Dear Doves,
The title is quite a claim. Given
the closeness of the soon return of Jesus, the 666 riddle is bound to
be solved sometime by someone, unless you believe that Scripture can be
broken. I believe the Lord has given me the key to finally solve the
riddle contained in Rev 13:18, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath
understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a
man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
read through this article carefully to see if indeed the 666 antichrist
code is cracked. All errors are mine, all
glory goes to God.
solution is impossible to obtain without Paul Black's groundbreaking
discovery. Paul first noticed a peculiar number pattern in the four '666'
scriptures. He wrote (see link):
are four references to 666 in the bible, three in the OT, one in the
NT. The three OT references are, 1 Kings 10:14 at 9,094 (verse order
number), 2 Chronicles
9:13 at 11,378, and Ezra 2:13 at 12,041. The total is 32,513 or 41 x
13:18 is 30,927, or 39 x 793.
All four verses are therefore 80 x 793.
This amazingly high
common factor is the eleventh figurate hexagram, or
star of David, which is made up of twelve triangles of 66, the eleventh
triangular number. .... The total number of letters in the four verses
is 216, or 6 x 6 x 6."
At the time of writing two and a half years ago, when Paul
first expressed bewilderment over the
presence of this "amazingly high common
factor", the number 793, there was no way he could have known that it
is the English
gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama'. I could not believe it myself
when I first made the discovery sometime end of last year (see link).
now skepticism still abound among the doves concerning Obama as the
antichrist. I don't blame you.
Many are still not convinced that Obama is the one due to his ancestry
and a
host of other reasons. But
since his origins are shrouded in mystery, the geanealogy objection is
not a strong one. I hope readers who "hath
understanding" are now prepared to take up the Lord's challenge in Rev
13:18 to
"count the number of the beast". The evidence
provided by numbers has the distinct advantage of
certitude just as we are dead certain that 1+1=2. But the
evidence that will be presented here is not just numbers per se, it is Biblical
numbers placed in God's Word by God Himself for a divine
Biblical Numbers
shall take a necessary detour
to prove that God is a tinkerer of
numbers! In fact, God is an inveterate consummate tinkerer of numbers
more than we can ever imagine. The key is in the numbers,
just as Nicholas Cage said poignantly in the movie, "Knowing". The
evidence that I
am giving you proves
beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Bible is divinely inspired and that
every jot and tittle, and yes, every number, are there for a reason.
don't have to be Euler or Pascal to be curious enough to take notice of
some numbers found
in the New Testament. Besides the two well-known numbers, the fish
number 153 and
the beast number 666, there are two more three-digit numbers rarely
written about: 120
and 276. Why are they there in the Bible to begin with? Why did John
and Peter bother
to count the number of fish caught and why did John bother to record
the number for us as if the story is incomplete without this detail?
The same puzzling question may be raised concerning the
276 saved persons on the ship Paul was in when it shipwrecked. Why 276
and not 275 or 277 or simply 'about three hundred people'?
At least Luke did not burden us with precision when he recorded the
number of disciples gathered before Pentecost in Acts 1:15,
he wrote was "about
an hundred and twenty". However, the precision of 666 is non-negotiable
since it is the key to a riddle.
These New Testament numbers impress Bible students
with a sense
that their numerical precision is calculated. Surprisingly (maybe not),
the four numbers are not
a random collection of unrelated
numbers; they
have something in common, a number property that binds them together!
All four NT 3-digit numbers are
divisible by 3 and all are triangular numbers!
Did Luke and John conspire to fabricate the above piece of math for
reasons known only to themselves? Or was it simply a coincidence that
the numbers came out that way? Or perhaps, there is ryhme and reason in
the numbers.
Triangular numbers are numbers that appear triangular figurately. The
first four triangular numbers are shown below:
The concept of a triangular number is key
to the breaking of the antichrist code in Rev 13:18. Without this vital
piece of information, you will not be able to understand God's
thinking on the number of the beast. In the
pictorial illustration above, the next number in
the series, i.e. the 5th triangle, is
1+2+3+4+5 = 15. Please note that both the order (5th in this example)
and the triangular number (15) play a crucial role in breaking the 666
With the basic groundwork laid, let us proceed. In the number space,
are only
30 three-digit triangular numbers that are divisible by
3. Thus, the probability of picking one such number from between the
number range 100 to 999 (900
three-digit numbers) is 30/900, or odds of 1 in 30 -- not exactly an
unlikely event, but neither is it an everyday occurrence.
However, to pick four such numbers in a row is another thing
altogether. To appreciate the improbability of such an event, do this
experiment yourself: toss a coin five times to see how often
come up with all
heads or tails. The
probability of five heads or tails is 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5
× 0.5 × 0.5, or odds of 1 in 32 -- about the same
odds as
picking a three-digit multiple-of-3 triangular number, which has an
odds of 1 in 30.
to find one of the above four Biblical triangular numbers is
like tossing a
coin five times in a row
to come up with all heads or tails. Although the
odds are impressive, they are not fantastically high. But when we
consider finding all four numbers,
the odds become
staggeringly high -- 1 in 810,000 (or probability of 1 ÷ 304
which is almost like tossing a coin to come up with all heads
tails 19 times in a row (odds of 1 in 524288) !!!!
Given the near zero probability (0.00000123) that we should find all four
three-digit multiple-of-3 triangular numbers in
the New Testament,
imagine the utter
impossiblity that the triangle sum is also
the Hebrew gematria sum of four
names of the antichrist!
55 (O) + 302
(B) + 357 (BO) + 501 (BHO)
120 disciples + 153 fishes
+ 276 saved persons + 666 beast number
The four
names that equate to the four
triangles are all the
names that Obama is addressed with in public and the print
The chances of this happening are incalculable!
is the link between Obama and the triangle? Does he have a corner on
three-sided geometrical shape -- the simplest polygon which can exist
in the Euclidean plane? Perhaps its total internal angle of 60° + 60° +
60°, a veiled reference to 666, is one reason why the beast is deeply
connected to it. But maybe the secret lies much deeper than that.
Nicholas Cage is partially right.
The key is in the numbers, but they are hidden in the triangles!
The Man
marked with Triangles
saw on the Internet the star of David on Obama's head sometime ago but
thought perhaps the photo was doctored. Until I saw it again in the
Time Magazine, Feb 2, 2009 commemorative issue. See for yourself if it
is real.
or not there is an actual imprint of two interlocking triangles (star
of David) on Obama's head, the number of his name is deeply connected
to 666 -- the largest
repdigit (repetitive digit) triangular number, since the Hebrew value
'Obama', 55 -- is the smallest
repdigit triangular number! (see link)
Both numbers appear as the smallest and largest numbers on
both extremes of the equation
I found:
55 (O) + 302
(B) + 357 (BO) + 501 (BHO)
120 disciples + 153 fishes
+ 276 saved persons + 666 beast number
is only one more
repdigit triangular number in the number space and that is 66.
Add these three repdigit triangular numbers
in existence and see if you recognize the sum: 55+66+666
= 787. This total
the stimulus package in billion of dollars initiated by the
marked with
Why is Obama so obssessed with triangles? Did he
enter into some kind of pact with the Devil and the false prophet to
form the
alliance of the Unholy Trinity?
Read on and be astounded by the revelations God showed me.
666 as computed by God!
am building the plot towards unravelling the enigma that surrounds Rev
13:18. So please bear with me another necessary 'aside'. In this
lead-up to the '666' beast scripture, I want to show you EXACTLY how
God computes 666!
The key lies in the triangles and their order numbers.
the Bible, another person closely
associated with 666, besides the antichrist, is King Solomon,
who received 666 talents of gold
annually from his tributaries, as recorded in two of the four
'666' scriptures (1 Kgs 10:14; 2 Chr 9:13). Both the '666' Biblical
characters are kings of
superpower states. Both receive the wealth of the nations -- Solomon's
666 talents of gold and the global economic revenues in trillions
of dollars that will be generated from the antichrist's 666
system. King
built the temple of God and the antichrist shall declare himself God in
the temple of God. The similarities are compelling.
Since King Solomon is a type of the antichrist, it is therefore not
surprising that the only Hebrew word
(excluding names) with gematria value 666,
(Strong's 3504; profit, advantage), is found only
in Ecclesiastes, a book attributed to Solomon. This word with value 666
appears 10 times in 6 chapters in the 21st book of the Bible; observe
that all four numbers associated with the word are triangles: 666 =
36th triangle; 10 = 4th triangle; 6 = 3rd triangle; and 21 = 6th
The '666' word is deeply integrated with triangular numbers.
Perhaps God is trying to get our attention with all these triangles. To
make sure that we get it, He planted one occurrence of
the '666' word in chapter 666 -- Ecclesiates chapter 7!
First, we are drawn to the fact that there is only one Hebrew word with
value 666.
Second, this word is only
confined to one book, Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon,
one of two '666'
Biblical characters. Third, it is found in chapter 666.
Is God trying to get our attention or what?!
This is not the only time God is doing this. He placed the first
occurrence of 'Satan' with Hebrew value 359 in chapter 359! Coincidence
is not in His dictionary.]
Now that we are all ears, what is God trying to speak to us
through the triangles?
Why did He take the trouble to encode 666 in such a tantalizing
fashion? So far the number and the context gel. God is definitely
making a connection between 666 and the beast. He conveyed that
connection via the most powerful king known in the ancient world,
(who foreshadows the antichrist), whose yearly tribute was 666 talents
of gold, who wrote a book in which
the only Biblical Hebrew word with value 666 appears 10 times, one of
which is
found in chapter 666.
The mathematics I am going to introduce next is, dare I say, from
beyond this world. I am grateful to God for lifting the veil a little
and permitting me to get a glimpse of His higher math. It is
an outrageous piece of math and child's play at the same time!
Sublime beauty is couched in simplicity, and yet, it exudes profundity
in its naturalness.
The key lies in the triangles and their order numbers.
This is how God computes 666. Construct a list of all triangular
numbers from 1 to 666. Examine their
order numbers to see if they, too, are triangular. From the reduced
of triangular numbers that are basically order numbers of the original
set, further examine their order numbers to pick out all triangular
numbers. Iterate the steps until no further triangular number can be
found. This process essentially flushes out all triangular
numbers and their associated order numbers from
the base set of 36 triangles from 1 to 666 (table
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
10 |
4 |
15 |
5 |
21 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
28 |
7 |
36 |
8 |
45 |
9 |
55 |
10 |
4 |
66 |
11 |
78 |
12 |
91 |
13 |
105 |
14 |
120 |
15 |
5 |
136 |
16 |
153 |
17 |
171 |
18 |
190 |
19 |
210 |
20 |
231 |
21 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
253 |
22 |
276 |
23 |
300 |
24 |
325 |
25 |
351 |
26 |
378 |
27 |
406 |
28 |
7 |
435 |
29 |
465 |
30 |
496 |
31 |
528 |
32 |
561 |
33 |
595 |
34 |
630 |
35 |
666 |
36 |
8 |
The table above consists of 6 columns
(6 is the 3rd triangle). The base column on the left is made up of the
36 triangular numbers from 1 to 666. The second column lists the order
numbers of this base set. The third column lists the order numbers of
the triangular numbers in the second column. And so on. The process
continues until it comes to a standstill at the 6th column when only
one number is left,
which is 1.
Add up
all the order
derived from the base set, from columns 2 to 6, without the base set
The sum, 712, points EXACTLY to the verse number (with colon removed)
of the '666' word found in chapter 666 -- Ecc 7:12 !!!!!!
I challenge all mathematicians of the world to disprove the above
God clearly knows something about the number 666 to say the least. Or
numbers would simply not add up the way they did!
mathematical conundrum cannot be explained away even by the most
hardcore of skeptics. The numbers cannot tell lie. Their veracity
confronts you obstinately and is not easily subdued. Couple this
iron-clad evidence of 666 as computed by God with the second witness
which I will provide from Rev 13:18, I think I make a watertight case
understanding the Mind behind the '666' riddle.
If we can figure out the method with which the riddle is formulated,
solution must be near in sight.
Six-Trillion-Dollar Question
we tackle the six-trillion-dollar question of who the antichrist
is, I want to share with you a secret that has been hidden for the past
two thousand years. We saw in the above how God computed 666 in Ecc
7:12 using triangles and their order numbers. It turns out He used the
method to encode 666 in Rev 13:18! Pardon my irreverence, but there is
divine madness in the method!
The key still lies in the triangles and their order numbers.
will still work with the set of 36 triangular numbers capped by 666.
However, now our focus is only on 10 very special triangular numbers
this set. The beast number 666 is a perfect exemplification
of this special class of
triangles which exhibits a unique property: truncate the number at
each digit beginning with the most
significant and examine its
triangularity: 6 (6/66) = 3rd triangle; 66 (66/6) = 11th triangle;
and 666 (666/)= 36th triangle. Truncating 666 at every digit yields a
triangular number without fail. The fish number 153 also displays this
property: 1 (1/53) = 1st triangle; 15 (15/3) = 5th triangle; and 153
(153/) = 17th triangle; all three truncated numbers (1, 15 &
153) are triangular numbers.
There are only
10 such triangular numbers out of the infinite
number of triangular numbers in the number space. Let us call this
special class of numbers
truncatable triangular
Below is a tabulation of all truncatable triangular numbers and
their order numbers.
[Note: The
first three members of the truncatable triangle set, 1, 3, 6, are
special truncatable
triangular numbers since they are single-digit triangular numbers and
therefore can only be 'truncated' once.]
1 |
1 |
3 |
2 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
10 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
15 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
36 |
8 |
3 |
2 |
66 |
11 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
105 |
14 |
10 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
153 |
17 |
15 |
5 |
1 |
1 |
666 |
36 |
8 |
66 |
11 |
6 |
3 |
2 |
The leftmost highlighted column above lists the ten truncatable
triangular numbers; the corresponding derived truncatable triangular
numbers are
listed in the other two highlighted columns. Each
truncatable triangle's order number is placed to its right in the
columns; in the case where the order number is also a triangular
number, place the order number of the order number (which is a
triangular number) further to its right.
Worthy of note is the triangular shape of the
table which signifies increasing triangularity as we move down the
table. The number 666, at the
base of the table, is the most
triangular of
all triangular numbers! Search as hard as you can, you will not be
to find another truncatable triangular number greater than the beast
number 666; hence it is the largest
truncatable triangular number. Recall 666 is also the largest
repdigit triangular number! Unquestioningly, 666 is a 'watershed'
number of apocalyptic proportions. Of all the numbers created by God,
it is the most triangular in attribute, unsurpassed in
that said, the numerical feat previously seen in Ecc 7:12 is
now repeated here in Rev 13:18! The sum of the set of truncatable
triangular numbers and associated order numbers (table above) is
the verse number (with colon removed) of Rev 13:18 !!!!!!
Surely this
incredible match, coupled with the magic of Ecc 7:12, prove beyond a
shadow of a doubt that the triangle
(and its order) is the principal mathematical device that God used to
encode His most famous riddle. The certainty of knowledge provided by
the triangles in Ecc 7:12 and Rev 13:18 almost pierced the dark glass
of reality and laid bare God's higher math hitherto unseen.
We are now ready to expose the man marked with triangles, who is hidden
somewhere in the 1318 table. The last row of numbers headed by 666 is
particularly revealing: Its sum = 666+36+8+66+11+6+3+2=798, as minutes
day, appears on a digital clock as 13:18 --
the chapter and verse numbers of the 666 beast scripture!
The fact that 1318 appears a second time means that we must be on the
right track and that the breadcrumb
trail is
leading us somewhere. Another gigantic breadcrumb thrown in front of us
is the four single-digit numbers at the '666' entry: 8, 6, 3, 2; its
reversed amalgam, 2368,
is the Greek gematria value of JESUS CHRIST, also the Greek gematria
value of the ending phrase of Rev 13:18, "and his number is Six hundred
threescore and six". It is patently clear our Lord is the riddle maker
of Rev 13:18 -- an uncontestable fact given the table below.
Sum of 36
triangles ending on 666 |
= 2368 + 666
+ 2368
+ 666
+ 2368 |
Sum of
corresponding order numbers = 1+2+....+36 |
= 666 |
If you add all the numbers in the 1318 table that contain the digit 6,
sum is 6+36+66+6+666+36+66+6 = 888 -- the Greek gematria of JESUS --
the riddle maker of Rev 13:18!
The signature of God (Jesus Christ 2368; Jesus 888)
is unmistakable. The triangular motif is plain
as day. The mathematical logic behind Ecc 7:12 and Rev 13:18 is
But where is the antichrist?
hideth thee, 'O' son of perdition?
antichrist is hidden somewhere in the table of truncatable triangles
total 1318 (reproduced below). Observe that the digit 6 appears three
times in the table: 6
6 6. Clearly this is an important clue.
beast scripture number, 1318, appears twice in the table: i) table
total = 1318 ii) the '666' entry total=666+36+8+66+11+6+3+2 = 798
minutes = 13:18 hours. While the key to unlocking the secrets of Rev
13:18 is the triangular number, the clock time phenomenon helps turn
this key.
The riddle begins to unravel at the time 11:06 -- the 666th minute of
the day; this fascinating clock time is represented by the digit
string, 11-6, which appears three times in the table above.
A confluence of 666
is observed at the last row of the table; its concentration peaks at
the last occurrence of the number 6:
- The number 666
heads the last row of numbers -- the most triangular set
of numbers.
- The last row total, 798, as minutes of day, is 13:18
hours, pointing to the 666
beast scripture, Rev 13:18.
- The last occurrence of 6
is the culmination of three occurrences of the number six: 6
6 6;
- The last occurrence of 6
is at the intersection of two occurrences of the digit string,
11-6, which points to 11:06 -- the 666th
- The last occurrence of 6
is the last
truncatable triangular number derived from 666;
and hence it is the last
truncatable triangular number in the table.
The antichrist appears at the eye of the 666 vortex -- the
last occurrence of the number 6!
Add the SIX
numbers at the '666' entry ending on the last occurrence of
SIX -- the eye of the 666 vortex: 666+36+8+66+11+6 = 793
the English gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama' -- the 'amazingly
high common factor' discovered by Paul Black!
number 793 could not have chosen a more fitting place to manifest
itself. Think of it this way: Extract all triangular numbers from the
number space; from this set of numbers, separate out the most
triangular of them all -- the truncatable triangular numbers. Next,
from this set of the most triangular of triangular numbers, pick out
subset that is the most
triangular -- the '666' set. Finally,
when we zoom in to the eye of the 666 vortex at the '666' set -- the
last digit 6, we
come face to face with the antichrist!
But there is more than meets the eye at the eye of the 666 vortex.
Consider only
the three highlighted columns of truncatable triangular numbers
bookended by 6, 66 and 666 (table
below). The entire design smacks of 666: i) The three columns of
intensely 'triangular' triangular numbers appear triangular in pattern.
ii) The 13
truncatable triangles in the three columns, when expressed as 1+3+1+8
triangles, point to Rev 13:18 -- the 666
scripture. iii) The remaining numbers in the 1318 table, 31 in total,
also point to Rev 13:18, since 31 is the sum of 13+18. iv) The 44
(13+31) triangles and order numbers of the 1318 table is the sum of the
order numbers of 666: 44 = 36 (order of 666) + 8 (order of 36). v) The
total of the 13 truncatable
triangular numbers is 1160 -- a hint of 11:06, the 666th
minute. vi) In the table below, the number of dark and light grey empty
cells are 11 & 6 respectively -- another reference to 11:06,
the 666th minute.
6 |
10 |
15 |
36 |
66 |
6 |
105 |
10 |
153 |
15 |
666 |
66 |
6 |
It is unlikely that we will find a more triangular set of numbers
laden with the 666 beast number anywhere; failure to find the
antichrist hidden here will be a great surprise indeed. As it turns
out, the table
total of 1160 is an astonishing sum that equals to the three
Hebrew names of the antichrist!
1160 = 302 (Barack) + 357 (Barack Obama) + 501 (Barack Hussein Obama) !!!!!
The Obama name triplet (B, BO, BHO), in stepwise cresendo fashion,
matches the 666 triangle in number and shape.
The triangles and their order numbers have been instrumental in making
sense of
scripture numbers associated with the two prominent '666' verses -- Ecc
7:12 and Rev 13:18. The 44 numbers in the 1318 table reveal
that the 44th president of the United States of America is the
prime candidate for the antichrist.
The 44 numbers that sum to 1318 are the order number sum of 666: 36
(order of 666) + 8 (order of 36) = 44. Interestingly, the 50 numbers
that sum to 712 are the order sum of 6, 66 & 666: 3 (order of
6) +
11 (order of 66) and 36 (order of 666) = 50 !!! ]
Deja vu of the Numeric
power of the evidence seen in the pair of 666 scriptures, Ecc
7:12 and Rev 13:18, lies in their double witness. Both display a
consistent coding scheme based on the triangular number series. The
number, context and symbol of both scriptures blend as a harmonious
Can we find a double witness to the solution we proposed above?
turns out the 'detour' we indulged in at the start of the article is
very much an integral part of the whole plot. The four Biblical numbers
that we used to prove that God is the Wonderful Numberer, are the union
between the Hebrew and English gematria cells (below)!
difference between the first two tables above, 1160 − 793 =
55, is
the Hebrew gematria of 'Obama'; the union between them is, 1160 U 793 =
1215 = 55 (O) + 302 (B) + 357 (BO) + 501 (BHO) -- the sum
of the four NT triangular numbers (120 disciples + 276 saved persons +
153 fish number + 666 beast number)!
double witness provided
by the four NT triangles is a weighty one. But there is One present
here, whose testimony is far greater --
the riddle maker Himself. Sum the first two tables above with and
without union: 1215 (with union) + 1953 (without union) = 3168
the well-known Greek gematria value of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!
What a confirmation!
we represent the first table as H3 (Hebrew: 302 B + 357 BO + 501 BHO),
and the second table as E1 (English: 793 BHO), an equation symmetrical
in form may be written:
3168 (LJC) = H3 + E1
(without union) + E1 U H3 (with union)
This is not the first time the true Christ testifies against His
counterfeit in no uncertain terms, numerically in this case.
Time and Judgment (666)
Solomon wrote these words in the book of Ecclesiastes, verse 5 of
chapter 8 (the chapter after chapter 666), "a wise man's heart
discerneth both time
and judgment."
God refers to the beast as "the rod of mine anger" and the staff of
mine indignation (Isa 10:5) -- metaphors of end-time judgment, of which
the antichrist is the personification.
There comes a time when the world will be given over to the rule of the
antichrist (because its people cry, "Release unto us Barabbas" -- a
robber and murderer). It is then the fiery judgment of God shall begin.
That time
appears to have begun ..........
The complete solution to Rev 13:18 cannot be obtained without taking
into consideration the time
element. Indeed, Paul Black's ingenious counting starts from the
beginning at the First Scripture, "In the beginning .....", when the
clock first ticked. Solomon wrote much about
time in
the book of Ecclesiastes. The saying, "There is a time and
place for everything", owes its origin to his book that
exclusively contains the '666' Hebrew word, yithrown. Is Solomon hinting that there is a
link between time and 666 (judgment)?
The answer is an emphatic yes. I put forward the bold claim
below before justifying it.
time the clock strikes at the 666th minute, the identity of the antichrist
is revealed! The beast is represented in the clock by the scripture
numbers of the two '666' verses -- Ecc 7:12 and Rev 13:18 !!!!!
as the spatial expansion of the Big Bang, when reversed, collapses back
into the point of singularity -- the infinitely massive cosmic egg
represented by a dot, time,
when looked back,
really began at Genesis 1:1 when God spoke the universe into existence.
(The gematria of this scripture may take an eternity to unpack!)
That there is a link
between the 666th minute and Genesis 1:1 is beyond question. I stumbled
upon this link in my search for the antichrist when I reversed the word
value of the first five words: 319, 302, 68, 104, 593. This simple act
of reversing reveals the antichrist in three different languages! (see link)
When Obama unveiled his ARRA stimulus package (see link),
he unwittingly (or purposefully?) provided a major hint that clued me
The total of the five reversed word values, 1386, when expressed as
minutes, is 11:06 pm -- the 666th
minute in the second half of the day. This is remarkable because the
word total of the first five words is 666 + 666
+ 666!
The 666th minute of a Jewish day is 5:06 am since it starts 6pm sundown
the day before. The sum of the first five word values, standard and
reversed, is the sum of the four 666th minutes Jewish and modern!
1998 (Ge 1:1 standard) + 1386 (Ge
1:1 reversed) =
306 m (5:06) + 1026 m
(17:06) + 666 m (11:06) + 1386
m (23:06)
is cognizant of these clock times as evidenced in the ARRA seal,
possibly designed by him. The
confirmations in this equation alone beggar description: i) 1998
(triple 666) is the sum of four English gematria values of 'Barack
Hussein Obama' (standard, ordinal, reduced, common; see link).
ii) 1026, the number of minutes at 17:06, the 666th minute Jewish, is
the common gematria value of 'Barry Soetoro'. iii) The sum
of the three 666th minutes (except 666 m!) is 306+1026+1386 = 2718 --
the total of four English gematria values of 'Barry Soetoro' !!!
(Curiously, the number 2718 is composed of the digits of the constant
The TIME has come!
dark powers that be have pulled out all stops in their efforts to usher
in the New World Order. It is no wonder that the world is now bombarded
with unprecedented thinly-veiled symbols of the beast. This signifies
that the time
is upon us. I
have documented two compelling instances in which the time 11:06 -- the
666th minute, is used subliminally to condition the mass: during the G-20 Summit (link)
and in the ARRA seal (link).
The recent abomination of the counterfeit Christ was so shocking it stunned
the senses. On Apr 29, the blasphemous portrait of the imposter
Christ, titled "The Truth", was scheduled to be on exhibit for a day to
Obama's 100 days in office (link).
Although the event was called off due to angry protests from
Christians, Obama's silence implied his approval. Either the painter is
in the know, or he was satanically inspired; or both. The
eight letters on the Presidential Seal covered by Obama, SEPRITES, is
the anagram of the word RE-SPITES. The antichrist mocks and re-spites
the Crucifixion all over again! Of course my mind is over-imaginative
because the multiple-6 gematria value (A=6; B=12 ...) of RE-SPITES is
666! This is reminiscent of the word RECOVERY, also 666, on the ARRA
!!! The angle made by Obama's outstretched arms with the horizontal axis is 27 degrees -- the exact angle between
11:06 (666m) and twelve o'clock!
The painting is replete with Freemason symbols: the pentagon formed by the curtains;
the masonic compass formed by Obama's two arms with the circular seal as
the backdrop; and the masonic square (right-angled triangle) formed by Obama's arm and the side of his body.
Here is one little known dark secret of Freemasonary: each leg of the
masonic compass
is opened at 27 degrees -- coinciding with 11:06, the 666th minute!
Some would point out that there is inconsistency in the literature
concerning the internal angle of the masonic compass. I agree. However,
I discovered a spectacular proof, cast in stone
as it were, (the work of a Grand Mason no doubt), in the skybridge linking the
Petronas Twin Towers, with its supporting legs parted at 27
degrees on each side! (link)
The skybridge structure (the compass) spans between levels 29 and 43.
The compass consists of two
double legs (below), making an angle of 90°−27°
= 63° with the horizontal axis on each side. The number of the beast is
visible on
each tower: 29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36+37+38+39+40+41+42+43+
63°+63° = 666 !!!
Now we know why the beast is so fixated on the time 11:06 -- the 666th
minute on the face of a clock.
His time has come!
The Final
Curtain Falls
have come a long way in our search for the elusive solution to the 666
riddle. We started our journey with the
four NT triangular numbers, whose total is equal to that of
the four Hebrew gematria values of Obama. We then cracked the 666 code
through the use of
triangles and demonstrated how God computed Ecc
7:12 and Rev 13:18. Next, we took a close look at the '1318'
and saw the deep connection between
the Hebrew and English gematria values of Obama and the four NT
triangular numbers; this connection is authenticated by the Lord Jesus
Christ (3168).
Despite the compelling find, deep down a
nagging sense of unease gnawed at me. What do we make of the
number 712? How does it fit in with the story? What is the significance
of the number 1318 -- 100% of it,
not just some numbers contained in it? The knowledge of the exact formulation
of these two numbers confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are
onto God's Mind. This piece of Biblical numerics should
rock the world of mathematics and cause unbelievers to seriously
examine the Bible -- a supernatural book that no human being could have
But still, what do 712 and 1318 represent?
is not like God to imbue these two numbers with extraordinary
only to relegate them to the trash heap of the strange and irrelevant.
I believe I have found a quadruple
witness against Obama as the antichrist in these two numbers at the
666th minute on the face of a clock!
time 11:06 is the 666th minute in the morning and the 1386th minute at
night. By a leap of intuition, I assigned a value of 666 to the clock
radius, and watched with utter amazement an astounding
set of numbers emerged before my eyes. What knocked me over instantly
were these three numbers (underlined numbers in the clock illustration
above), straight out from the first five words of the
Bible -- 302 (word 2
reversed), 593 (word 5 reversed),
(reversed word total of 5
I knew I hit pay dirt!
When I further discovered that even the reversed word values of word 1
and 3 are also represented in the clock sector bounded between 11:06
and 12:00 hours (yellow 'pizza' slice), I gave glory to God for His
infinite wisdom! The sum of the sector arc (314) and the shorter line
segment on the vertical radius (73) is equal to 319 (word 1 reversed) +
68 (word 3 reversed)!
Thus, almost all five reversed word values are found on the yellow 'pizza' slice! The exception is word four,
which has a reversed value of 104 -- the English gematria value of
OBAMA! The omission is telling. If we were to add the reversed word
values from word 1 to 4, the sum is 793 -- the English gematria value
of 'Barack Hussein Obama'!
What was God thinking when He wrote
the first five words in His Book, "In the beginning God created the
Heaven"? Did He factor in the numbers that appear in the '666' pizza
slice? The numbers speak for themselves. How else can we explain these miraculous
coincidences: i) The
Hebrew gematria total of the first 5 words is 1998 (666+666+666).
ii) The
reversed word total of the first 5 words is 1386, the 666th
minute from
noon. iii) The sum of the two totals, 1998 & 1386, is the sum
the four 666th
minutes (modern and Jewish time reckonings); that is, the total of 5 words,
and reversed = 306 m (5:06) + 1026 m (17:06) + 666
m (11:06) +
1386 m (23:06). iv) The first five Hebrew words of Genesis 1:1 are based almost entirely
on the '666' pizza slice numbers -- reversed word values of four
individual words (319, 302, 68, 593) and total of five words (1386).
There can be no doubt
that the 666th minute on the clock face fully explains
the gematria values of the first five Hebrew words.
Look at the clock again and notice that the antichrist stares back at you twice
in the face: 302
(Barack in Hebrew) and 54
(Obama in Hebrew)! Not only that, at this very place, my sense of
unease evaporates completely. Since there are two 666th minutes on the
clock face, the numbers on the '666' clock sector ('pizza' slice)
repeat themselves. What is the sum of adding the two names of the beast
twice? It is 302 (Barack) +54 (Obama) + 302 (Barack) +54 (Obama) = 712
-- the '666' scripture number of Ecc 7:12 !!!!!!
Hebrew gematria value of 'Obama' is 55 (54 is more commonly used; see
link); this number is hidden in the 666th minute -- the 55th minute
from twelve o'clock. By using 55 instead of 54, the Hebrew gematria
value of 'Barack Obama' is 302+55 = 357. Repeat what we did above by
adding twice: 302 (Barack) +357 (Barack Obama) + 302
(Barack) +357 (Barack Obama) = 1318 -- the '666' scripture number of
Rev 13:18 !!!!!!
The numbers on the '666' clock sector are rounded
numbers except for 666 itself. The precise value of 302 (Barack in
Hebrew) to the third decimal place is 666 × sine(27°) =
302.357........... This is another way of obtaining 1318 --
twice 302 (Barack) + 357 (Barack Obama) !!!!!!
with the precision of 302 until we reach the 54th digit (54 is 'Obama' in Hebrew!) including 302
-- 302.357,672,826,538,163,179,231,971,994,342,218,522,709,770,230,648,356. We have also found a second witness to 712 -- twice 356 (302 Barack + 54 Obama) !!!!!!
Note that there are 6+6+6 three-digit numbers in the 54-digit string; their average is 9028÷(6+6+6) = 501.555555............ The integer 501 is the Hebrew gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama' and the recurring decimal digits 55 is the Hebrew gematria value of 'Obama' !!!!!!
I have lost count of the number of double witnesses we have unearthed
The '666' clock sector not only provides a quadruple witness
against Mr. 666, it fully explains the two '666' scripture numbers, 712
and 1318, in the most intellectually satisfying manner !!!!!!
symmetry is awe-inspiring: Each number is twice the sum of two
gematria values of the beast: 712 = 302(B)+54(O)+302(B)+54(O)
1318 = 302(B)+357(BO)+302(B)+357(BO); each number is derived from the
triangular number series using identical coding scheme;
each number is associated with the 666 beast number and the '666' kings
of superpower states; each number is a verse number whose scripture
contains the word, 'wisdom'
(twice in Ecc 7:12 & once in Rev 13:18); each number is taken
a Biblical book whose order number is a triangular number.
last point underscores the integral role played by the clock time 11:06
as the hour number points to 66 (the 11th triangle), the book order of
Revelation, and the minute number points to 21 (the 6th triangle), the
book order of Ecclesiastes.
1386 days: 1-20-2009 to 11-5-2012
11-6-2012 = US Election Day
Ge 11:6 (55 + 302 + 501)