QUEEN ESTHER7-YEAR RAPTURE TIME-SPAN?Revelation 12 Sign Wedding Anniversary‘And when Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus, into his Royal Palace, in the 10th Month, which is the Month of Tebeth, in the 7th Year of his Reign’. -Esther 2:16The purpose of this study is to consider the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign in light of the Esther Typology to be considered. The common Theme of both of the Prophetic Events, literally with Queen Esther, and Astronomically with the ‘Queen’ of Heaven, the Virgo Constellation have to do with a Wedding Motif. How so? Consider that Astronomically, the Wedding Ring Eclipse of October 14, 2023 took place in the Finger Area of Virgo. It was also the 2nd Great American Eclipse.
This Wedding Ring Annular type of Solar Eclipse was thus seen as where the ‘Ring’ or the Seal was placed on Virgo, as one End Times Student of Prophecy noted, that it could possibly had represented the Engagement Ring; for the Bride of Christ. And? This same Observer, named Bob from the Revelation 12 Sign Daily Blog surmised that it could had been connected to the Annular Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024. Why? The Day Count from both these 2 Annular Solar Eclipses = 354 Days.
According to his Research, the Number 354 means the following. It denotes a, ‘Taking-Up’ per Strong's Concordance. And more interesting, in terms of Mathematics is that 354 Days is exactly 1 Lunar Year. Coincidence? No. It is Biblical in one’s Estimation. Bob also pointed-out that the Esther Wedding Ceremony (A Rapture Event Type?) falls on the 10th Month per Esther 2:16 when using the Gregorian Calendar. These Biblical and Astronomical Observations were Outstanding.Now it was reiterated that the Wedding Ring Eclipse of October 14, 2023, on the Finger of Virgo exited Corpus Christi or the Body of Christ. And then it also exited Natal, in Brazil that insinuated a Birth. Thus, based on the Esther being ‘Taken’ unto King Ahasuerus in the 7th Year of his Reign, could that be signaling when the Rapture of the Bride of the True King, Jesus is to ‘Take’ His Bride into His Palace? This is then correlated to the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign.This 7th Year Correlation being made to the Revelation 12 Sign might narrow-down the Time-Frame of when the Bride of Christ is to be ‘Taken’, likewise to the King’s Palace. This is, of course if one is using the Revelation12 Sign as a 7-Year Prophetic Template and if the Virgo Motif is as the Queen-Made Esther. It could be the case that the Prophetic Picture, although Valid is to have the actual Rapture Event in the subsequent Year, that being after the Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary concludes in 2024.
Old Testament Types
If so, one’s hesitant Inclination at thinking the Bride of Christ still has about 1 more Year to go then on Earth will become a Reality. But consider that September 23, 2024 will start the 8th Year Cycle, having completed 7 Years.That will not occur until September 23, 2025. So, one is saying that within this 7th Year Span of Time is when the Queen is to be taken then as identified. Or it will end-up just being another ‘Dress Rehearsal’. That also means that one’s July 23, 2025 is back on the Board to be tested again, perhaps. Consider the following Revelation 12 Day Counts.September 23, 2017 to September 23, 2024= 7 Years= 84 Months= 365 Weeks
One also finds all the Numbers very interesting that are associated with the 7-Year Countdown of the Revelation 12 Sign. Especially the Number of Weeks, being 365 Weeks since 2017 that the Revelation 12 Sign reaches its 7-Year Anniversary in 2024. Now, one also has had a Hesitation in considering the Typology of Esther being as a Bride of Christ Prophetic Correlation. Why?
One is presuming the Type has to do with Israel, primarily, especially during the Tribulation Period. But so was and is one’s favorite Prophetic Typology of Daniel being a Prophetic Type of the Bride of Christ. This was the case how Daniel was absent when his 3 Hebrew Colleagues of his were thrown into the Fiery Furnace. And the Fire was magnified 7X hotter. As it has been correlated and interpreted, the 7X Factor can be attributed to the 7 Tribulation Years, all-inclusive.And Daniel was nowhere to be found. He was apparently sent to a far-off Province on the King’s Command to do Business, etc. Despite the 2 Old Testament Accounts that clearly deal with the People of Israel, there can be Prophetic Correlations made that infer also to the Picture of the Bride of Christ, also being all-inclusive.
So, as the Revelation 12 Sign is a Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period, it has cast its Prophetic Shadow into the Church Age to also be a Sign to it of its Pending Rapture, i.e., the Man-Child Event. Thus, from September 23, 2023 to September 23, 2024 will have been the Esther Window of the possible Rapture Timing then. The following is the 7-Year Revelation 12 Sign ‘Countdown’.
Year 1 = 2017-2018
Year 2 = 2018-2019
Year 3 = 2019-2020
Year 4 = 2020-2021
Year 5 = 2021-2022
Year 6 = 2022-2023Year 7 = 2023-2024
So, one will have to wait and see about testing one’s July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, and the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest Rapture Timing. From a September 23 to July 23 is a 10 Month difference, like the Month of Tevet though. This is very interesting. But let us Examine and Test the Season and High Watch Times at Hand 1st.The Main Reason one bring-in this Notion of one’s July 23 Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Theory, is that it occurs in the 4th Month of Tammuz. Concerning the Esther Month in which she was taken into the King’s palace, that Month correlates to the same 4th Month based on the Civil New Year Count. And that Count starts on Rosh HaShanah. It is the 10th Month in the Religious New Year from Nisan.
‘Tevet is the 4th Month of the Civil Year and the 10th Month of the Ecclesiastical Year on the Hebrew Calendar’. -Wikipedia
And as you all know, one only has 1 Year High Watch Rapture Date, that being a July 23 Date. But to also reiterate that one’s Pentecost New Wine Theory is purely Conjecture and it remains to be Proven, conclusively. One will conclusively know when the Rapture Event eventually occurs and it does not happen on one’s speculated July 23 New Wine Feast, after all.
Book Trilogy
In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.
Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books. 5 Star Rating. * * * * *
Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur Prophetically, matched the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 day after Yom Teruah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or Motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the central role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book introduce the various other Characters to include the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Man-Child.
Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.
PLANET X DEATH STAR DESTROYERReturn of the Red DragonThe purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis. This Book is not a Scientific Based Exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru.
Purchase a Hard Copy on Amazon Books.https://www.amazon.com/dp/1304327787/ref=olp-opf-redir?aod=1&tag=wwwcampusboocom587-20&condition=new_______________________
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