John Tng (12
Mar 2023)
Secret Numbers"
Dear Doves,
Jesus is likely Palmoni, the Numberer of Secrets, that certain
saint described in Daniel 8:13, who left us very precise
timing clues to the Last Days -- 2300 days, 1290 days, and 1335
days. Jesus also left us an intriguing clue to solving the 666
beast riddle in Revelation 13:18. His
signature is hidden in this phrase, "and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six", which shares the same Greek gematria value of
2368 with the name JESUS CHRIST.
What are some secrets numbered by JESUS CHRIST, the Numberer of
The Antichrist Number Line
A number line is a line on which numbers are marked at intervals.
This number line discovery I am going to share with you is so
powerful it can only come from God. It's a wonder I did not
discover it earlier since it is so simple a fifth grader could
have figured it out.
This intriguing number line hinges on two numbers: 793 at the
start of the line and 2368 at the end of the line.
The above number line between 793 (English gematria of Barack
Hussein Obama) and 2368 (Greek gematria of Jesus Christ) is
equally divided into 15 intervals; each interval has a length of
The most shocking thing about this number line is, at the one
third position, the number marked is 1318 (the 666 beast
scripture, Revelation 13:18 with colon removed). But this is two
thirds from the end of the number line, which is 0.666 !!!!!!
The number line has to start with 793 and end with 2368; or else,
we will not have 1318 at the 0.666 distance from the end of the
So in one fell swoop, the number line captures all the key
numbers contained in Revelation 13:18:
1318: combined chapter and verse numbers
666: "Six hundred threescore
and six"
2368: the Greek gematria of the ending phrase, "and his
number is Six hundred threescore and six"
793: the intriguing factor present in Revelation 13:18,
verse 30,927 (3x13x793) counting from Ge 1:1
The number line clearly points to Barack Hussein Obama (793)
as the Antichrist.
The Wonderful Numberer never ceases to amaze!
The Four 666 Scriptures
There are four references to 666 in the Bible, three in the OT,
one in the NT. The three OT references are, 1 Kings 10:14 at verse
9,094, 2 Chronicles 9:13 at verse 11,378, and Ezra 2:13 at verse
12,041. The total is 32,513 or 41 x 793. Revelation 13:18
is verse 30,927, or 39 x 793. All four verses are
therefore 80 x 793.
Book Order of the Four Books
11th (1 Kings)
14th (2 Chronicles)
15th (Ezra)
66th (Revelation)
Chapter Order of the Four Chapters
301st (1 Kings chapter 10)
376th (2 Chronicles chapter 9)
405th (Ezra chapter 2)
1180th (Revelation chapter 13)
Add up the above eight numbers and be amazed that the sum is
11+14+15+66+301+376+405+1180 = 2368 !!!!!!
Here again we see Jesus Christ (2368) is pointing to Barack
Hussein Obama (
793) as the man marked with the beast number 666.
The Antichrist Number Line (Part 2)
The Antichrist Number Line has the fingerprint of God all over it.
The number line is simple enough to follow with its equally
divided parts, revealing all the key numbers of the 666 riddle. If
ever there were a simple illustration showing who the Antichrist
is, this surely is it.
But Palmoni has more surprises hidden in the number line bracketed
by 793 and 2368. By dividing the line into three equal parts, we
hit the jackpot landing on the number 1318 at 0.666 distance from
the end of the number line.
Out of curiosity I repeated the three-part division two more times
to see where the operation leads to on the number line. I was
totally floored by the final number at the end of the
third cycle of the three-part division !!!
[Note: A blue line segment in the above illustration is one-third
of each number line and a red line segment is two-third.]
The entire number line structure has a familiar feel to it. It
reminds us of the series of apocalyptic judgments recorded in the
Book of Revelation: 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls. The 7th seal
telescopes into the 7 trumpets. The 7th trumpet telescopes into
the 7 bowls. The last judgment of a series launches the next
series of judgments until the third and final series. Just as the
three series of apocalyptic judgments increase in intensity with
each successive series, the three number lines sharpen in focus
with each successive zooming in.
The final number at the end of the third cycle of the three-part
division is 2251. This number is the sum of 793 (English gematria
of Barack Hussein Obama) and 1458 (English gematria of Barry
Soetoro) !!!!!!
Or, put another way: the successive '0.666' zooming in added a
distance of 1458 to the start of the number line, 793.
The number 1458 added a very powerful witness to the enigmatic
Antichrist Number Line. Starting from 793 on the number line, with
three successive '0.666' advances towards the end point 2368, we
ended up covering a line distance of 1458 (see illustration
below). It confirms more than I could ever hope for what I have
known for a long time, that between 793 and 1458, there are 666
numbers !!!!!! (666 = 1458 - 793 + 1, inclusive reckoning; see end
of this post at link)
The final number 2251 reveals a startling number pattern on the
number line. Its distance from 1318 is 933, the English gematria
of US President (UP), confirming the identity of the Antichrist
yet again. The short line segment beyond the final number is
2368-2251=117. This is BARACK in English gematria !!!
Palmoni, the Numberer of Secrets, encrypted an intricate code
(though simple in design) in the number line that conceals the
identity of the Antichrist, complete with names and title. The
solution is so perfect I am not sure there exists another
candidate that can fit all the numbers on the number line.
Black Stone 1318
The number line phenomenon defies natural explanation.
Intriguingly, it is deeply connected to the Genesis Pyramid
phenomenon (link).
Its connection with the Genesis Pyramid's black stone 1318 is
beyond dispute:
Black stone 1318 is blue stone 2251
Both numbers are marked on the Antichrist Number Line as a result
of a series of 0.666 segmentations. More importantly, 2251 is the
English gematria total of Barack Hussein Obama (793) and Barry
Soetoro (1458). The difference between black stone 1318 and blue
stone 2251 is 933, the English gematria of US President.
Taken together, the two stones are basically pointing to US
President Barack Hussein Obama (also Barry Soetoro) as the 666
beast of Revelation 13:18.
The linkage between the Antichrist Number Line and Genesis Pyramid
is further confirmed by the red stone with number 451 (each of the
2701 stones on the Genesis Pyramid has 3 colored number values).
Black stone 1318 = Blue stone 2251 = Red stone 451
(Aside: I will not elaborate on the number 1769, the sum of black
stone 1318 and red stone 451. Suffice to say both 1318 and 1769
belong to two very special classes of triangular numbers: Left-
and Right-Truncatable Triangular Number. Both number classes are
deeply connected to 666.)
Both the number line and pyramid stone point to the same prime
suspect, in two names no less! The key to unlocking the 666
secrets is Jesus Christ (2368) Himself.
2368 is the sum of 2251 (BHO+BS; standard gematria) and 117
(Barack; standard gematria). This is evident on the number line.
Blue stone 2368 is red stone 334; or red stone 2368 is blue stone
334. The number 334 is the order number total (A=1, B=2, ... Z=26)
of Barack Hussein Obama and Barry Soetoro !!!!!!
In Red stone 451, we find the combined witness from the number
line and pyramid stone:
Red stone 451 = 117 (Barack; standard gematria) + 334 (163 BHO
and 171 BS; order number) !!!!!!
In my previous post on "The Pyramid Stone that Reveals", I
discovered this equation:
2368 (Jesus Christ)
= (1769-1318) + (793-163) +
(1458-171) !!!!!!
(R-TTN total; John 13:18; Rev 13:18; the Revelation Stone
(L-TTN total)
(Standard English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama)
(Ordinal value of Barack Hussein Obama)
(Standard English gematria of Barry Soetoro)
(Ordinal value of Barry Soetoro)
The number 2368 is truly the key that cracks the 666
The Master Key Number 2368
Over the years, I have written many posts exposing the identity of
the Antichrist. However, this post is special in one respect.
Readers may have noticed that at the heart of all the numbering is
the master key number 2368. You can verify for yourself the key
role this number plays in all the above discoveries. JESUS CHRIST
(2368), the Numberer of Secrets, is central to all the codes.
The never-before-seen focus on 2368, not only shine new light on
old numbers, but led me to new astounding discoveries beyond my
wildest dreams. Below is one such example.
On the Genesis Pyramid, three stones are numbered with the master
key number: black stone 2368, blue stone 2368, and
red stone 2368. The table below shows all the nine numbers
associated with the three '2368' stones in three colors.
Black stone 2368 is blue stone 1152 and red stone 1550.
Blue stone 2368 is black stone 1669 and red stone 334.
Red stone 2368 is black stone 2128 and blue stone 334.
Like magic, the total distances between the three '2368' stones
and their associated colored stone numbers sum to 793, the
man we are looking for !!!!!!
Distance between black stone 2368 and its two colored stone
numbers: (1152+1550) - 2368 = 334
Distance between blue stone 2368 and its two colored stone
numbers: 2368 - (1669+334) = 365
Distance between red stone 2368 and its two colored stone numbers:
(2128+334) - 2368 = 94
Total distances of the three '2368' stones = 334 + 365 + 94 = 793
The numbers seem too good to be true, only that they are ACTUALLY
Doves, I have more numbers to share; however, I will reserve my
excitement for the next post.
Until then.
He is much nearer than before for sure !!!