Dear Doves,
This is supposed to be Part 5 of my series on Daniel's 70 Weeks (see link). I have decided to use a different title for the post reason for which will be clear as you read on; it is still very much pertaining to where we are in the timeline, that is, nearing the end of the seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks of Daniel's prophecy.
The well known expression, the writing/handwriting is on the wall, is Biblical; it has its root in Daniel chapter 5 where we read the account of the demise of the Babylonian Empire and its last king, Belshazzar, on the very night after God wrote with His finger these intriguing words, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (v25), on the wall of the banquet room where a royal feast was held.
Why do we focus on Daniel chapter 5?
It turns out to be a chapter that is deeply connected to the 666 puzzle of Rev 13:18.
Indeed, I would venture to say that this chapter cracks the puzzle!
Cracking the 666 Puzzle
As far as I am concerned, the 666 puzzle is finally cracked as of last week (see link). But as brother Nando observed, not many Christians are aware of its solution, and doves who came across my articles, for a number of reasons, are not fully convinced of them, not to mention not accepting at all for some. I am always thankful to appreciative doves who took the trouble to wade through the numbers to try to understand and expressed their encouragement.
I fully understand the challenge in figuring out patterns and numbers when nowadays most of us hardly perform mental calculations anymore. We need to rely on a calculator to even add or subtract simple figures.
Nonetheless, for the doves and the wider Christian community and anyone else for that matter, I would continue to present the solution to the 666 puzzle God has given me as best I can, as time is almost over.
For ease of understanding, I humbly suggest that you accept the results of more challenging mathematical concepts such as the truncatable triangular numbers and treat the numbers as just numbers (they are valid, rigorous, and provable) and proceed from there.
The Magic Grid
We begin with the motherlode of numbers derived from the A202269 sequence (Right-Truncatable Triangles) listed in the grid below (for its derivation, kindly read the previous posts in the series; see link).
The total of all numbers in the above grid is 1318, matching the CV (chapter-verse) number of Rev 13:18. Never mind how these numbers are obtained, just treat them as numbers albeit numbers that appear to possess magical properties that confound human logic. But if they are from God, we should expect no less from the solution to what appears to be the greatest puzzle ever composed.
The number 666 is the largest number in the grid; it is the master key number because no other numbers that come after it can fit into the grid due to its special property. It is no wonder that the 666 beast scripture is positioned precisely at Rev 13:18.
God intends us to solve the 666 puzzle after all. In fact, He made it plainest when He arranged the verse position of Rev 13:18 to be at 30,927 -- 3 x 13 x 793; the Antichrist (793) appears as the largest number in the product. But I guess we are men of little faith, always needing more confirmations (not to mention too that the verse total of the other three '666' scriptures, 1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chr 9:13, and Ezra 2:13, is 41 x 793, also contains 793 as the largest number in the product).
I was beyond elated last week when God showed me the simplest way to find the Antichrist (793) in the grid. All you have to do is to divide the table into rows and columns and add their totals together. With such divisions, four totals can be obtained from the grid.
The amazing thing is that these four totals when subtracted in two pairs yield the Antichrist (793) in a double witness sort of way !!
Furthermore, if you combine the four totals in another way, the Antichrist (793) shows up again together with 1318, the grid total:Antichrist (793) = 1108 - 315
Antichrist (793) = 1003 - 210
The grid seems to possess a certain magic in revealing the Antichrist (793), namely, Barack Hussein Obama.1318 + Antichrist (793) = 1108 + 1003
1318 - Antichrist (793) = 315 + 210
The Handwriting of God
God wrote with His own finger three times in human history according to the Bible. The second time He did so in 539 BC was the last day of the Babylonian Empire.
The year 539 BC is very intriguing. In relation to the Antichrist, 793, the average of these two numbers is 666 !!!!!!
539 + 793 = 666 + 666Nebuchadnezzar II, the greatest king of the Chaldean dynasty of Babylonia (1894 BC - 539 BC), died in 562 BC; he is the head of gold of the image / statue that appeared to him in a dream; only Daniel in all his empire could interpret his dream.
Many believe that the Antichrist will be the leader of a 10-nation confederacy symbolized by the 10 toes of the feet, part iron and part clay.
Watch the numbers below and be amazed.
1894 (Babylonia began) - 539 (Babylonia ended)Perhaps these are just pure coincidences. But what I am going to show you next is irrefutable Biblical evidence that Daniel chapter 5 is a major key that unlocks the secrets of the 1318 Grid.
= 562 (Nebuchadnezzar II died; head of gold) + 793 (Obama; leader of 10 toes)
Let us begin with the writing on the wall in Daniel 5:25, "And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN."
The CV (chapter-verse) number 525 immediately jumped out at me; it is a key number in the Antichrist Number Line -- one third of its length.
But I just discovered that Daniel 5:25 is deeply connected to John 21:11 (153 fish number) and Rev 13:18 (666 beast number). Both 153 and 666 are the two largest numbers in the 1318 grid; they are the seed numbers (numbers in the leftmost column in the grid) that generate the rest of the numbers to their right.
Daniel's writing-on-the-wall scripture, together with John's fish and beast scriptures, leave us with zero doubt who the Antichrist is.
1318 (666 beast) - 525 (finger of God) = 793 (Antichrist)Can we find a more perfect double witness?
2111 (153 fish) - 525 (finger of God) = 793 (Antichrist) + 793 (Antichrist)
As if this is not enough, even the chapter position numbers provide another incredible double witness.
ch1180 (666 beast) - ch1018 (153 fish) = 163 (Antichrist)(Note: 793 is the standard English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama; 163 is its ordinal value. The number of chapters between each pair of the above scriptures is counted using inclusive reckoning.)
ch1180 (666 beast) - ch855 (finger of God) = 163 (Antichrist) + 163 (Antichrist)
The staggering double witness is matched by its incredibly beautiful symmetry.
Threescore and Two (62)
The phrase, "threescore and two", appears a total of six times in the KJV. The last three mentions are found in the Book of Daniel, all referring to timing information -- 62 years (5:31), and 62 weeks of years (9:25, 26).
I wrote a post on this phrase as evidence of the nearness of the Rapture in year 2023 (see link). Finding the phrase in Daniel chapter 5, a key chapter that unlocks the identity of the Antichrist, is highly significant.
Daniel chapter 5 is chapter 855 of the Bible. The phrase, threescore and two (62) years, refers to the age of Cyrus, the Persian king who put an end to the Babylonian Empire, on the very night the handwriting of God appeared on the wall.
The difference of 855 and 62 is Antichrist (793) !!!!!!
855 - 62 = Antichrist (793)We appear to stumble upon a chapter in the Bible that contains heaps of codes on the Antichrist (793).
What is going on?
More intriguingly, as you will see, these two numbers, 855 and 62, crack the 1318 Grid beyond a shadow of a doubt !!!
We saw how the row and column totals of the grid reveal the Antichrist (793) at the start of the post. Inspired by this approach, I decided to blank out alternate cells in the grid and see if the magic repeats itself.
It turns out much more than I expected!
The checkerboard pattern below with the 666 beast number included holds the key to cracking the 1318 Grid. The new row and column totals are exactly the two numbers found in Daniel chapter 5, 855 and 62.
Not only that, the odd row total, 62, is equal to the even column total; and the odd column total, 855, is equal to the even row total.
The symmetry is perfect!
62 (Odd Row Total) = 1+3+6+19+33More importantly, the Antichrist (793) is confirmed again in a double witness fashion. There is even a double witness to the double witness !!
62 (Even Column Total) = 37+22+2+1
855 (Odd Column Total) = 820+8+18+7+2
855 (Even Row Total) = 3+11+38+110+693
Antichrist (793) = 855 (even row total) - 62 (odd row total)Something is going on!
Antichrist (793) = 855 (even row total) - 62 (even column total)
Antichrist (793) = 855 (odd column total) - 62 (odd row total)
Antichrist (793) = 855 (odd column total) - 62 (even column total)
Now take a look at the other half of the grid; turn the blanked out cells back on and turn off the first checkerboard numbers.
The second checkerboard grid is anchored on the second largest seed number, 153 (leftmost column of the grid: 666, 153, 105, 66, 36, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1).
105 = 253 (odd row total) - 148 (even row total)Repeating what was done for the first checkerboard, the number that came out is 105, the third largest seed number, {666, 153, 105, 66, 36, 15, 10, 6, 3, 1}.
105 = 253 (odd row total) - 148 (even column total)
105 = 253 (odd column total) - 148 (even row total)
105 = 253 (odd column total) - 148 (even column total)
What is the secret of 105 in the grid? Read on.
Antichrist (793) and Antichrist (163)
I have written many posts on the Antichrist (793); but the LORD is giving me a tutorial big time on the Antichrist (163), its ordinal value!
Both numbers refer to the same person -- 793 standard and 163 ordinal. Perhaps I should give you a low-down on both numbers first before I turn the spotlight on them.
Ordinal English Gematria
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9
J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18
S=19, T=20, U=21, V=22, W=23, X=24, Y=25, Z=26
Standard English Gematria
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9
J=10, K=20, L=30, M=40, N=50, O=60, P=70, Q=80, R=90
S=100, T=200, U=300, V=400, W=500, X=600, Y=700, Z=800
Antichrist (163=36+95+32; ordinal)
BARACK = 36 = 2+1+18+1+3+11
HUSSEIN = 95 = 8+21+19+19+5+9+14
OBAMA = 32 = 15+2+1+13+1
Antichrist (793=117+572+104; standard)
BARACK = 117 = 2+1+90+1+3+20
HUSSEIN = 572 = 8+300+100+100+5+9+50
OBAMA = 104 = 60+2+1+40+1
While the first checkerboard, (let us call it Checkerboard (666)), provides a quadruple witness to the Antichrist (793), the second checkerboard, Checkerboard (153), does not seem to lead to a significant number (105).
But wait a minute.
The number, 105, the third largest seed number, somehow manages to isolate two significant numbers in the leftmost column of the grid -- the 10 seed numbers without which there would be no grid since the rest of the numbers in the grid are generated by these 10 seed numbers.
{1, 3, 6,10,15, 36, 66, 105, 153, 666}Both the Antichrist numbers are revealed by 105 !!!
Antichrist (793) = 10+15+36+66+666Now we are ready to look at both Checkerboard (666) and Checkerboard (153) together.
Antichrist (163) = 1+3+6+153
The red numbers in the column (outside of the grid) to the right of each checkerboard are the row index numbers: 1) Checkerboard (666): 3rd, 7th, 9th rows counting from the bottom; and 2) Checkerboard (153): 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th rows counting from the top.
Why do we choose the 3rd, 7th, 9th rows of the first checkerboard? They are the numerals of the Antichrist (793) -- 7th, 9th, 3rd. The sum of these three rows are 124 (3+11+110); but when it is subtracted from the Checkerboard (666) total, 917, the difference is Antichrist (793) !!!!!!
Why do we choose the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th rows of the second checkerboard? They are the numerals of the Antichrist (793x3=2379) tripled -- 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 9th. The sum of these four rows are 238 (2+8+69+159); but when it is subtracted from the Checkerboard (153) total, 401, the difference is Antichrist (163) !!!!!!
The symmetry and the complementarity is breathtaking!
No Greater Witness
What the LORD has shown me up to this point is far beyond anything I have been shown in the past. The numbers, the symmetry, the quadruple / octuple witness, the perfect fit, is beyond words.
Yet, there is a witness so powerfully embedded in the grid that it should turn a doubting Thomas into a believer.
There is no greater witness than the Author of the grid Himself, the One who invented numbers and created the most enigmatic puzzle in the Bible that actually has a solution, simple enough if you will accept the surface evidence (verse 3x13x793), yet, complex enough to go beyond the surface, that requires patient counting and pattern recognition.
The next evidence that I am going to show you, appears to seal the mountain of evidence that has been documented in this post thus far. It will show you the consistent numeric patterns that have been uncovered up to this point.
With the incredible success of the preceding checkerboard patterns, I began to wonder, what if Jesus Christ (Greek gematria 2368) decides to make a cameo appearance in the grid; and what if His appearance basically authenticates the grid and its intended solution?
I can imagine Jesus grinning now. :)
Here comes the cameo.
The red numbers in the column (outside of the grid) to the right of each checkerboard are the row index numbers: 1) Checkerboard (666): 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th rows counting from the top; and 2) Checkerboard (153): 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 8th rows counting from the bottom.
The row index numbers are the numerals of 2368 (Jesus Christ) for both checkerboards. The row totals are 154 (3+3+38+110) and 208 (159+25+16+8).
Add up the row totals, 154 & 208, and subtract its sum of 362 from the grid total, 1318; the difference is Antichrist (793) plus Antichrist (163) !!!!!!!!!!!!
Antichrist (793) + Antichrist (163) = 1318 (grid total) - 362 (JC cameo)
There should be no room for doubt that this is the intended solution.
The Finger of Jesus
God wrote with His own finger three times in human history according to the Bible: 1) The Ten Commandments (Ex 31:18); 2) The writing on the wall (Dan 5:25); and 3) The writing on the ground (John 8:6).
Although Scripture is clear that it was Jesus who wrote on the ground with His finger in John 8:6, there was no mention of Who in the Godhead actually wrote the 10 Commandments and the writing on the wall; but I believe it was Jesus too who wrote with His finger the first two times in Ex 31:18 and Dan 5:25. After all, Jesus is the right-hand man of God and God Himself; He is the Executive of the Father.
Recall the following quadruple witness.
Notice how the triangulation is only made possible with the inclusion of the handwriting-on-the-wall scripture (Daniel 5:25) and its chapter position (ch855).
- 1318 (666 beast) - 525 (finger of Jesus) = 793 (Antichrist)
- 2111 (153 fish) - 525 (finger of Jesus) = 793 (Antichrist) + 793 (Antichrist)
- ch1180 (666 beast) - ch1018 (153 fish) = 163 (Antichrist)
- ch1180 (666 beast) - ch855 (finger of Jesus) = 163 (Antichrist) + 163 (Antichrist)
If you still have any lingering doubts, consider the greater witness of Jesus Christ, the Executive of the Father, in the three scriptures below that tie all the AC clues together.
The greater witness of Jesus Christ (362) is totally unbelievable.
- 525 (finger of Jesus) - 362 (JC witness) = 163 (AC)
- 1318 (666 beast) - 362 (JC witness) = 163 (AC) + 793 (AC)
- 2111 (153 fish) - 362 (JC witness) = 163 (AC) + 793 (AC) + 793 (AC)
The Lord is truly awesome.
My Witness
I am very privileged to be a vessel used by God to share with anyone open to consider the solution to the Rev 13:18 puzzle God has shown me. I believe it is fully solved.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the Lord Jesus encoded my full name (standard and ordinal) as part of the solution in such a compelling manner that probably only the hardest skeptics would dismiss.
I am totally humbled by the part God allowed me to play in my long search for the solution to Rev 13:18.
I am sharing my witness in all this to give Him all the glory and to add to the already impressive mountain of evidence presented so far.
Recall the 666 Number Line (see below) I discovered barely two weeks ago in Part 4 of the series on Daniel's 70 Weeks (see link).
The start point of the number line, 257, is the CV (chapter-verse) number of Gen 25:7 that records the first mention of the unique English word, "threescore" in the KJV; the end point is 1318, the CV number of Rev 13:18 that records the last mention of "threescore". Both scriptures are deeply connected to 666.
Moreover, 257 (columns 2-9 of the 1318 Grid) is the total generated by the 10 seed numbers (column 1). The total of the 10 seed numbers, 1061, is the length of the 666 Number Line (1061=1318-257).
In the above illustration, when a length with value 362 (JC Witness) is measured from the start point, it lands on 619, the English gematria of my full name in standard and ordinal values.
When 362 (JC Witness) is measured from the end point, it lands on 956, the English gematria of Antichrist (793; standard) plus Antichrist (163; ordinal).
The sum of 619 and 956 is the sum of the start and end points of the 666 Number Line.
619 (JT_full) + 956 (BHO_full) = 257 (Gen 25:7) + 1318 (Rev 13:18)The symmetry is surreal and I am eternally grateful to God for this and give Him thanks for His favor.
I want to leave one more "coincidence" with you that will blow you away.
The standard English gematria of Lord Jesus is 699. Look at the spectacular symmetry in the illustration below.
I know we see through a glass darkly this side of Heaven. Regardless, however the world situation changes, I will still stick to my guns concerning the Antichrist (793) / Antichrist (163).
[Note: LORD = 30+60+90+4=184; JESUS = 10+5+100+300+100 = 515. LORD JESUS = 184 + 515 = 699 ]
The number 699 also confirms the validity of the English gematria and its key role in the solution to the Rev 13:18 puzzle.
The Harpazo
As I was pondering on these three scriptures, Dan 5:25 (finger of Jesus), John 21:11 (153 fish) and Rev 13:18 (666 beast), I cannot help thinking why did the Wonderful Numberer choose these chapters and verses to hide His perfect solution to the most enigmatic puzzle in the Bible?
I think I know why upon reflection.
The handwriting-on-the-wall of the first scripture (Dan 5:25), is a pronouncement of judgment, a portent of an imminent disaster, as the phrase has come to be understood. In this verse, God wrote with His own finger, with such real drama Hollywood could only dream of, that the days of the evil empire of Babylonia and its king, are numbered.
We are at the cusp of the end of this age dominated by evil world empires and the beginning of God's righteous Millennial Kingdom to come. No one will dispute that the handwriting has been on the wall since Feb 24, 2022, when Russia invaded Ukraine.
In the second scripture (John 21:11), 153 great fishes were hauled out of the sea (peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues; Rev 17:15) to land (of the living), symbolizing the redemption of believers, their translation from this world (sea) to Heaven (land).
The Rapture promise is as clear as the skies when Jesus spoke about the beloved John in this chapter, "If I will that he tarry till I come", pointing to the great gathering when saints that are alive will be caught up to the air.
In the last scripture (Rev 13:18), the 666 beast will be revealed, the man of perdition, "whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming" (2 Thess 2:7).
One can probably produce a movie series based on these three scriptures, in the same chronological order, like below:
The Harpazo Trilogy
- The Writing On The Wall (judgment pronounced; Dan 5:25)
- The Great Catch (catching away of the 153 fishes; John 21:11)
- The Beast: Rise and Fall (the revealing of the Antichrist; Rev 13:18)
Doves, thank you for putting up with me the huge amount of numbers and patterns. I hope you take the time to read through this important post and be convinced of the mountain of evidence presented.
In my next post, I will show you that the year 2023 is somehow hidden in the handwriting on the wall !!!
I am not sure if we will be gone by Christmas or year end, but the numbers (plus personal confirmations) are compelling. I will share next week, and you can decide.
Until the trumpet sounds.
I know the order is odd, but the insights just came this morning!
The timing of God's tutorial is perfect. Having led me through each step of the way in discovering His perfect solution to the Rev 13:18 puzzle, this postscript comes as the icing on the cake.
The Hebrew gematria of the handwriting on the wall is 1118 (91+91+530+406).
מְנֵ֥א 91
מְנֵ֥א 91
תְּקֵ֥ל 530
I am familiar with the number 1118; it is the sum of the standard English gematria of BHO (793), BO (221), and O (104).
But John, are you trying too hard to fit the numbers?
Not really. Consider this: The sum of the ordinal English gematria of BHO (163), BO (68), and O (32) is 263.
The difference of Antichrist (1118; standard) and Antichrist (263; ordinal) is 855, the chapter position of Daniel chapter 5, the handwriting-on-the-wall chapter !!!!!!
And the Antichrist (1118; standard) appears in chapter 1118 of the Bible in 2 Thess 2:3-4.
This chapter is chapter 189 of the New Testament; subtract it from 855, the difference is 666 !!!!!!
Without a doubt, Obama is the 666 Antichrist.