John Tng (21 Apr 2008)
"The Year of the Rapture"

Since Jesus knows all things, it is not impossible for Him to conceal the year of the rapture in the opening verse of the Bible. Furthermore, it is likely that He gave the key that unlocks the secret to the Apostle John, "that disciple whom Jesus loved", and the one "leaning on Jesus' bosom". John was privy to the Lord's many secrets, including the identity of the betrayer, Judas, and was the first believer to have seen the preview of the Apocalypse.

I believe the Lord Jesus has shown me this secret in the Creation Triangle, a triangle made up of 2701 dots, the total gematria value of Genesis 1:1. The key to unlock this secret is two Johannine scriptures and the name of Jesus. Everything is scriptural, straight from the Book. A possible margin of error lies in my own interpretation, but I believe the basic idea is scriptural and valid. Being human, no one is able to see with perfect vision, only "through a glass, darkly"; hence, you should keep this in mind while reading through the article.

The secret reveals that the rapture will take place this year and the Lord will restore all things at the Second Coming in 2017!

I will describe how this time window is discovered and let you decide the validity of my interpretation. We begin with the name JESUS; its Greek gematria value is 888, a rather eye-catching number. However, the most enigmatic feature of this number is that it is a multiple of 37. Why should this deserve our attention? Because the number 37 is a standing miracle of Genesis 1:1 -- an enduring number that continues to confound Bible numericists.

What is more, the Greek gematria value of CHRIST, 1480, is also a multiple of 37! Is JESUS CHRIST trying to direct our attention to Genesis 1:1 since its total, 2701, is also a multiple of 37, being 37x73? Surely there must be an intimate connection between JESUS CHRIST and the creation scripture. Space does not allow me to dwell on this fascinating topic, suffice it to say 37 is the Number of God (for the number 37, see link1; for Hebrew gematria of God, 'elah', see link2).

If we construct a triangle with 2701 dots and number each dot starting from the base, the Lord may be found in the triangle in these three dots: 888 (JESUS), 1480 (CHRIST) and 2368 (JESUS CHRIST). If we connect these dots together, the secret time window is revealed!


Two descents are illustrated above. The two descents intersect the 37th row such that an opening is sliced open, forming a time window from 2008 to 2017. Note these interesting features: If we regard the highest point as Heaven and the lowest point as Earth, then the JESUS CHRIST (2368) point, at the highest, descends from Heaven towards the CHRIST (1480) point in the middle in the air at the rapture. The Second Coming takes place in 2017 when JESUS CHRIST (2368) descends towards the JESUS (888) dot, the lowest point, on Earth. The 37th row may be viewed as the time axis since time is the fourth dimension, one dimension higher than three-dimensional space; hence its position is higher than the Earth (888) and mid-air (1480), both occupying the three-dimensional space, but lower than Heaven (2368), which resides in the highest dimension.

The above is pure conjecture of course. Let us now look to Scripture for support. If the secret rapture  key was given to the Apostle John, might not the Lord have hidden the timing of His two comings in two Johannine scriptures? In the illustration above, follow the two heavenly rays of light emanating from JESUS CHRIST (2368) that fall on CHRIST (1480) and JESUS (888). Take the coordinate of CHRIST (row 25, column 4) as pointing to John 4:25, a scripture taken from John's first book, the Gospel of John. Take the coordinate of JESUS (row 14, column 17) as pointing to Revelation 17:14, a scripture taken from John's last book.

Closer examination of these two Johannine scriptures reveals a stunning correspondence! The second Johannine scripture convincingly points to the glorious return of the Lord Jesus with His followers (i.e. you doves!) at the climax of Armageddon, "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." (Rev 17:14)

The first Johannine scripture is more subtle with regards to the rapture. "The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things." (John 4:25) It is obvious that this scripture found fulfillment at the time when Christ spoke with the Samaritan woman at the well. He came and told all things that she ever did. Thus, remarkably, the two Jonannine scriptures point directly to the First & Second Comings of Christ. However, I contend that the rapture is veiled in the most intriguing manner imaginable in the first Johannine scripture. In that case, the two Johannine scriptures also point to the First & Second Descents of the Second Coming of Jesus.

Note these unlikely coincidences: 1) The CHRIST (1480) dot points to a scripture (John 4:25) that also contains the word CHRIST (1480). The word 'Messias', transliterated from the Hebrew word for Messiah, i.e. CHRIST, also appears in this scripture; it is a rare word, exclusively Johannine, only used twice by John, this being the last. 2) The JESUS (888) dot points to a scripture (Rev 17:14) that contains these awesome references to JESUS -- the Lamb, Lord of lords and King of kings.

Jesus first came as the suffering servant; He shall come again as the majestic king. The Jews failed to receive Him as the former 2,000 years ago, but they will receive Him as the latter at the Second Coming when they shall say "Blessed is he that cometh in the name (JESUS) of the Lord." (Luke 13:35) Curiously, the second descent in the Creation Triangle that corresponds to this event ends on the name JESUS.

The two Johannine scriptures portray Christ as PRIEST and KING respectively; as priest in the First Coming because Jesus came as the perfect mediator by becoming the sacrifice Himself, not just presenting sacrifice to God on behalf of sinners, the job of a priest; as king in the Second Coming because Jesus shall reign over His people in His Kingdom.

A king fights for his people; that is what Jesus is seen doing in the second Johannine scripture, in which John descibes Him as the King of kings. A priest tells the people the words of God -- that is what Jesus does in the first Johannine scripture, telling us all things. John chapter 4 records a private meeting between Jesus and a woman, an appropriate rapture setting. Revelation chapter 17 describes the battle of Armageddon at the glorious return of Jesus in the Second Coming.

The two Johannine scriptures fit the rapture and Second Coming perfectly like a glove. Both scriptures were penned by John. Both are about the coming of Jesus. One is private; the other public. One is about the Samaritan woman; the other about the Babylonian Mother of Harlots. In the former, five were husbands and one is not (John 4:18); in the latter, five kings were fallen and one is (Rev 17:10). A husband is the HEAD of the WIFE (Church); a king is the HEAD of the PEOPLE (Israel). Jesus comes for the Church at the rapture; He comes with the Church for Israel at the Second Coming.


The Rapture in John 4

The evidence of the rapture hidden in John 4 is so intriguing that the more one ponders the more astounded one gets! The Samaritan woman is neither Jew nor Gentile since the Samaritans are half Jews, a mixed race between Jews and Gentiles; hence she represents the Christian according to Paul in Gal 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, ...... for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."

The Samaritan woman is the first foreshadowed born-again believer in the Gospel of John. Although Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the born-again experience in John chapter 3, despite being a religious leader, Nicodemus did not get it. In contrast, the Samaritan woman believed in the living water that Jesus talked about, and became the first evangelist in the Gospel of John by telling other Samaritans and leading them to faith in Jesus. The living water is the Holy Spirit (John 7:38, 39). Since "the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified" (John 7:39), the Samaritan is only a foreshadowed born-again believer at this point, not the bona-fide born again believer like you and I in-filled with the Holy Spirit.

Let us now consider the evidence that Jesus came looking for a bride in John chapter 4. In the New Testament, no where else do we read of the drawing of water from a well. This is unique in John 4 and it is absolutely significant. In the Old Testament, there are only five such examples -- Ge 24:11; Ru 2:9; 1 Sam 7:6; 9:11; 2 Sam 23:16. If we go by the Law of First Mention, we have a perfect match between the first records on the 'drawing of water' in both Testaments! In Genesis chapter 24, we witness Abraham's servant asking Rebekah for water when she was drawing water from the well. He was looking for a bride for his master's son, Isaac. Similarly, in John chapter 4, we witness Jesus asking water from the Samaritan woman when she was drawing water from the well.

In the Old Testament, Abraham's eldest servant is a TYPE of the Holy Spirit; He came looking for a bride for Jesus. In the New Testament, the Bridegroom came looking for a bride Himself!

The second OT example of drawing water from a well is also revealing. In Ruth chapter 2 verse 9, Boaz told Ruth to drink the water drawn from the well by his servants whenever she felt thirsty. Here, Boaz, the Kinsman-redeemer and Bridegroom, offers water to Ruth, the Gentile bride much like Jesus offers living water to the Samaritan woman. Jesus is our Kinsman-redeemer and Bridegroom.

The drawing of water episodes are very strong evidence that Jesus comes looking for a bride in John chapter 4.

Thus, the Samaritan woman is a TYPE of the bride, sealed by the Law of First Mention in both Testaments.

Is the Lord Jesus seen as the Bridegroom in John chapter 4? The evidence to be described will blow you away! The Samaritan woman's five husbands were dead, and one is not (neither dead nor husband). The Babylonian Harlot's five kings were fallen, and one is. It is remarkable that both Johannine chapters contain identical riddle-sounding lines. Where else in Scripture can we find such unusual riddles? However, the parallel appears to be incomplete. Or does it? In Revelation chapter 17, there are eight kings mentioned in the riddle. In John chapter 4, six men are mentioned in the Samaritan woman's life. Where are the two missing men?

The 7th and 8th kings of Revelation chapter 17 are in fact the same person, the beast. The 7th king, "when he cometh, he must continue a short space" (Rev 17:10), before he was "wounded to death" (Rev 13:3); but "his deadly wound was healed" (Rev 13:3). The beast is the antichrist who will imitate the Lord Jesus by rising from the dead. He became the 8th king upon resurrection.

The 7th and 8th men of John chapter 4 are in fact the same person, the Lord Jesus! This is credible given that Jesus comes looking for a bride in this chapter. Some may object to the adulterous nature of the Samaritan woman, but were we not "adulterers and adulteresses" (James 4:4) prior to our rebirth? Jesus is the 7th man who came into the life of the Samaritan woman; as a result, she had a life-changing encounter. Three years later, within a short space of time, Jesus was crucified. As the risen Christ, He became the 8th man in the life of the Samaritan woman, a believer who has been "espoused to one husband" (2 Cor 11:2), even Jesus.

Note the similarity and complementarity of the two riddles:

John 4
Revelation 17
five husbands died five kings fallen
one is not one is
One is come for a short space of time the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
the 8th Man -- which is, and which was, and which is to come (Rev 1:8) the 8th king -- the beast that was, and is not, and yet is (Rev 17:8)

The first five persons in both riddles are history, dead. The sixth persons form a complementary pair: 'one is not' & 'one is'. The seventh persons form another complementary pair: 'One is come' & 'the other is not yet come'. The eighth persons forms the third complementary pair: 'which is' & 'is not'.

It is interesting that Jesus occupies the 7th and 8th positions. The 8th note is the start of a new octave; the 8th day is the start of a new week. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. As the 7th Man, He has come. As the 8th Man, He will come again!

Other Intriguing Rapture Clues in John 4

Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well is recorded in the FOURTH chapter of the FOURTH Gospel; the chapter also contains the phrase 'FOUR months', which is the FOURTH appearance of the number FOUR in the New Testament! The first three appearances are: FOUR thousand men (Matt 15:38; 16:10; Mark 8:9, 20), FOUR winds (Matt 24:31;  Mark 13:27) and FOUR men (Mark 2:3).

The number FOUR is intimately connected with the rapture. The name of the FOURTH letter of the Hebrew alphabet comes from delet,  the Hebrew word for DOOR. In the Book of Revelation, chapter FOUR verse one, John was asked to "come up hither", a veiled reference to the rapture, after he saw "a door was opened in heaven". The phrase "behold a door" only appears in two places in the KJV Bible -- Ezekiel 8:8, in the FOURTH book of Cycle Two of the Bible Wheel, and the FOURTH chapter of Revelation verse one.

The words that Jesus spoke with the disciples, after He held the longest private conversation in the Gospels with a Samaritan woman, are puzzling. He said, "Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together." (John 4:35-36)

A search for the underlined keywords above only throws up another scripture portion in the Bible (see link); it is found in Galatians 6:7-8, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." The book of Galatians is the FOURTH book of Cycle Three of the Bible Wheel!

Without a doubt, the rapture is a harvest and a gathering of fruit unto life eternal. This is confirmed by the number FOUR via two KeyLinks of the Bible Wheel:

KeywordsKeyLinksFOURTH Chapters & FOURTH Books
behold a doorEzek 8:8
Rev 4:1
4th Book of Cycle 2
4th Chapter of John's Last Book (Inner Spoke)
soweth, reap*, lifeJohn 4:36
Gal 6:7-8
4th Chapter of John's First Book (Inner Spoke)
4th Book of Cycle 3

The meaning of Samaria is 'watch mountain'. Is this pointing to the endtime watchers watching for the return of the Bridegroom? It is intriguing Jesus is returning from Judaea through Samaria to Cana of Galilee, where He performed His first miracle at a WEDDING. After the bride theft at the rapture Jesus will return to Heaven for the WEDDING!

John chapter 4 is supernatural. It must be CHRIST Himself who planted such a clue in the Creation Triangle for us endtime watchers.



Read Bob Ware's astounding discovery: