John Tng (20 July 2009)
"The 666 Secret is Out!"

Dear Doves,

I have a feeling the rapture will happen this year! Four days ago I received from God the final secret of Rev 13:18. The riddle is truly and finally solved. 

Language Eng Gr Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f) Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f)
O 104 232 54 55 54 55 54 55 54 55
BO 221 474 356 357 356 357 356 357 356 357
BHO 793 1809 500 501 1150 1151 500 501 1150 1151

In the above, I tabulated the name triplets of Obama in three languages: English, Greek and Hebrew. Both the English and Greek values are unique (first two columns above) while there are four possible Hebrew name triplets due to two possible spellings of 'Obama' (54 & 54; see link) and the final form of 'Hussein' (final value 794 instead of its standard value 144; see end of article). There are two sets of Hebrew name triplet listed in the table which forms an impressive 8-fold witness (columns 3 to 10). The reason for doubling the Hebrew name triplets shall be clear in a moment.

Now examine the 22 Greek words of Rev 13:18 and their gematria values (see link). Observe that the number of the beast, 666, occupies the last word.

Gematria values of Rev 13:18
Greek ωδε η σοφια εστιν ο εχων τον νουν ψηφισατω τον αριθμον
Value 809 8 781 565 70 1455 420 570 2519 420 280

Greek του θηριου αριθμος γαρ ανθρωπου εστι και ο αριθμος αυτου χξ
Value 770 597 430 104 1510 515 31 70 430 1171 666

Rev 13:18 says, "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

Scripture does not prohibit the counting of the number of the beast. In fact, it appears that God is teasing us with this challenge: Go ahead and crack the riddle if you can. I think I have finally found the solution to the riddle. The total of the 10 name triplets I tabulated at the top, is PRECISELY the total gematria value of Rev 13:18 MINUS the number of the beast!

10 name triplets of Obama = 14191 (Rev 13:18) - 666

Take away the last word of Rev 13:18, which is '666', the remaining 21 Greek words add to a total that equals the 10 name triplets of Obama in three languages!

Who then is the beast? Can it be any clearer?


Observe that the Rev 13:18 gematria total is composed of 31 numbers (30 names of AC and the beast number 666); in other words, we found 13+18 (31) numbers in Rev 13:18 that point conclusively to Obama the antichrist !!!

The three categories of the 10 name triplets are English (1), Greek (1) and Hebrew (8). The number 118, when read as a clock time at 1:18 pm, is 13:18 hours -- the scripture number of Rev 13:18 !!!


There is another way to form Obama's name triplets. The table below lists the 10 name triplets with 'O' replaced by 'B' in the first row:

Language Eng Gr Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f) Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f)
B 117 242 302 302 302 302 302 302 302 302
BO 221 474 356 357 356 357 356 357 356 357
BHO 793 1809 500 501 1150 1151 500 501 1150 1151

Is this a significant tabulation of numbers?

I was TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY when I discovered that the first half of the table (first five columns) totals 7782 -- the verse order number of Rev 13:18 counting from the start of the New Testament !!!

NT Verse Order of Rev 13:18 (7782)
Language Eng Gr Heb Heb Heb (f)
B 117 242 302 302 302
BO 221 474 356 357 356
BHO 793 1809 500 501 1150

We know from previous research (link) that the verse order of Rev 13:18 from Gen 1:1, 30927, is 39 times the English gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama' (793) -- the key discovered by Paul Black that led to the solution of the 666 riddle. The new discovery on the NT verse order linking Obama is EXTREMELY POWERFUL CONFIRMATION!

The 666 Magic Square

Christians would probably balk at the mere mention of the magic square, let alone the 666 magic square. But I have irrefutable evidence that shows that God actually placed Rev 13:18 at the PRECISE verse location according to the 666 magic square!

Every magic square has a complementary magic square (see link), obtained by subtracting every number in the magic square from n2+1 (n=36 for the 666 magic square which has a total of 666).

666 Magic Square
1 35 34 3 32 6
30 8 28 27 11 7
24 23 15 16 14 19
13 17 21 22 20 18
12 26 9 10 29 25
31 2 4 33 5 36
666 Complementary Magic Square
1296 1262 1263 1294 1265 1291
1267 1289 1269 1270 1286 1290
1273 1274 1282 1281 1283 1278
1284 1280 1276 1275 1277 1279
1285 1271 1288 1287 1268 1272
1266 1295 1293 1264 1292 1261

A magic square is identified by its magic constant -- the same total obtained by summing all the numbers in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal lines. The magic constants of the 666 magic square and its complementary square are 111 and 7671.

The sum of the magic constants of the 666 magic square and its complementary square (111 & 7671) is the NT verse order of Rev 13:18 (111+7671 = 7782) !!!!!!

God knows His math!

That the 666 magic constants should add to the verse order of Rev 13:18 is remarkable enough. But to find the 5 name triplets of Obama amounting to this same total is mind-boggling. It can only mean one thing: We have found the genuine article.


The gematria total of Rev 13:18, 14191, appears to be a random number. IT IS NOT! In a previous article, "Four Powerful Verses and the Antichrist" (see link), I showed that the gematria total of the first and last verses of the Bible, 11672 (2701 Ge 1:1 + 8971 Re 22:21), is an 8-fold witness against Barack Hussein Obama (793) the 666 beast.

 2701 (Ge 1:1)    
+    8971 (Re 22:21)    =
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666

What if I were to tell you the gematria total of Rev 13:18 is the sum of the first and last verses of the Bible plus the sum of the first and last words of the Hebrew and Greek Concordances?

Pure fiction?


(Rev 13:18) = 
2701 (Ge 1:1)      +   
8971 (Re 22:21)  +
3       (H0001; אב Ab "father") +
860   (H8674;
תתני  Tattenay "gift" ) +
1       (G0001; α "Alpha") +
1655 (G5624;
ωφελιμος Ophelimos "profit")

The sum of the first and last words of the Hebrew and Greek Concordances (1+860+1+1655= 2519) is also the Greek value for the word COUNT found in Rev 13:18!

14191 (Rev 13:18) - 666 (beast)
10 name triplets of Obama
14191 (Rev 13:18) - 2519 ('count')

2519 ('count')
= H0001+H8764 + G0001 + G5624
2701 (Ge 1:1)     +
8971 (Re 22:21)


8 x 793 (BHO) +
8 x
666 (beast)

COUNT (2519): First and Last Hebrew & Greek Words

There is much more than meets the eyes in these four words (H0001, H8764, G0001, G5624). The sum of the last words is Obama's name triplet in Greek!

860 (H8764) + 1655 (G5624)
                 = 232 (O) + 474 (BO) + 1809 (BHO) !!!!

The key number that cracks the riddle, 793 -- the English gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama', is the difference of differences of the first and last words!

793 (BHO in English) = (1655 - 860)  -  (3 - 1)   !!!!

COUNT (2519) the Number of the Beast

'Psephizo', the Greek word for COUNT, is a riddle within a riddle. Its value of 2519 can be found as a cluster (highlighted numbers below) in the table that lists Obama's 10 name triplets that add to the gematria total of Rev 13:18.

Gematria total of Rev 13:18
Language Eng Gr Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f) Heb Heb Heb (f) Heb (f)
O       666 104 232 54 55 54 55 54 55 54 55
BO 221 474 356 357 356 357 356 357 356 357
BHO 793 1809 500 501 1150 1151 500 501 1150 1151

Thus, the word COUNT conceals within it ALL unique partial names of Obama the 666 beast: COUNT (2519) = 104 (O) + 232 (O) + 54 (O) + 55 (O) + 221 (BO) + 474 (BO) + 356 (BO) + 357 (BO) + 666 (beast). Even more remarkable, the 666 beast is also hidden in the first 5 unique partial names of Obama: 104 (O) + 232 (O) + 54 (O) + 55 (O) + 221 (BO) = 666 !!!!!!

Lest we forget, the remaining unhighlighted numbers in the above table sum to 2701 (Ge 1:1) + 8971 (Re 22:21), which means that the gematria sum of the first and last verses of the Bible is also equal to 22 names of the antichrist (right column below) !

    2701 (Ge 1:1)
+  8971 (Re22:21) =  
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
793 (BHO) + 666
 54     (O)       x 3
 55     (O)       x 3
 356   (BO)    x 3
 357   (BO)    x 3
 500   (BHO) x 2
 501   (BHO) x 2
 1150 (BHO) x 2
 1150 (BHO) x 2
 1809 (BHO) x 1
 793   (BHO) x 1

Obama Name Triplets: Biblical Evidence

The name triplets of Obama are not my contrivances; they find solid support from the Bible. The first word of the Bible, 'bereishit' (in the beginning), has a Hebrew gematria value of 913. This is Obama's Hebrew name triplet: 55 (O) + 357 (BO) + 501 (BHO) = 913 !

The last words of the Hebrew and Greek Concordances sum to 860 (H8674) + 1655 (G5624) = 2515. This is Obama's Greek name triplet: 232 (O) + 474 (BO) + 1809 (BHO) = 2515 !

The middle chapter of Cycle 3 of the Bible Wheel is 2 Th 2 -- the famous antichrist chapter. Its chapter order, 1118, is the Hebrew gematria value of the SHEMA, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the Lord is One." (Deu 6:4) This is Obama's English name triplet: 104 (O) + 221 (BO) + 793 (BHO) = 1118 !

The above enigma (first, middle and last) appears to be grounded in this scripture: "Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the church of God." (1 Cor 10:32 NIV)

Cycle 3 of the Bible Wheel are 22 Letters written primarily to the Church of God. Its middle chapter is most intriguing. Chapter 1118 is also the 2009th chapter of the New Testament (2009 = 260 NT chap x 7  + 189) !

The very scripture that records the revealing of the antichrist, that usurper-in-chief, is MOST REVEALING: "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God." (2 Thess 2:4)

Friends, this verse is verse 29666 of the Bible (link) !!!!!!

The verse number 29666 is SPOT ON. Doesn't 29 point to the year 2009, also the chapter order in which it is found? The number 29 is the well known number for departure. Will the bride DEPART (29) in 2009 -- the year the 666 beast appeared?

It 'just so happens' that the Greek word, paradosis (tradition), found in this chapter verse 15, has a gematria value of 666 (link) !!!

Brethren, we are in the last time. Let the mockers continue to mock; but let the wise continue to be wise and remain faithful in watching and praying.

M A R A N A T H A !



B A R A C K    H U S S E I N   O B A M A
 2    1   90    1    3   20       8   300 100 100 5   9  50      60   2    1    40    1
             (117)              +               (572)                  +            (104)  =  793       
Μπαράκ   Χουσεΐν  Ομπάμα (link)
   40  80  1  100  1  20       600 70 400 200 5 10 50     70  40  80  1  40  1
            'B' (242)          +            'H' (1335)           +       'O' (232)     =  1809
ברק  חוסיין    אובמה
 5     40    2     6    1              50 10 10 60   6   8        100  200   2                (link)
               'O' (54)             +          'H' (144)           +      'B' (302)     =   500
ברק  חוסיין  אובאמה
 5      40    1    2     6    1       50  10 10 60   6   8        100  200   2               (link)
               'O' (55)             +          'H' (144)           +      'B' (302)     =   501
ברק  חוסיין    אובמה
5      40    2     6    1             700 10 10 60   6   8       100  200   2
               'O' (54)             +          'H' (794)           +      'B' (302)     =  1150
ברק  חוסיין  אובאמה
5      40    1    2     6    1       700 10 10 60   6   8       100  200   2
               'O' (55)             +          'H' (794)           +      'B' (302)     =  1151