Our Prayers go out to the victims and family members of these murders.This article documents the "Apalachee High School Shooting" on 9/4/2024 was a genuineProphetic Warning Sign pointing to the coming Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy 2028and coming Great Tribulation > 4/19/2025 >> 1260 Days >> 9/30/2028In addition we document how the "Apalachee High School Shooting" and the 2nd Assassinationattempt on Donald Trump's life 9/15/2024 all prophetically synchronizes together !!
Hat Tip goes out to Prophecy Watcher William Frederick at The End Times Forecaster who alsonoted the prophetic significance of the "Apalachee High School Shooting".In standard gematria > "Apalachee High School Shooting" = 911The perpetrator > A=1,B=2 etc > Colt Gray = 101 syncs to year 2001 by way ofof PSALM 101 in the Bible. See more in chart below and our1968 prophetic syncs article > 1968 Prophetic syncs to 911 Fall of Babylon Prophecy 3 Stages 2001 to 2028Stage 1 ^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 3Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyTwin II Towers ^^^^^^^^^^ encoded in BibleDestroyed ^^^^^^^^^^ for execution on9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...............................exactly 27yrs 19 days..........................!https://www.newjerusalem.org/2719?from=Search(2719) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^PSALM 101:3 is the 3rd and last timea verse in the Bible has a 2719 gematria ct. Since PSALMS isBook 19,68th chapter syncs to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^1968 So counting each chapter fwd ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ as a prophetic year 2001 = PSALM 101:3. ^^^^^^^^^^^ From PSALM 9:11 ^^^^^^ PSALM 101:3. ^^^^^^^^^^^ !.........its 7 X 212 vs to....! ^^^^^^^^^^^ New York area code 212 was the location of the Twin II Towers.^^^^^^ And WTC Building # 7 also collapsed on >>>>>>>>>> 9/11/2001.Notice 1968 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>+ 33 yrs to>>>>> 2001...........The perpetrator > A=1,B=2 etc > Colt Gray = 101 .....^^^^^..........................................PSALM 101:3 is the 3rd and last timeBook of Zechariah has prophetic parallels with this. concordance last 2 times seen in Bible.The 27th time # 2028 # 2028there is a 9:11 chapter/vs ^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 111 = Slaughter Slaughtercombo in the Bible is ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ in txt of vs ^^^ in txt of vsZechariah 9:11 >> 27th time Zechariah 11:1 ^^^ Zechariah 11:4 ^^^ Zechariah 11:7!...............................19 vs.........!..............3 vs...........!...........3 vs........!A=1,B=2 etc > New York = 111 Stage 3 coming 2028...........................................................................................................................................................................................
The exact coordinates of Apalachee High School are^^^^^^^^^^^ longitude 83.78 and 33.94 latitude degreesFrom Stage 1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Warning SignFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ApalacheeTWIN II TOWERS ^^^^^^^^^^ High SchoolDESTROYED ^^^^^^^^^ Shooting9/11/2001. ^^^^^^^^ 9/4/2024!.............................................exactly 8394 days...........................!......................................................................................................................................................................Apalachee High School is in zipcode 30680. This is a perfect syncwith JUDE 1:7 in Bible verse number 30680 of Bible. We've already documented in detailhow JUDE 1:7 syncs with the 3 Stage Fall of Babylon prophecy encoded in Bible,by way of the Dumitru Duduman prophetic revelations.........................................................................................................................................................
"So all the generations from Abraham to David are 14 generations,from David until the captivity in Babylon are 14 generations, andfrom the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are 14 generations."Matthew 1:17 ^^^^This is the only verse in the Bible seeing Three times 14 , 14 ,14 in text.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Date of Apalachee shooting Colt Gray was age 14. ^^^^^^^^^^Student victim Mason Shermerhorn was age 14. ^^^^^Student victim Christian Angulo was age 14.The I+I Math Teacher victims who died ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Chistina Irimie was age 53. And ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Richard Aspinwall was age 39. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Total > 92 < Matthew 1:17 is in chapter 930 of Bible.^^^^ ^^^^^ Matthew ends chapt 957 + vs 1071 = 2028 .^^^^ ^^^^^ Beginning to end reveals the date 9/30/2028,Flight # II ALL 92 >< when Stage Three Fall of Babylononboard DIED when the >< is encoded in Bible for execution !!!plane crashed into the >< "Lo, I will be with you always,Twin II Towers on >< even to the End of the Age."9/11/2001 >< Matthew 28:20Stage 1 Fall of Babylon >< 9/30/2028^^^^^^^!............................241 X 41 = 9881 days.............!Prophetic Warning Sign >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stage 3Apalachee 23 Year Anniversary Fall of Babylon ProphecyHigh School Twin II Towers encoded in BibleShooting Destruction for execution on9/4/2024 9/11/2024 9/30/2028!..........................7days..!.....1480 days......................................................!Verse number 237 in book of Revelation, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is Revelation 14:8 where Stage 2 "Baylon is Fallen is Fallen"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ is seen and synced withthe 7148 Days from Stage 2 to Stage 3 Fall of Babylonencoded in Bible following way. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic phrase in Bible, Prophetic for.Isaiah 21:9 chapter 700 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 1 > 9/11/2001Revelation 14:8 chapt 1181 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 2 > 3/6/2009Revelation 18:2 chapt 1185 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 3 >9/30/2028
Total > 3066 < In above noted article Dumitru Duduman^^^^^^^ birthdate to Kim Clement birthdate 24 yrs 2 months 16 daysMatthew 22:27 with a 3066 gematria ct, syncs to vs # of Bible 24216 here.only vs in the New Testament with this ct. Last vs of Book.Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52 ^^9/30/2028^^!............241 vs............!..........41 vs...........! Matthew 28:20!....................................................316 vs.................................!! A=1,B=2 etc > 316 = Two Thousand Twenty Eight!...............................................158+158 vs..............................!^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52Verse #'s of bible 23900 + 24141 + 24182 = 72223In math the 7148th prime number is 72223^^^^^^^^.............................................................................. ^^^^^^^^.......................................................Stage 1 Stage 2 ^^^^^^^^ Stage 3Fall of Babylon. Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyTwin II Towers . S&P500 Fell to 666 ^^^^^^^^ encoded in BibleDestroyed . lowest low of this century ^^^^^^^^ for execution on9/11/2001 on 3/6/2009 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............2733 days.................!..............................7148 days........!^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^‘When your wares went out by sea, ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^You satisfied many people; You enriched ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^the kings of the earth With your many ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^luxury goods and your merchandise. ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^EZEKIEL 27:33 has a gematria ct of 3996 = 666 x 6 or 27x148......................................................................................................................................................We also have remarkable prophetic syncs involving Planet PLUTO here.The Apalachee High School Shootingoccurred on day 248 of this year 9/4/2024. And from its7/4/1776 founding date the USA was age 248 years+ 62 days on 9/4/2024.Fall of Babylon recorded in Daniel 5:31 King Darius age 62 takes the Kingdom.And the planet PLUTO takes 248 earth years to go around the SUN.Notice from 1930 PLUTO discovery its>>>>>>>>>>> 94 yrs to 2024 matching the^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Apalachee High School Shooting Date !!And PLUTO was Start Date End Datediscovered on Great Tribulation Great Tribulation2/18/1930 4/19/2025 9/30/2028 <!............exactly 34759 days to..........!...............1260 Days............!^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^........................Properties of the number 34759...................Properties of the number 4973..............................David Eibeck discovered the 34759 days >< Great Tribulation timeline !!!PLUTO timeline also equals > 3x4x7x5x9 = 1260+1260+1260^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^See more in Also 34759 is the 3713th Prime # ^^^^^^^^^Golden Ratio X 7 article. And 3713 +1260 = 4973And the 666th Prime # is 4973And in the Bible PSALM 66:6 is a KEY vs synced toStart Date Great Tribulation 4/19/2025See prior article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/mar2024/stevew324.htm <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Apalachee High School address is 940 Haymon Morris Rd.PSALM 66:6 is vs # 940 of PSALMS.2025 gematria ct 2028 gematria ct.Start book of This is Golden Ratio>><< Golden Ratio vs End of BookPSALMS vs of PSALMS PSALM 95:6 PSALM 150:6!..............940 vs..........!..............581 vs.....................!................940 vs..............!940 divided by 581 = 1.618 decimal equal of Golden Ratio! Great Tribulation timeline !! is also 42 months as in !! Revelation 13:5 using a !! 360 day prophetic year. !Start Date ^^^^^ End Date4/19/2025 9/30/2028!............42 months...........!^^^^42 = = = 14 +14 +14Date of Apalachee shooting Colt Gray was age 14. ^^^^^^^^^^Student victim Mason Shermerhorn was age 14. ^^^^^Student victim Christian Angulo was age 14. Pi - Wikipedia3.14 is the decimal expression of PI. NoticeApalachee High School is identified by a CIRCLE road in front of its building.The DIAMETER of a CIRCLE = circumference divided by PI !!!................................................................................................................................
Prophetic Warning Sign >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stage 3Apalachee Fall of Babylon ProphecyHigh School End DateShooting Great Tribulation9/4/2024 9/30/2028!.....................................................exactly 48 months 26 days......!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Apalachee Shooting 4 total dead, 2 Students 2 Teachers.^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^prophetic^^^^^This is the 6th and last time a Bible Book has a ^^^^parallels^^^^^^^verse # 1260 here ^^^^ ^^^^with Bible^^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 Ezekiel 48:22 Ezekiel 48:24 Ezekiel 48:26!...............4 vs...........!..........2 vs...........!...2 vs...........!Great Tribulation timeline 42 months as in Revelation 13:5.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Ezekiel 48:18 is the last place in the Bible with ^^^^ Ezekiel 48:24 is the last place in the Biblethis chapter vs config, 4818 being a Bible number ^^^^ a vs has a 2068 gematria ct revealingrevealing the the date 4/19/2025 as seen below. ^^^^ the date 9/30/2028 as seen below.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !...............1260 days or 42 months.......................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<^^^^^^^^^^^^ Massive evidence aligning^^^^^^ here for Start date of theBook of > Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs, Lamentations ^^^^^^ Great TribulationBook # of Bible > 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ^^^^^^ <<<< 4/19/2025total vs's of Book > 1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = 4818 <<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^++++ 1260 days toBook of > 1st Samuel , Amos , Proverbs, Hosea ++++ <<<< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Book # of Bible > 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 <<<<<<< ++++ <<<< 9/30/2028
total vs's of Book > 810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = 2068 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^total > 6886 < ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^https://math.tools/list/palindromes In math the 158th palindrome # is 6886 This date is theA=1,B=2 etc > 158 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Day of Atonement^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"For then there will be Great Tribulation,such as has notbeen since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be."Matthew 20:28 ^^^^^ Matthew 24:21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!...............158 vs to....................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^13 Books of Bible have a 4:19><20:25 chapter vs combo ^^^^^^ 274th day is 9/30 of 2028!!total verse count between those points for all 13 books is exactly 6886 !! ^^^^^^^^ 6x338=20286886-274-274=6338See more details in our EZEKIEL 48 article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jun2023/stevew64-1.htm
And See more details in our Golden Ratio X 7 article !!! Golden Ratio X "7"+Fibonacci Sequence reveals JESUS 2nd Coming 2028 !!!.....................................................................................................................................................And quite amazingly the 2nd Assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life 9/15/2024prophetically synchronizes with all the above in the following ways....Prophetic Warning >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prophetic Sign >>>>>>>>>>>>>!His full name > Z=1,Y=2 etc > Donald John Trump = 220Sign Apalachee 23 Year Anniversary 2nd Assassination Start DateHigh School Twin II Towers attempt on GreatShooting Destruction Donald Trump Tribulation9/4/2024 9/11/2024 9/15/2024 4/19/2025!............................7days..!.....4 days...................!.................6x6x6 days.........!
!............................................110 + 110 days.......!The exact 74 degree ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ !longitude line was the 110 and 110 stories waslocation of Twin II Towers height of Twin II Towers !!.................................220 days.........................!................................................................................................................................................666 Timelines + Dragon's Prophecy sync to coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 "He turned the (Red)Sea into dry land;Our last week article at Five Doves was posted on the They went through the river on foot.morning of 9/15/2024 with numerous 666 There we will rejoice in Him."prophetic timelines and 666 Bible PSALM 66:6prophetic connections in it. Then later Start Datesame day we got the Assassination attempt Greatat Trump Golf Club !! Tribulation9/15/2024 4/19/2025!..........................................6x6x6 days........................................!Revelation 13:5 vs # 6x6x6 of Book has Great Tribulation timelineof 42 months in text of vs.See > Trump Assassination in Bible 2nd Chron 18:33 syncs to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <1st Assassination Attempt ><2nd Assassination Attempt !on Donald Trump's life >< on Donald Trump's life !was on Golf Course !7/13/2024 9/15/2024 4/19/2025!....................64 days..................!..............6x6x6 days.....................!Chapter 64 of Bible is EXODUS 14:21 where GOD parts the Red Sea, whichis the prophetic Bible event synced to the Start of the Great Tribulation by typology.See details > Tom Cruise+Paris Olympics Final Medal cts+Lisa Leenie Dream sync to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028 <................................................................................................................................................................................Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign1st Assassination Attempt ><2nd Assassination Attempt Start Date End Dateon Donald Trump's life At Trump Great Greatwas on Golf Course Tribulation Tribulation7/13/2024 9/15/2024 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!..........................64 days........!..........216 days.....................!.......1260 Days...........!Properties of the number 64216 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^in math 64216 the sum of its divisors equal 126000............................................................................................................................................A final astonishing series of prophetic parallels come to light when President Gerald Fordsurvived 2 assassination attempts in the year 1975 just like Trump here in 2024 !!Attempted assassination of Gerald Ford in Sacramento - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attempted_assassination_of_Gerald_Ford_in_San_FranciscoJewish Yr1st Assassination >< 2nd Assassination><2nd Assassination>< '5784'attempt of attempt of attempt of Start of Start DateGerald Gerald Donald Jewish Yr GreatFord Ford Trump '5785' Tribulation9/5/1975 9/22/1975 9/15/2024 10/2/2024 4/19/2025!................17 days......!...........17891 days.....!......17 days............!............199 days........!^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Deuteronomy 32:25 is vs # 891 book of ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Deuteronomy and verse number '5784' of ^^^^^^the Bible, matching the current Jewish Year we are in right now ! ^^^^^^Notice Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Many believe ^^^^^^Trump is associated with the Q movement > Drop Search Results: Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming
Favorite Q phrase^^^^^^
A=1,B=2 etc > Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming = 316 ^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc >>>>> Two Thousand Twenty Eight = 316 ^^^^^^158+158 = 316 ^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc >>>>> Day of Atonement = 158 ^^^^^^On Jewish Calendar Day of Atonement = 9/30/2028 in this yr. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Don't forget Trump is synced to 9/30/2028 in the Bible ^^^^^^by way of his birthdate 6/14/1946 encoded in HEBREWS 6:14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^James Garfield was Assassinated on his 199th day in office.
Assassinated Assassinated ^^^^^^^^^James Garfield William Mckinley ^^^^^^^^^20th and 25th Presidents of USA. ^^^^^^^^^Garfield was assassinated on his ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^199th day in office. Start Date End DateThe 199th day of year on the Great Tribulation Great TribulationJewish Calendar in this year will be >> 4/19/2025 9/30/2028^^^^^ !...................1260 Days.............!A=1,B=2 etc > 419 = Donald Trump +James Garfield +William Mckinley.........................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins....wilkste@aol.com