Dear Doves,
This is Part 4 of the series on Daniel's 70th Week. A major
discovery out of this series thus far has been the first and last
mentions of the unique English word "threescore" in the KJV in Gen
25:7, verse 666, and Rev 13:18, the 666 beast
The CV (chapter-verse) numbers of both scriptures, 257 and 1318,
are not random; they are deeply connected to 666. I have
discovered that 1318 is the truncated triangle and order total of
the Right Truncated Triangles (sequence A202269). The number 257
is the difference between 1318 and 1061, the total of the 10 main
triangles of the sequence (1061=1+3+6+10+15+36+66+105+153+666).
I am grateful to Palmoni, the Wonderful Numberer, for showing me
that the total of 257 and 1318 (1575), is also the English
gematria total of my full name and Obama's (1575=956 BHO std+ord
plus 619 JT_full std+ord^).
Not only that, 1575 is also the length of the Antichrist Number
Line which I discovered earlier this year (see link);
1575 is 2368 (Jesus Christ in Greek) - 793 (BHO std).
^Note: std and ord refer to standard and ordinal respectively.
The 666 Number Line
This year has been a bumper crop year for me as far as Bible
numerics goes. The LORD has been good to me in showing me new
numbers in greater measure.
I am going to share with you a new number line fresh from Heaven's
oven; it is the 666 Number Line.
This number line begins with 257 (Gen 25:7, first "threescore")
and ends with 1318 (Rev 13:18, last "threescore"). This number
line is named the 666 Number Line due to its intriguing
associations with 666 (Gen 25:7 verse 666; Rev
13:18 666 scripture)
The length of this number line is 1061, the total of the 10 Right
Truncated Triangles -- 1+3+6+10+15+36+66+105+153+666.
When this new number line lines up with the AC Number Line,
something incredible happens !!!
It seems like when the two number lines are brought together in
alignment, when both are snapped into place, they explode into a
wonderful display of 'number' fireworks that only Palmoni is
capable of doing.
The Wonderful Alignments
The illustration below shows the alignment of the AC and 666
number lines.
When the two number lines are so aligned in the above, new numbers
appear on the number lines; these numbers provide startling
The 666 Number Line ends on 1318; it is aligned to 1854
on the AC Number Line, as shown in the red box in the illustration
The sum of 1318 and 1854
is 4 TIMES 793 (BHO std) !!!!!!
It appears that the number 793 is a key number in the two
number lines. With another alignment that I am going to show you,
the number 793 pops up again with stark clarity in the
number lines. The triangulation resulted from the alignment of the
number lines, points indubitably to Barack Hussein Obama as the
Antichrist, the man marked with 666.
In the second alignment, the 666 Number Line is lined up in
alignment to 1318 on the AC Number Line (see illustration below).
This alignment makes a lot of sense since the two aligned numbers
at the start of the alignment, 257 and 1318, are the CV numbers of
Gen 25:7 (first "threescore"; verse 666) and Rev 13:18 (last
"threescore"; 666 scripture); they are also the start and end
points of the 666 Number Line.
Here comes the number 793, popping up in two places in the
second alignment.
First, the end of the first 666 Number Line (1318) aligns with 793
on the second 666 Number Line !!!!!
How perfect can this be!
Second, the end of the second 666 Number Line (1318) aligns with
the AC Number Line at 2379, going beyond it by 11. This is
because the length of the 666 Number Line is 1061 while the 0.666
segment of the AC Number Line is 1050; thus, there is an excess of
11 (1061 - 1050).
But the key point is, the aligned number on the AC Number Line, 2379,
is 3 TIMES 793 (BHO std) !!!!!!
The number 793 pops up multiple times in the aligned
number lines!
The triangulation absolutely puts the man in the crosshairs!
I seriously doubt that one can find another random number line
that can produce these incredible alignments with the AC Number
Line that we have just witnessed.
The Master Mathematician
I will share three numerical evidences that prove that the two
number lines have been designed by none other than God, the Master
Mathematician Himself. The simplicity of the number lines belies
its masterful design, a sure sign of divine authorship.
First, consider the start and end points of the two number lines.
AC Number Line: 793 (start) and 2368 (end)
666 Number Line: 257 (start) and 1318 (end)
The exact centers of both number lines are
AC Number Line: 1580.5 (center)
666 Number Line: 787.5 (center)
The sum of the two centers, 1580.5 + 787.5, is 2368,
Jesus Christ (in Greek gematria) -- the Master Mathematician
Himself !!!!!!
The difference of the two centers, 1580.5 - 787.5, is 793,
pointing to Obama the Antichrist !!!!!!
This is a masterstroke!
Second, consider the length of both number lines.
AC Number Line: 1575 (length; 2368 - 793)
666 Number Line: 1061 (length; 1318 - 257)
The average length of the two number lines is 1318, the CV
number of Rev 13:18 (the 666 beast scripture), the
end point of the 666 Number Line, and the number that
marks out the 0.666 length on the AC Number Line !!!!!!
1318 = average of 1575 and 1061
Third, consider the difference between the start and end
points of both number lines.
AC Number Line: 536 (difference of start points; 793 -
666 Number Line: 1050 (difference of end points; 2368 - 1318)
The average of the differences is 793 -- BHO the
Antichrist !!!!!!
793 = average of 536 and 1050
Truly, the fingerprint of God is evident here.
The Mysterious Threescore
After the Rapture, if my curiosity got the better of me despite
the dream-like joy of being with the LORD and the saints, I would
pop this question to Palmoni, why "threescore"?
It is such an odd English word, yet it is a major key to solving
the 666 puzzle.
Let me add to its mystery by giving you two more "coincidences".
First, if you were to take out the two instances of "threescore"
from Gen 25:7 and Rev 13:18 (its first and last mentions), the
remaining number is 721.
Gen 25:7 => 175 - 60 (threescore) = 115
Rev 13:18 => 666 - 60 (threescore) = 606
721 = 115 + 606
The Hebrew year 721 is Gregorian year 1961, the birth year of
Obama !!!
This is significant because I have previously discovered that the
number 8461 (birthdate of Obama, 8/4/61) is linked to the 84th and
61st mentions of "threescore" in 2 Chr 36:21 and Dan 9:26, two
deeply connected scriptures concerning Daniel's 70 Weeks (see Part
Finding 1961 (Hebrew year 721) in Gen 25:7 and Rev 13:18
provides another confirmation on the birth year of Obama and his
antichrist identity.
But look at this illustration again.

The sum of the numbers in the three red boxes above conceals
another secret of "threescore".
Sum = 1854+1318+793+1318+2379 = 7662
If you were to add the two mentions of "threescore" (120=60 x 2)
to 7662, the total is 7782, the New Testament verse number of Rev
13:18 !!!!!!
But there is more.
The Palmoni Signature
The illustration below shows the perfect symmetry of the "threescore"
mathematical design.
The 666 verses of the first
scripture appears as the 666
beast number of the second scripture.
The 175 years of the first
scripture appears as the 175
verses of the second scripture.
Perfect symmetry!
Add the four numbers of each scripture that appear in the above
First scripture: 175 + 257 + 60 ("threescore") + 666 = 1158
Second scripture: 666 + 1318 + 60 ("threescore") + 175 = 2219
The sum of all numbers is 3377 (1158+2219).
This number is interesting due to its repeat digits 37.
When it comes to the number 37, all Bible students who
have some knowledge on numbers are familiar with the amazing Gen
1:1 scripture whose Hebrew gematria, 2701, is the product of 37
and its mirror 73.
I have previously written a series on The Palmoni Code (see link)
in which I highlighted that the halo of the Creation
Triangle (2701) is 216, the
Hebrew gematria of Palmoni (Dan 8:13).
Now watch the incredible Palmoni signature in the number 3377.
3377 = 793 (BHO) + 2368 (JC) + 216
The first two numbers, 793 (BHO) and 2368 (JC),
are the start and end points of the AC Number Line.
The third number, 216 (Palmoni), is also a key number that
cracks the 666 puzzle.
Quoting from Paul Black, the original Bible numericist who
discovered the number 793 (see link),
There are four references to
666 in the bible, three in the OT, one in the NT. The three OT
references are, 1 Kings 10:14 at 9,094, 2 Chronicles 9:13 at
11,378, and Ezra 2:13 at 12,041. The total is 32,513 or 41 x
Revelation 13:18 is 30,927,
or 39 x 793. All four verses are therefore 80 x 793.
This amazingly high common factor is the eleventh figurate
hexagram, or star of David, which is made up of twelve
triangles of 66, the eleventh triangular number. Notice the
Revelation verse has the 3 x 13 again. The total number of
letters in the four verses is 216, or 6 x
6 x 6.
Obama was born on day 216 (Aug 4) of 1961.
Palmoni (216) seals the perfect symmetry of the two scriptures
containing the first and last mentions of "threescore", and in the
process, points to BHO (793) as the 666 beast of Rev 13:18.
Doves, as 2023 draws to a close, I remain optimistic that our
departure is near. I will attempt to write a post on why I think
we are still in a high watch window if we are still here. :)
To whet your appetite, there will be a Part 5 too to this series.
Double grin.
Until the trumpet sounds.
I Have Found the Smoking Gun(s)!
Doves, the Holy Spirit continues to show me stuff I didn't think
possible ever!
To pen down the latest insights, an entire post is needed.
However, I have decided to share the mind-blowing smoking gun(s)
in this postscript (I cannot contain my excitement!) and write a
complete post later with lots of other incredible numbers in Part
5 of this series.
Let me get to the smoking gun(s) now.
Two or three weeks ago, I was really excited when brother David E
hit the gold mine as he discovered the first and last mentions of
"threescore" in Gen 25:7 and Rev 13:18. It meant the world to me
because the CV numbers, 257 and 1318, are key numbers
derived from the Right Truncated Triangles (sequence A202269)
which I discovered back in 2009 (see link).
But I was not prepared for what the LORD just showed me hours ago
as of this writing!
To set the stage for introducing the smoking gun(s), let me better
acquaint you with the two CV (chapter-verse) numbers. The total of
all the numbers in the above table is 1318, the CV number of Rev
13:18. The red numbers total 1061; it represents the sum of the 10
main triangles of the A202269 sequence. The remaining black
numbers sum to 257, the CV number of Gen 25:7.
Thus, you can clearly see that the two CV numbers, 257 and 1318,
are anything but random as far as their association with 666 is
That is why I was really excited at David's discovery; it proves,
more than I could ever ask for, the validity of my 1318 table.
Both scriptures, Gen 25:7 (verse 666) and Rev 13:18 (666 beast),
are deeply connected to 666.
But here comes the smoking gun(s).
I have always wanted to nail the Antichrist in this table without
much success despite that its total of 1318 matches Rev 13:18. The
Holy Spirit put in my mind hours ago (as of this writing) to try
to sum the numbers by odd and even rows and columns of the 1318
table. The light blue cells represent odd row or column
totals; the orange cells represent even row or column
For example, the leftmost column that lists the 10 main triangles
(red numbers) in the A202269 sequence, sum to 1061 (light blue
cell; odd column); the numbers in the second column total 101
(orange cell; even column) and so on.
I then sum up all row and column totals going by odd or even
A. Odd Rows & Odd Columns
Odd row total = 2+11+22+88+192 = 315
Odd column total = 1061+10+27+8+2 = 1108
Difference = 1108 - 315 = 793 !!!!!!
This is the smoking gun I was looking for !!!!!!
I finally found a direct and incontrovertible proof of the man I
was looking for in the 1318 table, without fancy numeric schemes
But there is more, as always.
B. Even Rows & Even Columns
Even row total = 5+16+49+135+798 = 1003
Even column total = 101+102+2+5 = 210
Difference = 1003 - 210 = 793 !!!!!!
No way Jose.
The numeric feat is repeated here !!!!!!
This is smoking gun number 2.
C. Even Rows & Odd Columns
Even row total = 5+16+49+135+798 = 1003
Odd column total = 1061+10+27+8+2 = 1108
Sum = 1003 + 1108 = 1318 + 793 !!!!!!
Wow! The man (793) and the 1318 puzzle!
This is smoking gun number 3.
D. Odd Rows & Even Columns
Odd row total = 2+11+22+88+192 = 315
Even column total = 101+102+2+5 = 210
Sum = 315 + 210 = 1318 - 793 !!!!!!
Last but not least, we found the man (793) alongside the 1318
puzzle again!
How is that even possible?!
This is smoking gun number 4.
Within minutes when the Spirit opened my mind to consider the new
way of counting the 1318 table, the four smoking guns found me
staring at them in total disbelief!
Will the man with the number 793 please stand up?
I rest my case.