John Tng (22 Dec 2023)
"The Obama Cross"

Dear Doves,

In the recent Obama-produced film, Leave the World Behind, he came out of his closet and through the medium of the movie, transmitted codes and symbols to the world that he is the Antichrist.

Some of these codes are so obvious as there is no attempt on the part of the producer and director to hide them; a case in point is the visual of the inverted cross openly splashed across the screen during the opening song sequence.

Other codes are more subtle; for example, in the picture below, the inverted cross is hidden among the crosses on the facade of the Sanfords' home.

The Obama Cross is an inverted cross, traditionally associated with the Antichrist in modern times.

The Obama Cross

The Lord led me to discover the Obama Cross in the 1318 Grid (see link) below.

The grid proper is a 10 x 9 table with 90 cells (grey and orange). The bottom-most row (white and blue cells) tabulates each column total; for example, column 10 total is listed in the last cell, 798 (666+36+8+66+11+6+3+2).

The rightmost column (white and blue cells) tabulates each row total; for example, row 1 total is listed in the first cell, 1061 (1+3+6+10+15+36+66+105+153+666).

The Obama Cross is revealed in the grid when the indices of the 90 cells are added (light blue cells below) in the grid.

In the illustration below, the index and cell are collapsed into a single value to reduce the complexity of the grid.

The consolidated grid reveals startling new information. To begin with, the number 62 appears to be highly significant in the cross; it is the only number that appears twice in the cross; furthermore, its positions -- at the heart and pole position (upside down) of the cross -- signify that something special is hidden here.

The number 62 outside of the cross also conceals another secret to be described later.

Threescore and Two (62)

Somehow we are back to this intriguing number -- threescore and two (62). Write down the number according to its English words: 3 (three) 20 (score) 2 (two); string the numbers together and form 3202; and finally, perform a reversal to obtain 2023 (for details see link).

Somehow the number threescore and two (62) is deeply connected to 2023.

You are going to witness this connection in the Obama Cross in ways that are unimaginable! This 'numbers' miracle is only possible because of Palmoni.

Sum up the combined index and cell numbers from #1 to #60 -- that is, the first sixty numbers in the above consolidated grid, ending on the pole position of the inverted cross.
The total is 2023 !!!!!!
This is the first miracle.

The pole position of the inverted cross occupies cell 60, that is, threescore! The cell content is 2 (two). This is the only cell in the grid that represents the number, threescore and two (62), in its truest form (see illustration below). Compare this with cell 59 that also has a combined index and cell total of 62 but added as 59+3; unlike cell 60, with sum 62, its addition is done as 60 (threescore) + 2 (two) -- true to its form.

With only a few days left before the year 2023 is over, what does it all mean?

Honestly I don't know. It will be nice if the Rapture happens this year. If not, year 2023 will certainly go down in Biblical history as a watershed year -- the year the Middle East powder keg is ignited; it will likely escalate into a regional or even world war. I don't see how else it's going to end after what happened on Oct 7. Certainly, it will take the consummate skills of the Antichrist to bring about a false peace.
"We got to start seeing this for what it is. There is no going back to normal." - G.H. Scott (Leave the World Behind)
Perhaps this is the year of the new normal -- there is no going back to normal.

Earlier in the year, information was leaked that 2023 is supposed to be year 1 of the Great Reset, the start of the New World Order.

We don't really know what will eventually pan out, but let us hope for the best this year; if not, surely it's going to be quite a ride as we move into 2024.


In Obama's movie, Leave the World Behind, the number 1619 appeared explicitly as an AM channel, 1619 MHz.

In the movie, the number 1619 ties in with the oil tanker, the White Lion, that crashed into the beach. The original White Lion was an English ship which brought the first African slaves to the English colony of Virginia in 1619.

Leaving aside the blatant racial overtones (why was this scene even included in the movie one wonders), my focus is on the number 1619; with a bit of re-arrangement, it's not hard to see 1961 -- the birth year of Obama.

If you think I had too much pizza last night, consider this: the movie was released Dec 8, 2023 on Netflix, that is day 342 of the year; add this number to 1619, the sum is 1961 !!!!!!
1961 (Obama's birth-year) = 1619 (White Lion) + 342 (Dec 8, 2023)
This little digression is necessary to underscore the significance of Obama's birth-year and the fact that his age is currently threescore and two (62) years -- a HUGE HUGE clue in the Obama Cross.

Enter miracle number 2.

The heart of the cross, occupied by the number 62, reached a total of 1961 counting from cell number one !!!!!!


I don't know if mere mortals are smart enough to "cook up" such numbers to point to a certain individual to "fit all the data". Certainly not me. But strangely, if you look further down the vertical plank of the inverted cross, the column total is 619; this is the English gematria total (standard and ordinal) of my full name !!! I am eternally grateful to God for this!

Let me show you one more evidence which I think is conclusive.

In the above illustration, the red block of numbers starts from cell 61 (with content 61) and ends on cell 84 (with content 92).

These two numbers form the birth-date of Obama, 8461, or Aug 4, 61. The total of the red block of numbers, 2777, reveals the identity of the 666 beast of Rev 13:18 without a shadow of a doubt.
2777 = 1318 (Rev 13:18) + 666 (beast) + 793 (BHO)
The two remaining blocks of numbers (black blocks flanking the red block; see illustration below) add to twice the CV (chapter-verse) number of Rev 13:18 !!!
2023 + 613 = 1318 (Rev 13:18) + 1318 (Rev 13:18)
Amazing !!!

What this means is that, the total of the consolidated grid (index + cell), is a breakdown of numbers that clearly points to the 666 Antichrist (793) of Rev 13:18.
Consolidated Grid Total = 5413 = 1318 + 1318 + 1318 + 666 + 793
The wonders do not stop here.

The red block total, 2777, is composed of two numbers -- the index total (1740) and the cell total (1037); the latter is the standard English gematria of US President Obama !!!

Notwithstanding the miracle of finding 1961 and 2023 one after another in the 1318 Magic Grid, the big question remains, why 2023?

We can understand the significance of finding 1961 (birth-year of 'O') and 8461 (birth-date of 'O') in relation to the Antichrist; but what is the significance of 2023?

I am afraid we will have to wait out 2023 to find that out.

Nonetheless, I want to show you that the 1961-2023 miracle does not just occur in the Magic Grid; it is also found in the Genesis Pyramid (see link). Not only that, incredibly, the grid itself provides incontrovertible corroborating evidence linking it to the 1961-2023 miracle in the pyramid.

But if Palmoni is the Author of both the grid and the pyramid, it should not surprise us after all.

The Pyramid of the Ages

The Great Pyramid of Giza has held great fascination for many; it is believed that man's future has been etched into its stones. Whether true or not, we have not been able to confirm this belief.

We have a similar phenomenon here in the first scripture of the Bible, Genesis 1:1. The Genesis Pyramid dates back to the beginning of time at Creation. I believe its veracity is on par with the authenticity of the Bible, if we can find the right key to unlock its secrets.

I believe I have found the key; it is actually a number -- the Greek gematria of Jesus Christ, 2368.

For background to the Genesis Pyramid, please follow this link:

Out of the 40,515 possible combinations of numbers that can be generated in the Genesis Pyramid, two combined stone values stand out for attention:
2368 (Jesus Christ) = 1585  + 783
2368 (Jesus Christ) = 1647  + 721
Because they are the only two combinations that add to the Master Key Number, 2368, they must be important. They point to 1961 (Hebrew year 721) and 2023 (Hebrew year 783).

The "connecting" numbers, 1585 and 1647, can be found in the 1318 Grid !!!

Although there are 90 cells in the grid, only 44 cells contain numbers; these 44 numbers add to 1318 -- the cell total that earns the title of the grid -- the 1318 Grid.

There are 44 index numbers (yellow numbers in the above illustration) that are tagged to the 44 cell numbers (it's funny that the Antichrist is known as the 44th president).

There are 45 yellow index numbers altogether, with one special extra index, the 57th index number (red) added to the 44; although its cell content is empty and not tagged to a cell number, however, it is included as a special index together with the 44 indices being the only empty cell in the Obama Cross (orange cells).

[Aside: The Obama Cross consists of 6 vertical cells and 7 horizontal cells. With one empty cell, that is cell "0", the three digits when combined result in the number 670 -- the English gematria (standard) of Antichrist! Check out my review of the movie, Leave the World Behind, at this link.]

Things get interesting with the inclusion of the 57th index number; together with the 44 indices, they basically flush out the number 1647 as the index total of the remaining half of the 90 cells that are tagged to empty cells; or, more significantly, the O cells!

There you have it -- the first "connecting" number, 1647, is found in the grid; it is linked to the Hebrew year 721, or Gregorian year 1961 -- the birth-year of O !!!

Now turn our attention to another unique index number in red, 62 (see illustration above). As a member of the O set that consists of 45 indices, this index is unique in that it is threescore and two (62). Recall that the 1961-2023 miracle was discovered thanks to this number, threescore and two (62).

The second "connecting" number, 1585, emerges when this special index, 62, is dropped from the O set.
1585 = 1647 (O set) - 62 (special O cell)
Thus, amazingly, the year 2023 (Hebrew year 783, pointed to by the "connecting" number 1585), shows up together with 1961 (Hebrew year 721, pointed to by the "connecting" number 1647), for a second time in the Magic Grid, confirming the 1961-2023 miracle.

The witness of the Genesis Pyramid adds to the weight of evidence for the 1961-2023 miracle in the 1318 Grid.

The Man and the Cross

I know for some of you, your head must be spinning by now if you manage to reach this point at all. You have to understand that I eat and sleep these numbers. So please forgive me if I overload you with numbers in my excitement.

For the astute readers, you might have noticed that I did not justify the cross at all; meaning, how did I come up with the cross and know that that is it?

Great question!

Actually, up to this point, what was established beyond a shadow of a doubt is the 1961-2023 miracle -- the 59th and 60th cells -- the cells that occupy the heart and pole position of the inverted cross.

Are the rest of the cells in the cross merely my extrapolation and imagination or in fact intended by Palmoni?

I invite you to consider with me what I call the Obama Shield (black rectangle below), the rectangle of cells containing the Obama Cross.

First, the upper right box (red) numbers (see illustration below) total 1984 -- the year of the Big Brother. More importantly, it is the sum of 1318 and 666!!!
1984 = 1318 (Rev 13:18) + 666 (beast number)

The remaining blue box numbers (545, 126, 234), total 905. This number does not seem to ring a bell, but when it is subtracted from 112, the cell total of the Obama Cross (1+1+2+4+5+11+66+11+6+2; see first cross illustration at the top), the difference is anything but ordinary!
905 (blue numbers total) - 112 (cell total of cross) = 793 (BHO)

The Obama Shield with the Inverted Cross, confirms that the bearer of the number 793 is the 666 beast of Rev 13:18 !!!

Without a doubt, the Obama Cross code is real; its authenticity is borne out by the surrounding blocks of numbers in the shield.

Lord Jesus and the Inverted Cross

Only Palmoni is capable of putting the Obama Cross supernaturally in the Magic Grid; we can detect His signature by looking at the index of the cross.
699 (cross index) = 55+56+57+58+59+60 (vertical plank) + 32+41+50+68+77+86 (horizontal plank)
The English gematria (standard) of LORD JESUS is 699 !!!

The remaining index total for non-empty cells is 1749; this is the sum of 793 (BHO standard) and 956 (BHO standard + ordinal) !!!!!!
1749 (non-empty index outside the cross) = 793 (BHO standard) + 956 (BHO standard 793 + ordinal 163)
It seems that the Antichrist is aware of both numbers (793 and 956); I am not sure he has cracked the Obama Cross, but I am very sure he is aware of these two numbers.

The Netflix MovieID

Obama is a master in exploiting the mass media for propaganda. Recall his successful 30-minute infomercial on Oct 29, 2008 one week prior to the election; it drew 26.4 million viewers to three major networks.

So it is not surprising that he moved into Netflix, the number 1 video streaming platform in the world, with 247.15 million users as of October 18, 2023. Obama knows where to be seen and promote himself.

Just today I discovered that a MovieID is a thing with Netflix. To my greatest joy, I found that the MovieID of Leave the World Behind, the Obama-produced apocalyptic film, actually sums up my antichrist articles in a eight-digit code what I wrote in paragraphs! Amazing!

You don't have to be a subscriber to view the title of a Netflix movie with its MovieID.

Did you see that?

The last three digits of the MovieID, 81314956, form the number 956, the English gematria (standard and ordinal) of Barack Hussein Obama !!!!!!

The first four digits, 8131, when reversed, become the number 1318, the CV (chapter-verse) number of Rev 13:18 !!!!!!


This comes straight from the source itself.

Can it be any clearer?

Whoever responsible for coming up with the secretly coded MovieID, 81314956, is aware of the hidden codes in the movie.

Check out my review of the movie on the wrist watch code (see image below).

The watch is coded with this number 1912 (the minute, second, and hour hands point to "1", "9", and "12").
1912 = 956 (BHO std+ord) + 956 (BHO std+ord)
The MovieID, 81314956, is also coded with this number 1912; add the two numbers from the 7 leading digits, reversed.
1912 = 1318 + 594
It seems like the powers that be (TPTB) that are backing their dark horse is pulling out all stops now. All subtleties appear to be dispensed with under the new normal.

The Netflix Poster

The official Netflix poster of Leave the World Behind is highly revealing.

It has been pointed out by netizens that BAAL, the pagan god, is hidden in plain sight in the above poster. Many also recognize the prominent role played by the deer, a disproportionate symbol central to the movie one might add.

Now I am beginning to see why.

For a start, the English gematria (standard) of DEER is 104 (4+5+5+90); this is the same as the English gematria (standard) of OBAMA !!!

Are we kidding here?

Apparently not. We should have suspected so given the ominous shape of the horns and branches on the head of the deer represented on the official movie poster.

Let us take a closer look.

First impression of the horns and branches reminds one of ugly diabolical hands with long nails typically found in cheap horror movies :)

On the left horn (a horn is the main branch), we can see three groups of branches or antlers: 1) closest to the head; 2 branches with the main horn; 2) a group of 3 branches midway; and 3) another triplet of small branches at the tip of the left horn.

Each triplet is not unlike the well-known 666 'Ok' satanic hand gesture (see below; O with the Ok sign).

So on the left horn, we have the 666 sign repeated three times !!!

Given that a deer's horns are symmetric (generally true), the right horn also exhibits another triplet of 666 signs !!!

Both horns have a total of 6+6+6 branches (including the two main branches) !!!!!!

The 666 sign appears a total of SIX times on the left and right horns !!!!!!

The cross-legged deer (representing O) in the poster appears to be trampling on the cross under its feet figuratively !!!!!!

What a sinister, below-the-belt, slighting symbol!

The Darkest Hour

I cannot get it out of my mind that the date, Dec 22, is so prominently displayed in the movie, Leave the World Behind, throughout the movie whenever Clay Sanford is behind the wheel.

Perhaps this is just another 666 code since it coincides with the 666th day after Russia invaded Ukraine; the off-the-charts number of 666 codes hidden in a single movie is unheard of.

Dec 22 will also usher in the darkest hour in the darkest night of the year.

This may be nothing, but the date is also hidden in the Obama Cross!

The illustration shown above is the original inverted cross without the index numbers. Let us only focus on the row and column totals (blue cells) covering the range of the cross.

The cross total is 112 (1+1+2+3+4+5+11+66+11+6+2); it is interesting that 112 is also seen on the left side of the horizontal plank.

When the cross total 112 is subtracted from the odd row and column totals, the difference is 1318 + 666 !!!

Odd row total = 1061 + 10 + 27 = 1098
Odd column total = 16 + 49 + 135 + 798 = 998
1318 + 666 = 1098 + 998 - 112
The even row and column totals add to 507 (101+102+2+22+88+192); when it is subtracted with the cross total 112, the difference is 395.
395 = 507 - 112
Add up these two differences and the total is 793 (AC) + 793 (AC) + 793 (AC) !!!!!!

But more intriguingly, the total is also 2023 + 356 (Dec 22 is day 356) !!!!!!

Today may come and go with nothing major happening but I could not help seeing the numbers in the pattern of the cross.

One thing is for sure. This has been a very exciting year -- the prophetic realm appears to be bursting at the seams with mega signs everywhere.


Doves, there is no going back to normal. From this point on, we will be experiencing prophecy on steroids if not already.

We can expect a greater velocity at which things are moving in the prophetic timeline. The Rapture is around the corner for sure; we just do not know when unfortunately.

Let us stay faithful and continue to watch and pray. We may face greater and greater challenges in our walk with Christ, but that also means our escape is getting closer and closer.

Until the trumpet sounds!

Come, Lord Jesus !!
