Luis Vega (8 Sep 2024)
"GOSPEL IN THE STARS? - Ambiguous Revelation or Gospel Truth?"

Ambiguous Revelation or Gospel Truth?

by Luis B. Vega

As the Year 2024 is the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, the Debate has come-up regarding the Notion of how the Gospel is or is not depicted and interpreted in the 12 Star Constellations. It is the case that many End Time Students do dismiss the Theory and Gospel Correlation that has been researched in the Work of Bullinger and others. Such Scholars do correlate the Gospel of Christ Jesus to the Star Constellations Theory. However, one is of the Opinion that the Gospel Witness of the Stars is a Complimentary Witnesses to Scripture. And that the Scriptures do, one is convinced, attribute and infer the Celestial Patterns.

For example, the Apostle Paul inferred that the Star Gospel was and is the ‘Silent Witness’ of which, being part of Creation, as a Witness of YHVH’s Plan of Redemption, Mankind is without an Excuse. That is Heavy. Consider that since Genesis 3:15, there was no written ‘Scripture’ to speak about. A newly created Humanity could not fall back to or have as the Primary Authoritative Source for what the Gospel Plan of Salvation of Mankind would have been or is. In fact, it was not until Moses that YHVH dictated the Divine Version of Humanity’s Creation, Purpose and Outcome, etc.

Yet does not the Bible also teach that YHVH is not without a Witness? So, if there was no Scriptural Revelation of YHVH’s Plan for Mankind available since Genesis 3:15, what was the Witness that was present, always? One would contend, it was the Gospel Witness of the Sun, Moon and the Stars. And in fact, one contends that the ‘Original’ Revelation 12 Sign 1st occurred in -3915 BC. See link to Chart of a visual.

Genesis 3:15 War Declaration

Consider that the Gospel in the Stars is very simplistic. The fundamental Assertion of Bullinger and others is that the Meaning of the Stars and the Constellation Names have been preserved over Millennia. The Celestial Motifs are very simplistic, as ‘Stick Figures’ in most cases that transcend Language. Pictographs are a Universal Language. And since Recorded History, starting with the Sumerians, the Meaning of the Constellations has stayed basically the same. This is Amazing. And one’s Point is also that many of the Constellations reiterate the Core Message. There is a Savior, Champion or Hero who battles a Dragon, Serpent or Creature. The Hero is killed but vanquishes the Enemy to rescue the Lost. That is it.

A Universal Language
This is not a Coincidence and not readily open to Interpretation, is one’s Point. The Interpretation of the ‘Gospel in the Stars’ started in Ancient Sumer, after the Flood of Noah. It is conjectured that Adam named all the Constellations as he had named all the Animals, etc. This Celestial Knowledge and ‘Gospel Witness’ was handed down. Then after the Flood, it was then filtered through Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, and lastly by the Arabs. Despite slight modifications in their Renditions and Celestial Motifs, the Meaning has been the same over Millennia.
It is in fact 1 of the few Aspects of Humanity’s Knowledge and Understanding that has stayed relatively consistent. Even the Native American Cosmology matches that of the Ancient World, separated by Oceans. Consider the Genesis 3:15 Declaration of War between the Seeds of the Woman and the Serpent. It is declared that the Seed of the Woman, Jesus would eventually crush the Head of the Serpent. But in that Battle, the Serpent would strike the Heel of the Woman’s Seed with a Deadly Blow.
That is exactly what occurred on the Cross of Calvary. And? That is exactly what is depicted with the Constellation of Ophiuchus, the Man wrestling with the Serpent that is seeking the Crown, Corona Borealis. And in this Struggle or War, the Foot of Ophiuchus is crushing the Head of Scorpio, the ‘Adversary’ or Enemy with a Mortal Head Wound. Is it any coincidence that the area of the ‘Mortal Head’ Wound is depicted by the Giant Sun, Antares that is Red in Color? Then, the Stinger of Scorpio pierces the Heel of the Man, to the Point of causing the sure Death of Ophiuchus.
This is what is depicted Astronomically and Astrologically in the Stars. One’s Point is that all Ancient Civilizations had this Core Understanding. Sure, over Millennia, as the Gospel Storyline has been filtered through Cultures and Societies, there has been some Embellishment. But the Core Interpretation remains the same and the exact Meaning can be discerned as intended. One’s Point is that, if indeed YHVH decided to place the Gospel Storyline in the 12 Constellations, it is not something that is arbitrary or un-discernable. Their Meaning is immutable.

One could say the same about the Written Witness, just as much, in one’s Opinion. If the Written Scriptures are not specific to what the Gospel is and how to ‘Get Saved’, then what about is? Then in the Bible, you have YHVH mentioning various Constellations by Name; Orion, the Pleiades, etc. Then you have YHVH directing Abraham to look ‘Up’ to the Stars and contemplate them. It was part of the Sign of the Promise of the Deliverer. Jesus would come from his Loins to be the Blessing to all the Nations, i.e., the Messiah or Anointed and Promised One, etc.
Then there was the Wisdom and Knowledge of the Persian Wise Men or the Magi that interpreted the Constellation, precisely to the Year of when the Christ-Child would be born, the King. One speculates that they were of the Legacy of the School of Prophecy established by Daniel. So, one is not in agreement that the Gospel in the Stars are Non-Scriptural and actually contradictory to Scripture. It is not. It is complementary and does not violate the Meaning and Purpose of Scripture, in one’s Opinion.

A Silent Witness
Consider also that as far as Divine Revelation is concerned about the Sun, Moon and the Stars, the Witness of the Gospel, being the purpose for the Constellations, is to have it be a Testimony. A Testimony to whom? It is not only for Humanity, but for the whole Council of the ‘Gods’ or the Elohim, as Psalm 82 attests to. Realize that YHVH is also instructing the Angles, both Holy and Fallen ones with the Gospel depicted in the 12 Star Constellations.

…’Trying to determine the Time and Setting to which the Spirit of Christ in them was pointing when He predicted the Sufferings of Christ and the Glories to follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but you, when they foretold the Things now announced by those who preached the Gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from Heaven. Even Angels long to look into these Things. Therefore prepare your Minds for Action. Be Sober-Minded. Set your Hope fully on the Grace to be given you at the Revelation of Jesus Christ’. -1 Peter 1:11-13
It can be argued that if Lucifer would have known from the Gospel in the Stars Pattern and Projection of the outcome of his Fate, he would have not allowed Jesus to be Crucified. However, the same Argument is in play with the Written Gospel. Scripture itself foretells about the Prophecy that would be fulfilling Genesis 3:15. Lucifer knows that. The Scriptures foretold how the Head of the Serpent would be Crushed by the Seed of the Woman, i.e., Jesus. Does Lucifer not know this? Of course he does. But if one is making the Celestial Gospel of the Stars as a Witness, ‘Equal’ to the Written Gospel of the Scriptural Witness, why would the former be subject to Ambiguity?
Lucifer can read the Star Gospel and the Bible and has and knows what awaits his Fate, being ultimately cast into the Lake of Fire. So, why the Struggle still? One is just arguing that if one is to correlate the Gospel in the Stars with Scripture as being a Divine Witness which one does, then like the Scriptural Witness, the Star ‘Gospel’ cannot be left to mere Personal Interpretation and Ambiguity at best. Just to be clear, as mentioned, the Gospel in the Stars Witness, being a Divine Witness nonetheless is a Witness, although a Complimentary one to Scripture, as mentioned.

But that Premise still demands an Interpretation and Meaning that is just as True as is the Written Gospel. To reiterate, one is convinced that the Star Gospel is a complimentary Witness designation, it is no less Arbitrary or Ambiguous. That is one’s Point. Again, if that were not to be the case, then the Written Scriptures could also be said of them, that no one really knows what the True Interpretation really is.

And sadly, that is what many Denominations and Scriptural Skeptics attest to and argue about. The following are the Charts that depict the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign. Now, as to the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign? Perhaps the Rapture Event could take place on its Anniversary Date of September 23. This Notion is solely based on how the Sign has concluded a Biblical Perfect Segment of Time, its 7-Year Anniversary. It could be a possible Rapture High Watch Time.




Here is one’s Article dedicated to the 7-Year Anniversary. One has mentioned the Main Points and Theory before. It is that the Revelation 12 Sign is or perhaps could be a 7-Year Rapture Countdown. And that its ultimate fulfillment will be 12 Years later based on the ‘Jupiter Year’ Cycle. It is where Jupiter is next in the Constellation of Virgo, in 2029. And that Year ties-in with the Mid-Point of one’s 7-Year Tribulation Timeline, being from the Fall of 2025 to the Fall of 2032. Perhaps.

Timing Considerations


In the Midst of the Tribulation 
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. 

Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *
Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur Prophetically, matched the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 day after Yom Teruah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or Motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the central role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book introduce the various other Characters to include the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.
Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.

War of the Seeds
This Book seeks to unlock the Secrets of the Celestial Blueprint of the Last Days based on the ‘Image and Likeness’ of Jesus Christ; that is His Pattern of the Body Form and its Dimensions that occur on a Prophetic Scale. Such Patterns are seen in the literal Lifespan of Jesus’ Life Timeline, the Ark of the Covenant, the Solar System and the Human Form to name of few that this Book will examine and present. These Alignments and Eclipse Patterns could lend some Clues, as to the Timing of Christ’s actual Birth and Return.

Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.

Revelation 12 Sign.png