Rapture Door #1, Door #2 or Door #3?
by Luis B. Vega
So, one wanted to reiterate the possible 7-Year Tribulation Timeline based on the Psalms of Ascent that was brought to one’s attention by Judi at the Revelation 12 Sign Blog ( The Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Psalm-Based Tribulation Timeline is rather fascinating, if it turns-out to be correct. Why one wishes to highlight the Timeline is to show just how close the Rapture Event is to occur. And if one has a Pre-Tribulation Rapture Scenario, then the 2024 Fall Season could be a Prime Rapture Window Watch. Following is the link to the Online Chart by Karl Lawley.
Karl Lawley 2025-2032 Psalm Tribulation Timeline
How one is or can only possibly reconcile such a High Rapture Watch Window is based on how the Summer Harvesting of the Crops all come to an End by this Fall Season. But that goes without saying as it is a Cyclical Occurrence, etc. Astronomically, September 23, is when it is considered the Start of the Fall Season, at least in the Northern Hemisphere and if one subscribes to a Globe Earth Model, etc.Now, as to this Fall Season 2024 possibly being a High Rapture Window? It is depending on which Calendar Count one is following or considering or confused about. Here are the ‘Rapture Doors’ to consider, perhaps presently in light of the Psalm-Based Tribulation Period Timeline. Now Astronomically, the Cycles and/or phases of the Sun and the Moon are Fixed Events. For example, the Moon Phases are ‘Absolute’. It is the Interpretation of Man that is faulty. Here is why for the Year 2024.
1. According to the Solar Calendar, Rosh HaShanah or the ‘Head of the Year’, as in the start of the Jewish Civil New Year, corresponding to the 7th Month was on September 4, 2024.
2. According to the Essene Calendar, Rosh HaShanah, which some say may or may not correspond to the Feast of Trumpets, occurs on September 18, 2024.
3. According to the Rabbinical Calendar, Rosh HaShanah occurs on October 2, 2024.
Now some Observations. As it has been discussed by many End Time Students of Prophecy, the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign occurs in the midst of all these Calculated New Years Dates. Then, as there are 2 Solar Eclipse that occur on the Jewish New Years, April 8 and October 2, consider that the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 occurs on the New Year Day Count, based on the Essene Calendar.
As Above, So Below?
So, in essence, the Essene Day Counts make the Gregorian Year of 2024 have 3 ‘New Year’ Days directly associated with the Solar and Lunar Eclipses occurring. Coincidence? Perhaps, but the Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 is called the ‘Harvest Moon’, and it is also called a Super-Moon. Note that in 2024, there are 4 Super-Moons. They are scheduled as follows.
1 August 19
2 September 18
3 October 17
4 November 15
The following is the Technical Explanation as to why this Moon Phase is called a ‘Super-Moon’. As the Moon orbits the Earth it does so in an Elliptical Manner. It moves closer and further away during all of its Phases, etc. The Closest Approach to Earth is called Perigee. This is within 360,000 Km / 225,000 Miles from Earth. If this Point in the Orbit coincides with a Full Moon Phase, then it is referred to as a ‘Super-Moon’. Technically speaking, saying ‘Super-Moon’ is not a Scientific Term.It is widely used to describe the Astronomical Phenomenon which occurs when the Full Moon is within 90% of Perigee. The ‘Official Name’ is called ‘Perigee Syzgy’. Thus, from Earth a Super-Moon will appear slightly larger than usual. It can be up to 17% larger than the smallest of Full Moons and considerably Brighter, etc. Now what is also occurring in September and October of 2024 is how the Comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) is crisscrossing the Virgo Constellation on its 7th Year Anniversary.Now, how all these Astronomical Events Above could be broadcasting their Warning in light of Geo-Political Events Below? Consider the Reports that the Russian Ambassador and Family along with most of the High Ranking Diplomats have returned to Russia. And? Consider that when Countries retrieve their Diplomatic Corp, it is a sure Sign of Pending War being declared or initiated. It also seems the Last Days of Biden are being used to rally further escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian War. And?Putin has warned that Nuclear War is imminent and that the ‘Other Side of the Atlantic’ will not be spared in how Russia is being squeezed. But if the USA is to be Taken-Over and Destroyed, it will not only be from without, by possibly Russian Nukes, but by the Unvetted Mass Immigration that is as high as 30 Million. Some Sources report that at least 1% of all those allowed in are of Chinese, Venezuelan and Muslim Military Age.
Consider if that could be the case, it means that the USA has a 1 Million Man Army already within its Borders. And it has also been reported that Chinese Military Personnel and Assets are in Canada and in Mexico, ready to cross over when the Time comes. Imagine the Chaos in the Cities as Migrants have essentially replaced the Traditional Minorities in the USA. It will make the Black Lives Matter Riots pale in comparison. And Putin is not joking about using Tactical Nuclear Weapons as the U.S., Canada, the UK, essentially all of NATO are actively involved in the Ukraine against Russia.
One would venture to guess, Ge0-Politically that the Luciferians are intentionally squeezing Putin of Russia to ‘Fire’ the 1st Nuclear Shot. And it will not only be towards the Ukraine but the USA. Now this Outcome has some Prophetic Innuendos of the Ezekiel War. One is more convinced that this War will find its fulfillment during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. But the Aspect about it that is intriguing and could find it to be a Precursor is how the Coastlands of the Nation that is living in Relative Peace will be set Ablaze. Now, as to the proximity of the Rapture Event?
Many End Times Students of Prophecy are looking at this Fall 2024 Rapture Window. Could it be in Mid-September to Mid-October of 2024? For such Geo-Political Reasons and those Astronomical Factors mentioned, it could. It remains to be seen. But 1 Prophecy Teacher, Karl Lawley has that very interesting and compelling Psalm-Based 7-Year Tribulation Timeline. As noted, he has correlated certain Psalms of Ascent to match the coming 7-Year Tribulation Period Timelines. And that Timeline is from Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 that also matches one’s Working Theory as well. See Chart for a visual.
However, in Lawley’s Video Teaching on the Subject, he has emphasized how that September 18, 2024 Essene Rosh HaShanah Feast could very well coincide with the Rapture Event. He is basing it on the Day also being a Lunar Eclipse and a Harvest Moon that commemorates the End of the Summer Crops, etc. Here is the link to the YouTube Video.CLIMBING THE PSALMS OF ASCENT'S FINAL 10 STEPS
Through the Tribulation and Into the KingdomKarl Lawley
Why the Planet is in Peril
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why? OF WAR
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Then Sudden Destruction
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In the Shadow of the Tribulation
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