at the Rapture. The third word employs a negative word NOT to convey a positive meaning. We can easily rephrase the statement explicitly with a positive GO by dropping the negative NOT as, "He will GO out without nervous compulsion or without fear."

Somehow, the Holy Spirit crafted the statement with unique choice of words for a purpose.

Let us now focus on the words THE RAPTURE. There are 27 consonants and 18 vowels in the third word which consists of 45 letters.
Thus, we have a double witness on the date, Aug 13, 2024, when we split the consonants and vowels of the 45 letters of the third word by using the words, THE RAPTURE, to do the splitting.

The Second Word -- Isa 52:12

Each of the six scriptures contains the word GO; but only the second word, Isa 52:12, employs a negative word NOT just like the third word; compare "For ye shall not go out with haste" (Isa 52:12) with "He shall not go out with nervous compulsion or with fear" (third word).

If we remove the second word and add the chapter and verse numbers of the remaining 5 scriptures that contain the positive GO word, a code emerges!

The five scriptures are: Isa 45:2, Isa 55:12, Ex 33:14, Jg 6:14 and Ge 28:15. The CV (chapter-verse) total is 45+2+55+12+33+14+6+14+28+15 = 224, pointing to the current year 2024 !!!

Also notice that the third word splits the 7 GO prophetic words into 2 (Isa 45:2, Isa 52:12) + 4 (Isa 55:12, Ex 33:14, Jg 6:14, Ge 28:15) words, pointing to the current year '24 !!!

The Rapture: He Will Go Out

The third word is full of surprises. We saw earlier by striking out the letters of THE RAPTURE from the third word, the four words that remain intact are HE WILL GO OUT.

These two phrases ("The Rapture" & "He will go out") split the 45 letters of the third word into 21 letters (letters of the two phrases; 10+11=21 letters) and 24 letters from the 'struck-out' words ("No Wit Nvos Comulsion O Wih Fr"). Amazingly, the splitting of letters into 21 & 24 point to Aug 13th (21 letters = 8+13) and the year '24 (24 letters).

The two phrases also point to the year '24 ("The Rapture" 2 words + "He will go out" 4 words).

The ordinal value (A=1, B=2, ... , Z=26) of this phrase is 13 (HE), 56 (WILL), 22 (GO), and 56 (OUT).

The digit string of the ordinal values of the four words, 13562256, sliced from the left three digits at a time, sum to 135+622+56 = 813; this number points to Aug 13th (813); plus, it is the CV (chapter-verse) number of Daniel 8:13, the Palmoni verse! (see previous post at

Daniel 8:13, the Palmoni Verse
Jesus, the Palmoni, the Wonderful Numberer, is found in Daniel 8:13. I wrote quite a fair bit on this verse in my previous post on "A Possible 9th of Av Rapture". I just want to point out an amazing detail that I missed out previously.

Daniel 8:13 "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint (Palmoni) which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?"

There are three saints in the verse: one saint, another saint, and that certain saint (Palmoni). The amazing detail that I missed out is the word, foot. The number of feet of the three saints points to the current year '24 --  2 (Palmoni's feet) + 4 (total number of feet of the two saints).

I find it amazing and amusing that the LORD led me to a cafe Two X Four that conveys the notion of feet and the precise number, 2 + 4 feet, hidden in Daniel 8:13.


The 2 + 4 Scriptures of the 7 GO Prophetic Words

The division of the six scriptures split by the third word into 2+4 words points to the current year '24. The chapter and verse numbers of these scriptures further confirm the date, Aug 13, 2024:
Here we see yet again another double witness on the date Aug 13, 2024.


Doves, will the Rapture take place in two days' time? No one really knows. There is a heightened anticipation that something HUGE is about to go down this Tisha B'Av on Aug 13, 2024, especially with rumors flying around that Iran is going to launch a BIG attack on Israel on the 9th of Av.

Also, Israel may just decide to launch a preemptive strike on Iran instead of waiting for thousands of missiles to rain down on their military bases and civilian centers. Given that the word "nuke" has been tossed around so freely with insane frequency in the media and internet, indeed, it may just happen that WE WILL NOT GO OUT WITH NERVOUS COMPULSION OR WITH FEAR prior to or amidst the mushroom clouds.

Doves, He is at the door!

Come, LORD Jesus!
