Luis Vega (29 Sep 2024)
"REVELATION 12 SIGN COMET - Star of Jacob C/2023 A3 at Sextans"

Prophecy through a Looking Glass

by Luis B. Vega

 ‘But I would not have you to be ignorant, Brethren, concerning them which are Asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no Hope. For if we believe that Jesus Died and Rose again, even so them also which Sleep in Jesus will GOD bring with him’. -1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Concerning the Trajectory of the Comet, C/2023 A3, also called the ‘Star of Jacob that crisscrosses the Revelation 12 Sign for 2024, on its 7th Year Anniversary? It is rather spectacular as the Comet winds-up and Down but having its ‘Apex’ right in the Womb area of the Celestial Motif depiction in Virgo. According to the Astronomy Models, the Perihelion or greatest Approach to Earth occurs on September 27-28, 2024.

This is when the ‘Pink Mountain’, as that is what the Color of the Comet is giving off, can be seen with the Naked Eye. It will appear at that Time and Place in the Minor Constellation called Sextans. One had briefly commented originally when shared about this Comet Trajectory, but here is the possible inference, Prophetically as a possible Broadcasting to what it could mean. It is basically a Call to note that the Sign means that it is very Precise as the Instrument is used to precisely calculate the Navigational Paths in Sea Voyages.

And taking liberty to be a bit Poetic, one realizes that the End of the Church Age and the Rapture Event is and has been all about a Trajectory and a Precise Year, Month, Week and Day when it will conclude. However, the Body of Christ may not know the actual Timing of the Rapture Event, but such Signs as the Revelation 12 and Comets are giving added introspection, Prophetically, perhaps. The following is the Definition of what the Sextant Instrument is and used for, from Wikipedia. One’s Point is that such an Instrument and its Purpose can be relative to who that is to be used for Prophecy also.
A Sextant is a Doubly Reflecting Navigation Instrument that measures the Angular Distance between 2 Visible Objects. The primary use of a Sextant is to measure the Angle between an Astronomical Object and the Horizon for the purposes of Celestial Navigation. The Estimation of this Angle, the Altitude, is known as Sighting or Shooting the Object, or Taking a Sight. The Angle, and the Time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a Position Line on a Nautical or Aeronautical Chart—for example, sighting the Sun at Noon or Polaris at Night (in the Northern Hemisphere) to estimate Latitude (with Sight Reduction).
Sighting the Height of a Landmark can give a Measure of Distance off and held Horizontally, a Sextant can measure Angles between Objects for a Position on a Chart. A Sextant can also be used to measure the Lunar Distance between the Moon and another Celestial Object (such as a Star or Planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence Longitude.

Prophetic Correlations?

1) A Sextant is a Doubly Reflecting Navigation Instrument that measures the Angular Distance between 2 Visible Objects.

= There are 2 Points that Students of the Bible should be cognoscente of. They are the Death of Jesus/Start of Church and the End of Church Age and Rapture Event.
2) To measure the Angle between an Astronomical Object and the Horizon for the purposes of Celestial Navigation.

= Correlate Celestial Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars with Geo-Political, Social, and Spiritual References taking place on Earth.
3) The Estimation of this Angle, the Altitude, is known as Sighting or Shooting the Object, or Taking a Sight.

= The Bible and Jesus, especially pertaining to the End Times and of His Return, admonish Students of the End Times to constantly be on the Look-Out and take Readings, Measurements for the purpose of Prophetic Estimations.
4) The Angle, and the Time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a Position Line on a Nautical or Aeronautical Chart.

= The best Assessments deduced by studying the Word of GOD, i.e., the Bible can help to know how to ‘measure’ Time and one’s Position within the Church Age in its Timeline.
Sighting the Height of a Landmark can give a Measure of Distance off and held Horizontally, a Sextant can measure Angles between Objects for a position on a Chart.
= By studying and knowing Biblical Prophecy, a Student of the End Times can discern where and when the Body of Christ is relative to the 2nd Coming. It is a Knowledge Jesus expects His Followers to be aware of, so as to not be ‘Caught Unawares’, etc.
A Sextant can also be used to measure the Lunar Distance between the Moon and another Celestial Object (such as a Star or Planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence Longitude.
= Again, Students of the Bible are that that the World should be going to, to know just how ‘Things’ on Earth will go and ‘What Time it is’, Eschatologically.
I do not want you to be ignorant of this Mystery, Brothers and Sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a Hardening in part until the Full Number of the Gentiles has come in’. Romans 11:25

A Greater Sextant
As one can see and discern, the Body of Christ has a ‘Sextant’, and this is the Bible, the Holy Spirit, etc. Studying the Bible, the ‘Sextant’ and being led by the Holy Spirit, as the Captain, is about knowing the Signs of the Times, and what Time is it Prophetically. It helps the Body of Christ tell where it is on the ‘Chart’ of the Church Age. And it can help to ‘Read’ the Signs of the Time, from what the Signs are Above and Below.
The Body, like Sailors or Captains on Navigational Voyages of Yesteryear, used this Instrument to know their Position on the Sea, relative to Land based solely on the reference to the Stars. It is the Bible that is literally one’s Sextant then as it functions to give the Captain and the Crew discernable Time and Position Markers as to not be ‘Lost’. Is not there even a Metaphor given by the Apostle Paul, who himself was shipwrecked about having a Firm Anchor, Navigation and a sturdy Vessel?
‘Timothy, my Child, I entrust you with this Command in keeping with the previous Prophecies about you, so that by them you may Fight the Good Fight, holding on to Faith and a Good Conscience, which some have rejected and thereby Shipwrecked their Faith’. -1 Timothy 1:18-19
…’Until we all reach Unity in the Faith and in the Knowledge of the SON of GOD, as we Mature to the Full Measure of the Stature of Christ. Then we will no longer be Infants, tossed about by the Waves and carried around by every Wind of Teaching and by the Clever Cunning of Men in their Deceitful Scheming. Instead, speaking the Truth in Love, we will in All Things grow-up into Christ Himself, who is the Head’. -Ephesian 4:13-15
What one can assess, is that as the Collective Body of Jesus on Earth has been like a ‘Baby’ being developed in a Gestation Period, not all has it be uniformly. It has taken Centuries for each Generation in Jesus to reach Maturity. However, 1 Year, Month, Week and Day, the entire Body of Christ that will constitute the Bride will be Extracted or delivered much like a Baby that has come to Full Term.
Perhaps, such a 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign and this Comet accenting it at this Place and Time is 1 such ‘Measurement’ of the Dilations going on with the ‘Contraction’s in how close the Delivery of the Man-Child is to occur, i.e., the End of one’s Faith to be converted to Sight at the Glorious Appearing of Jesus in the Clouds during the Rapture Event. Until that Place and Time, one can take comfort in that the Holy Spirit, the Restrainer is restraining and is a Good and Faithful ‘Mid-Wife’.
So, is the ‘Star of Jacob’ Comet to be seen, appearing and being able to be seen from Earth in Sextans a mere Coincidence? Or is it a Sign to ‘Take a Measurement’, and know one’s Position, Place and Timing in relation to the 7th Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign? Or is it taking a ‘Measurement’ of one’s Faith in Jesus? Why?

Star of Jacob Comet – Revelation 12
Is the Revelation 12 ‘Baby’ about to be delivered? Is the Church Age about to End? Many End Time Students of Prophecy have taken ‘Measurements’ and it would appear so. As to the Fine-Tuning? That is yet to be determined fully. Until then, it is a matter of ‘Being on the Look-Out’.
Here below is a spectacular Photo of the Comet C/2023 A3 from the perspective of the United Arab Emirates. One superimposed onto the Photo, the Comet’s Position in the backdrop of the Constellations on the Ecliptic. It is to show just how ‘Things’ really are and what is there that is ‘Unseen’. That is why the Mazzaroth or the Zodiac is called in the New Testament by the Apostle Paul, the ‘Silent Wetness’. And in Psalm 19, King David understood that they, the Stars of the Constellations do not Speak but they put forth Knowledge and Prophecy.

Now as one has presented the possible Prophetic Implications, just relying on the mere Motifs that the Comet is associated with, in terms of the Constellations, Trajectory and its Position, it is also spectacular to consider. As it is understood and interpreted, Comets are Bad Omens of Calamity and Demise. The Comet is pointing directly at Virgo as if to take note and how it will be the Center of the Message.

This is why it is no Coincidence that during the October 2, 2024 Jewish Civil New Year of Rosh HaShanah, the Planet Mercury is in approximate Conjunction with the Sun and the Comet is pointing directly at this Constellation, here and now, etc. That Solar Eclipse will be the Annual Type that is deemed the ‘Wedding Ring’ and Ring of Fire Motifs. Is it about a Wedding?
It is also understood, among Prophecy Circles, that Virgo is the Cosmic Motif representing Israel, foremost as well as Mary, Ruth, Esther and the Body of Christ, all-inclusive. However, given the Corresponding Signs on Earth from a Geo-Political Inference, it is Israel that is being ‘Bombarded’ as if with the Comet that has made a Diagonal or Criss-Crossing Pattern in Virgo.

Is it also mere Coincidence that this Comet, that the Rabbis in Israel are calling the Star of Jacob appeared in the Year 2024 to specifically highlight the Constellation of Virgo, on its 7-Year Anniversary, pertaining to the Revelation 12 Sign? As Harbingers of Doom and Gloom go, the Time Period during this Season that the Comet screeches across Virgo will be profound and perhaps impacting not only Israel, but the entire Middle East. That circumstance, in turn, will affect the entire World. And it is Ominous.
Comet C/2023 A3 at Sextans

Star of Jacob Perihelion
September 27, 2024

Free Resources to Download

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Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Notion of the Great Signs in the Heavens pertaining to the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur prophetically will match the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 Day after Rosh HaShanah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the Central Role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book will attempt to introduce the various other Characters to include the Identity of the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.


Return of the Red Dragon
The purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

Journey in 'Discovering' the Revelation 12 Sign
Evidence of Authorship

Revelation Sign 12 Comet C-2023 A3.png

Revelation Sign 12 Comet 2024.png