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by Luis B. Vega
You are welcome to download any of the Books in PDF Format for Free and to also share them with others to show how the Astronomical Sign is heralding the Rapture Event and soon End of the Church Age. One’s Research into the Revelation 12 Sign began around 2008, based on the Study of the Blood Moon Tetrads of 2014-2015.
Although the Astronomical Alignment appeared to match that of the 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation, one is of the Interpretation that the actual Fulfilment is meant for Israel and occurs at the Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. However, as one surmises that Biblical Prophecy is multilayered, the Revelation 12 Sign has cast its Prophecy Shadow backward into the Church Age.
It is precisely also a Sign or Warning to the Church Age Followers of Jesus that the Last Generation is to ‘Wake-Up’ and sense that the Rapture Typology that the Sign encapsulates will conclude the Church Age with.______________________
Book Trilogy
In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.
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Return of the Red Dragon
The purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis. This Book is not a Scientific Based Exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru.Free Book Download: PDF a Hard Copy on Amazon Books. REVELATION 12 SIGN
Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur Prophetically, matched the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 day after Yom Teruah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or Motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the central role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book introduce the various other Characters to include the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.
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