THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HUMANITYWHY THE PLANET IS IN PERILDefacing the Image and LiknessThen a War broke out in Heaven: Michael and his Angels fought against the Dragon, and the Dragon and his Angels fought back. But the Dragon was not strong enough, and no longer was any Place found in Heaven for him and his Angels. And the Great Dragon was hurled downthat Ancient Serpent called the Devil and Satan, the Deceiver of the whole World. He was hurled to the Earth, and his Angels with him. - Revelation 12:6-14
There is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against ones Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is ones Soul. Why?
As this Book delves into the Evidence of this Luciferian War that is both Overt and Covert and is based on the Biblical World View. This War is for ones Soul. It is because what distinguishes Humanity and differentiates Mankind from all other Created Species, Races and Beings is that YHVH created Man and Woman in the Image and Likeness of Himself. No other Created Being has this Constitution. It is Amazing. Not that Mankind are Gods, in the sense of the Creator YHVH, but that the Divine Attributes are echoed in the very DNA of such a Marvelous Creation of Mankind.
Moreover, according to the Bibles Main Thesis, the Creation of Mankind was and is for the Rule and Dominion of all that YHVH has and is. Through the Son of GOD, that being Jesus, became a Human to not only Redeem the Fallen Race of Adam and Eve that sided with Lucifers Rebellion in the Garden of Eden, but has restored Mankinds Purpose and Plan. And that involves the Actualization of Humanitys Place with Jesus as the Consort and Bride of Christ.
To this End, this War spells the Doom and Gloom of Lucifer, as His Throne in Heaven and all its Authority and Power are to be now bestowed on this Redeemed Human Bride that will take his and his Fallen Angels Place. This is the War. This War started in Heaven with a Cherub Angel, Lucifer, that Rebelled against the Creator, YHVH. And since YHVH placed Humanity on Earth, in Eden, this is why the Planet is in Peril. Is there Evidence of this Luciferian War on Earth? Examine how Contemporary Converging Events, in the Heavens and on Earth are being used against Humanity through War and Deception by the Luciferians that actively to Destroy Mankind by implementing Lucifers Agenda to mar the Image and Likeness of YHVH in Mankind.
The Social, Moral, Economic, Military and Religious Factors will be presented to show how this Satanic Agenda is being implemented 1 Generation at a Time. Here is the Link to Download the Free PDF Version, made available to the End Times Community. Please consider purchasing a Copy for self-study or to give as a Gift to others. Your Support is greatly appreciated to further advance this type of Research.
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Prologue . .. 11
BlackRock 23
The 4 Horsemen.. ... 31
Trump Assassination Attempt ... 39EXAMPLES OF THE SATANIC AGENDA
What in the World is Lucifer Working on Now? 51
Cis-Gender Ideology . . . .. 65
Gay Agenda . 79Gay Pride Month . . ................ 91
As in the Days of Sodom . .......................... 101Days of The Laodiceans ... . ...... 115
Paris Olympic Games ... . . . . 119Paris Olympics-Mockery ... .. . ..... 127
Paris Olympics-Locusts . 137
9th of Av - Tisha BAv Rapture?.. .. . ... 1519th of Av Rapture? .. . ......................... 165Rapture Day And Hour .. . 173Rapture Timing-Enochian Year ..... 179Rapture Elijah Sequence ... 183
EXAMPLES OF THE NEW WINE THEORYPentecost New Wine Evidence . 191New Wine Pentecost Understanding 199Boaz and Ruth ..... 205
Tu BAv Almond Harvesting 211
Feast of New Oil ...... 215
Queen Esther 7th Year .. . 221EXAMPLES OF ASTRONOMICAL SIGNS
Revelation 12 Sign . 227
Israel Invasion .. . . 233
Revelation 12 Sign Rapture?.................................... 239
Gospel in the Stars?................................................. 251EXAMPLES OF GEO-POLITICAL EVENTS
Gog-Magog War .. .. . 259Russo-Sino Invasion of the USA .. .. . 269
Ukrainian-Russo War ... . 273
Israel Preemptive Strike . .. 289
Israel Wars . 297Israel World Order .. 303
Yemen Israeli Attack .. 313
Rise of The Sanhedrin ... 319
Israel Life Expectancy... .. . . 325Tribulation Period 2025 .. 331
Jesus So Sure A Foundation . 347ABCs of Salvation .. . 355
Book Resources . . 363______________________
© 2024 PostScripts Publications
Why the Planet is in PerilTHE SECRET WAR AGAINST HUMANITYCategory: Religion & Spirituality
Binding: PaperbackDimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Publication Date: September 11, 2024Language: EnglishISBN: 9781304086921