John Tng (4 Aug 2024)
"A Possible 9th of Av Rapture"

Dear Doves,

Tisha B'Av this year falls on Aug 13, 2024, that is, the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar. Dr Barry Awe and Tyler@Generation 2434 believe that this is also the Feast of New Wine, the true Pentecost.

There are compelling reasons why the Rapture may just happen on this feast. I know there are differing views on the exact date of New Wine due to the different calendars and how sabbath is counted. I doubt we can be absolutely certain of the exact date this side of the Rapture as we see through a glass, darkly.

Nonetheless, the LORD nudged me to take a look at my daughter's three dreams again as there are important details I missed out. By revisiting these dreams with Tisha B'Av in mind, I am making the case for a 9th of Av rapture this year . If nothing happens, let me apologize first; it just means it's another failed attempt at finding the elusive rapture date. Let me hasten to add that I am looking for our Bridegroom, and not the date per se.

The Number 665

My daughter saw the number 665 on Oct 20, 2023, thirteen days after the Oct 7 attack on Israel by Hamas. In her own words, "@dad what does number 665 mean? I saw it in my dream this morning. I saw it very clearly. It was like an alarm clock. The numbers were on the clock but very clearly showed 665. The alarm clock was a digital one. But there was no point (colon) in the middle of the numbers. Just 3 numbers. 665. Haha Jem just sent me this. He said the aircraft in front of him (in reservist now) is 665. You’ll be shocked when you see this, dad." She added, "I haven't read anything to do with 665 recently anyway. Even I myself thought it was strange. It's more likely that I would dream of 666 than 665."

I felt the same way too why 665 rather than 666. The 665 phenomenon started with my son two months earlier in August 2023 when he was queuing for food in a food court. His queue number was 665. He only realized something unusual the next morning when he weighed himself at 66.5 kg.

What is the significance of the number 665?

The recent nudging by the Holy Spirit caused me to realize that 665 is just 1 short of 666; it precedes the revealing of the Antichrist. This means that we are EXTREMELY CLOSE to our escape before all hell breaks loose. Since the number 665 came to my family last year in 2023, does that mean that 666 is going to happen this year in 2024?

As you will see shortly, this appears to be the hint given by the Holy Spirit. The strongest scriptural support for this hint comes from one complex prophetic sentence spread over two verses:

2 Thess 2:3 (v29,665) "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"
2 Thess 2:4 (v29,666) "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."

The two verses should be read as a complex sentence due to the semicolon at the end of the first verse. The BCV (book-chapter-verse) number of the first verse, 223, points to the year 2023; it is connected to the number 665 (the last 3 digits of v29,665). The BCV number of the second verse, 224, points to the year 2024; it is connected to the number 666 (the last 3 digits of v29,666).

The number 29 is the Number of DEPARTURE, a key theme of the first verse that refers to the Rapture prior to the revealing of the man of sin.

The Missing Link: 666

Since I was so focused on 665, I missed out important info that points to the 9th of Av this year. I am not making up these information or fabricating any details; they were simply blind spots at the time. Furthermore, I was ignorant of the Feast of New Wine and therefore did not factor that in.

My daughter saw the number 665 in an alarm clock (her own words twice). So the number 665 is some kind of warning before something BIG happens. Two months prior to my daughter's dream on 665, my son first noticed 665 on Aug 11, 2023. The next morning, he weighed himself (something he seldom does) at 66.5 kg.

What I did not report on was what happened on Aug 12, 2023, after my son weighed himself at 66.5 kg in the morning. I brought my son and dog to a cafe for lunch. The name of the dog cafe is Two X Four, an amusing reference to the number of legs a human owner has and that of his/her dog. At the time, it did not occur to me that my son, I, and my dog point to 2024 since 2+2+4 legs are digits of the current year; not unlike the BCV number of 2 Thess 2:4.

Furthermore, the name of the cafe spells Two (2) Four (4), the short form for 2024, that is, '24.

Here's the clincher. Aug 12 this year in 2024 is the start of Tisha B'Av (6:00pm Aug 12 to 6:00pm Aug 13, 2024) !!!

In other words, EXACTLY ONE YEAR ago the Holy Spirit was trying to impress upon me the significance of 665 in 2023 and 666 in 2024, on Tisha B'Av no less! Do I have additional evidence? Yes, I have.

As I reread the WhatsApp chat I had with my son, I realized that I missed out the number 666 BIG TIME. When my son related his 665 experience, he did mention 666 in an app he happened to open on Aug 11, 2023. He was puzzled why he saw these two numbers one after another in such close proximity. A few days after the incident, he managed to share with me the app screenshot showing 666 reward points. The app is Atome; it reminds me of the Greek word, atomos, which means moment, in relation to the twinkling of an eye rapture (1 Cor 15:52) !!!

Furthermore, on the day we visited the dog cafe, I parked my car directly opposite a vehicle with this number plate: 6665; this number is an amalgam of 666 and 665 !!!!!!

The name of the cafe is also revealing: there are two hidden 666s right in the middle.

Two(60) X(600) F(6)o(60)ur                        (Standard English Gematria)
First 666: o(60) + X(600) + F(6) = 666
Second 666: X(600) + F(6) + o(60) = 666

The sum o(60) + X(600) + F(6) + o(60) is 726, Strong's number for HARPAZO, the snatching away of the bride at the Rapture !!!

According to ancient Jewish custom, the Father would send the Bridegroom to come get the bride ONE YEAR after the marriage proposal. If you follow the New Wine (true Pentecost) typology, this is exactly what happens with the Church, the Gentile bride. The Church was betrothed on the First Pentecost/New Wine when the Holy Spirit (New Wine) was poured out on the body of Christ. The Bridegroom will come for the Church on the Last Pentecost/New Wine when He will drink the New Wine with His bride at the Rapture.

Our lunch bill came out to $59.07. This number is extremely interesting. First, 7 cents refers to the 7 Lampstands, the Church. Second, 59 dollars points to the fifth (5) month and ninth (9) day on the Hebrew calendar, that is, the 9th of Av !!!!! Third, the digits in the bill sum to 21 (5+9+7) which points to Aug 13 (21=8+13) !!!

If you search the cafe image online, you will find the cafe name, Two X Four, plus the graphic illustrations of a dog and its owner. The 8 letters in the cafe name points to the 8th month, August. My son, I, my dog, the graphic figures of a dog and its owner, together with the 8 letters point to the date 13th (8+5). The 14 legs of the two dogs (8 legs) and three humans (6 legs) point to the 9th of Av (9+5=8+6) !!!

Thus, the Holy Spirit was showing me the date Aug 13, 2024, potentially pointing to the Rapture this year.

The number 665 is supposed to lead to 666. This is supported scripturally by the fact that 2 Thess 2:3 (v29,665) points to 2023 and 2 Thess 2:4 (v29,666) points to 2024. As recent as yesterday, I realized to my astonishment that Aug 11, 2023 is day 223 and Aug 12, 2023 is day 224 last year (a non-leap year) !!!

The Holy Spirit chose the TWO precise dates to show me the TWO numbers 665 & 666, pointing to 2023 (day 223) and 2024 (day 224). This cannot possibly be coincidence!

The 9th of AV

When the LORD showed me the date for Tisha B'AV, that is, the 9th of Av, I marveled in awe (read on).

I did not make up any information that is now shared with you. When I wrote the post on Jun 3, 2024 (, I shared my daughter's three dreams. Since I was focused on Shavuot and my rapture date, Jun 12, 2024, the last thing on my mind was the 9th of Av.

My daughter's second dream happened on Jul 27, 2023; it is about Shavuot with "barley and oats" she was shown in the dream. At the time it did cross my mind that wouldn't it be nice if it were Jul 26, pointing to 726 Harpazo, instead of Jul 27?

But now I realize Jul 27, 2023 was exactly Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av of the Hebrew year 5783 !!!!!!


One year ago my daughter was shown in a dream, "barley and oats", on the 9th of Av. As explained in my Jun post, "oats" can be replaced by "wheat". She was shown a Pentecost rapture. But if the true Pentecost is the Feast of New Wine, and if New Wine falls on the 9th of Av, then my daughter's dream is a powerful confirmation of a potential Tisha B'Av rapture this year!

Palmoni the Wonderful Numberer

I believe Palmoni aka Jesus, concealed the Rapture date in the Book He authored. "Then I heard one saint speaking, and another saint said unto that certain saint (Palmoni) which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the daily sacrifice, and the transgression of desolation, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot?"

First, this verse speaks of the abomination that causes desolation, a striking resemblance to 2 Thess 2:4, "... he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." Let us suppose that the Rapture takes place on the 9th of Av, 2024; shortly after the Antichrist will be revealed. He will eventually enters the Third Temple and desecrates it at the mid-point of the Tribulation. The temple desecration theme in the Palmoni verse in the Book of Daniel comports with Tisha B'Av on which the first two Temples were destroyed.

More astoundingly, the chapter and verse numbers of the Palmoni verse in the Book of Daniel, 8:13, points to Aug 13th !!! The verse number counted from Genesis 1:1 is 21975; this points to the year 2024 since the digit sum is 24 (2+1+9+7+5) !!!

Daniel is the 27th book of the Bible; it is also the 5th Major Prophet Book. Incredibly, the book numbers (9=2+7 & 5) point to the 9th of Av (5th month) !!!

The digit sum of the verse number, 21975, also points to the current Hebrew year 5784 (24=5+7+8+4) !!!

The book position of Daniel in which Palmoni is hidden, is interesting. The 26 books before the Book of Daniel can be viewed as pointing to the year 2024 (2+6 =2+2+4) as well as August, the 8th month (2+6=8); the remaining thirteen OT books, including the Book of Daniel, points to the 13th day. Thus, amazingly, the potential rapture date, Aug 13, 2024, is concealed by Palmoni yet again in the Book of Daniel !!!

Nazarite & Nazarene

A major clue that ties the Feast of New Wine with the true Pentecost in Acts 2 is the Nazarite vow and the number 3,000. According to the research by Dr Barry Awe and brother Tyler, Samson, a Nazarite, whose vow is that no razor shall come upon his head, killed 3,000 Philistines on the 9th of Av. More importantly, a Nazarite is to abstain from wine and all other grape products, such as vinegar and grapes.

It can be argued that the words of Jesus during the Last Supper when he said, "I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom" (Mat 26:29) is not unlike a Nazarite vow. Jesus will end this vow (assuming it is a Nazarite vow) when He drinks the New Wine with the bride in heaven on the Feast of New Wine.

The first four digits of the verse number of the Palmoni verse, 2197, is the Greek gematria of JESUS THE NAZARENE, the first title on the writing Pilate wrote on the sign affixed to the cross !!!

Nazarite (Νᾱζῑραῖος) and Nazarene (Ναζωραῖος) is only one Greek letter difference. Jesus the Nazarene may not be a Nazarite by birth, but He appeared to have made a Nazarite vow at the Last Supper, a vow He would keep for two thousand years. This may not be a major evidence but I find it interesting.

The Hebrew Letter SHIN (ש)

My daughter's first dream is about the Hebrew letter SHIN. This is the 21st Hebrew letter with gematria value 300. Notice its links to the Palmoni verse, Daniel 8:13. The sum of the chapter and verse numbers is 21 (8+13). The first two digits of the Palmoni verse number, 21975, is 21.

The date of the dream is Feb 7, 2021. The Pentecost/New Wine key number, 3000, is implied by the letter SHIN with gematria value 300. 3000 Israelites were killed by the Levites on the 9th of Av because of the Golden Calf idolatry. 3000 Philistines were killed by Samson on the 9th of Av. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the 3000 who gathered at Jerusalem on the true Pentecost/New Wine on the 9th of Av.

The Hebrew for three begins with the letter SHIN: שָׁלוֹשׁ; hence, three thousand in Hebrew begins with the letter SHIN.

It is significant that my daughter saw the 21st Hebrew letter SHIN in the year '21. With double 21 (3x7) and the 7th day of Feb when she had the dream, there are Seven SEVENS. This is how Shavuot and New Wine are counted, 7x7 days plus the 50th day.

My daughter's birthday falls on Aug 7. Between Feb 7 and Aug 7, there are Seven SEVENS !!!!!!!

Barley and Oats

My daughter was shown the phrase "barley and oats" in her second dream when she was discussing rapture with the family. This is the dream in her own words, "Btw, I had a very interesting dream. Dad and maybe the rest of the fam, you were in it and we were discussing rapture. Somehow the phrase I remember from the dream is “barley and oats”. Apparently in the dream, I was convicted that the rapture time had something to do with it haha. I woke up, looked this up, and realised that barley is harvested in Spring (Passover to Pentecost) and oats are harvested in May, which is Summer period (from Pentecost to Tu B’Av)."

I surmised in my Jun post (link) that "oats" may be replaced by "wheat"; hence, my daughter's dream is pointing to a Pentecost rapture.

With the new info that is emerging, I now believe that the Holy Spirit intentionally showed my daughter the precise phrase, "barley and oats", for a reason. The phrase contains 13 letters, pointing to the 13th day; the 8 consonants point to August, the 8th month; and finally, the consonants in each word is 4 (barley), 2 (and), & 2 (oats), pointing to the year 2024 (422 reversed is 224) !!!!!!

There are 21 consonants in the English alphabet; the phrase, "barley and oats", splits the 21 consonants perfectly into 8 used (brly+nd+ts) and 13 unused (cfghj+kmpqv+wxz) consonants, pointing to Aug (8th month) 13th. The missing vowels, "u" and "i", intimate that YOU and I will be missing at the Rapture !!!

Together, the 26 letters in the alphabet point to the year 2024 (2+6=2+2+4) !!!

My 666 Experience

In both of my 666 experience last year, it involves me, my son, and my dog. In both instances, we were out for lunch each time. The three of us voted with our feet/paws for the year 2024 (2 feet +2 feet + 4 paws) when we visited Two X Four dog cafe especially. :) You could also say we voted for August, the 8th month (8=2 feet + 2 feet + 4 paws).

My first 666 experience was on Aug 12, 2023, exactly one year before Tisha B'Av this year, beginning Aug 12, 2024, 6:00 pm. I will not repeat what has been shared at the start of this post.

What I want to focus on now is my second 666 experience, three days after my daughter saw in her third dream the number 665 on an alarm clock on Oct 20, 2023. The month-day of Oct 20 may be written as 10-20, or 1020 as a whole number. The only scripture in the Bible with gematria value 666 is found in Numbers 10:20; thus linking the number 665 with 666. Furthermore, chapter 1020 in the Bible is Acts 2, the chapter in which we witness the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the 3,000 believers who gathered in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost !!!

We are seeing confirmation after confirmation in my daughter's dreams pointing to Pentecost/New Wine/Antichrist this year.

In my Jun post (link), I shared that as we approached the car park at Marina @Sentosa Island, I first saw 666 number of empty car park lots on a display panel some distance away from the car park. However, when we were about to turn into the car park at the entrance, a taxi beat me to it and thus I was left with the 665th car park lot to occupy. When I parked my car, I noticed my lot number on the floor is 223, pointing to the year 2023 when the incident happened.

Singapore as a nation state is an island; but Sentosa is also an island located on its southern tip, a popular tourist site.

You are not going to believe what I am about to share with you now. Sentosa was formerly known as Pulau Blakang Mati which in Malay means the "Island of Death Behind" (see Wikipedia link).

Hello? Leave the World Behind? Leave the World of Death behind and get Caught Up to the Land of the Living at the Rapture !!!

The lunch bill at Sentosa came out to $68.31. This number, when laterally transposed, is the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST (3168). But more intriguingly, when read from right to left, the bill amounts to a number 1386; this number barely conceals 13th Aug (13+8) and the year '24 (6=2+4) !!!

The 1386th minute of a day is the 666th minute close to midnight at 11:06 pm !!!!!!


Doves, this month is going to be VERY EXCITING with what is going on in the Middle East.

I am not saying the Rapture is going to happen 100% on Tisha B'Av this year. No matter how amazing the numbers appear to be saying, no one can really be sure about the date. Regardless, we are in a very HIGH WATCH WINDOW this month for sure.

I am also mindful that some brethren find it hard to accept the 9th of Av as a joyous date for the Rapture. The typologies seem to be diametrically opposed: temple razed to the ground versus temple raised incorruptible into the air.

But if the Rapture were to happen on the 9th of Av, our Jewish brethren would certainly sit up and take notice. Perhaps this may shake them up and lead them to find the true Savior, Yeshua Hamashiach.

Perhaps just as the 3,000 who perished because of the Golden Calf idolatry, and the 3,000 who were born again on the first Pentecost, the Church as the Temple of the Holy Spirit will vanish from the Earth, a form of removal rather than destruction that befell the first two Temples. For one group, Tisha B'Av spells death and destruction; for the other, life everlasting. But God will redeem His chosen people Israel when they come out of the time of Jacob's trouble and inherit the earth. Each in His appointed time according to His perfect plan of redemption.

Let us hope for the best.

M A R A N A T H A !!!


The Hebrew gematria of Palmoni (פלמוני) is 216 (6X6X6). It is interesting that day 216 in a non-leap year is Aug 4th, the birthdate of Obama, the 666 man. With the several examples in this post of how the potential rapture date is derived, it is now relatively easy to see that the first two digits of 216 -- 21, points to Aug 13th (21=8+13); the last digit 6 points to 2024 or '24 (6=2+4). Palmoni is truly the Numberer of Secrets.