Luis Vega (1 Sep 2024)
"CYDONIA MARS - Algiers Star Gate"

On Earth as it is on Heaven

by Luis B. Vega
The purpose of this study is to showcase how a Modern City, in this case, Algiers is configured to the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation Pattern on Earth. Per one’s Working Theory, one postulates that most Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past and Present are mirrored after this Geometric Martian Motif. Why? One has surmised that the Triangulation is an attempt to replicate the Triangulation found in Heaven itself.  In other Words, the Main Source or Pattern is that which is found in the True Paradise of GOD, or YHVH, the GOD of the Bible and Creation.

One surmises that the Dwelling Place of this Creator, as disclosed in the Bible could very well be consisting of this Sacred Gematria that in turn mirrors the GOD-Head that the Bible also teaches exist in Heaven, etc. One further postulates that this Heavenly or Divine Pattern is echoed through all of Creation. For example, one can plot such a Configuration in the Cosmos or the 2nd Heaven with the Pleiades Star Cluster. This Star Cluster then has a similar Triangulation that corresponds to specific Stars or Suns.

In this case, based on the Pattern, there is a Smaller Sun and then a Giant Sun in terms of Size, relative to the Size of the Pleiades Star Cluster itself. Then one sees this Pattern on Mars. Specifically, it is found in the Cydonia Mensae Region that started the whole Phenomena about there being Abandoned Pyramid Cities on Mars. This begs the Question then of ascertaining the Thought that there was a former type of vibrant Civilization on Mars. And that this Civilization of Beings, of whatever and whoever were clearly advanced in Technology. What happened to them? Are they still there?

Were they Angels? Were they Created Being placed there by YHVH and in other Planets? What then happened to Mars? Evidently there was a Catastrophe as the Rovers that have been launched by Humans on Earth and landed on Mars attest to devastation and Nuclear Destruction of some type. It was enough so that the entire Planet lost its Atmosphere, Oceans and Life. But what if that Life or Beings are still there? What if that Civilization had Interaction with Humans on Earth? Perhaps they have all gone Underground.

And further, what if that Civilization of Beings, whether Fallen Angels still have direct Contact and Association with Human Beings on Earth? The Evidence? The Evidence is these precise Replications of the Cydonia Mars Triangulations that to this Day, in Modernity are Hidden in Plain Sight across most World Capitals. And Algiers is 1 such Modern City that incorporates this Sacred Triangulation, on Earth as it is on Mars. It is only a ‘Mirror’ of the Pattern found in the Cosmos and in Heaven itself, one contents.

Historical Context
This Study will 1st provide some Historical Context of how the Modern City of Algiers came to be. Then one will identify the Triangulation of what consists in the Geometry of the City Layout. The following Excerpt is taken from the Wikipedia Page of Algiers.

Algiers (Arabic: al-Jazāʾir) is the Capital and largest City of Algeria, located in the north-central part of the Country. The City's Name is derived via French and Catalan ‘Alger’ taken from the Arabic Name al-Jazāʾir, which means, ‘The Islands’. This Name refers to the 4 former Islands which lay off the City's Coast before becoming part of the Mainland in 1525. Algiers was established on the Ruins of the Phoenician City of Icosium in 950. The present City was founded in 944 by Buluggin ibn Ziri, the Founder of the Berber Zirid Dynasty.
In Classical Antiquity, the Ancient Greeks knew the Town as Ikósion (Ancient Greek: Ἰκόσιον), which was Latinized as Icosium under Roman Rule. The Greeks explained the Name as coming from their word for ‘20’ (εἴκοσι, eíkosi), supposedly because it had been founded by 20 companions of Hercules when he visited the Atlas Mountains during his Labors.
The City's Earliest History was as a Small Port Town in the Empire of Carthage where Phoenicians were trading with other Mediterranean Ports. After the Punic Wars, the Roman Republic eventually took over Administration of the town. Its Ruins now form part of the Modern City's Marine Quarter, with the Rue de la Marine following a former Roman Road.
The City was given Latin Rights by the Emperor Vespasian. The Bishops of Icosium are mentioned as late as the 5th Century. But the Ancient Town fell into Obscurity during the Muslim Conquest of the Maghreb. The Peñón of Algiers, an Islet in front of Algiers Harbor, had been occupied by the Spaniards as early as 1302. Thereafter, a considerable amount of Trade began to flow between Algiers and Spain. However, Algiers continued to be of comparatively little importance until after the expulsion of the Moors from Spain, many of whom sought Asylum in the City.
In 1510, following their occupation of Oran and other Towns on the Coast of Africa, the Spaniards fortified the Islet of Peñon and imposed a Levy intended to suppress the Barbary Pirates. Then the Turkish Ottomans ousted the Spanish in the Capture of Algiers (1516). Then Barbarossa lost Algiers in 1524 but regained it with the 1529 Capture of Peñón of Algiers. He then formally invited Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent to accept Sovereignty over the Territory and to annex Algiers to the Ottoman Empire.
Algiers from this time became the Chief Seat of the Barbary Pirates. In October 1541 in the Algiers Expedition, the King of Spain and Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor sought to capture the City, but a storm destroyed a great number of his Ships, and his Army of some 30,000, chiefly made up of Spaniards, was defeated by the Algerians. By the 17th Century, up to 40% of the City's 100,000 Inhabitants were Enslaved Europeans.

The United States fought 2 Wars (the 1st and 2nd Barbary Wars) over Algiers' attacks on United States Shipping in the Mediterranean. To this Day the U.S. Marines sing of such Wars. ‘From the Halls of Montezuma (Mexican-American War) to the Shores of Tripoli (Barbary Coast)’. Among the Notable People held for Ransom by the Muslim Pirates was the Spanish Novelist, Miguel de Cervantes. He was held Captive for almost 5 Years. He wrote 2 Plays set in Algiers of the period. A significant number of ‘Renegades’ lived in Algiers at the Time.

These were Christians who converted voluntarily to Islam. Many were fleeing the Law or other Problems from their Home Countries, etc. Once converted to Islam, they were safe in Algiers. The History of Algiers from 1830 to 1962 is bound to the larger History of Algeria and its Relationship to France. In 1830, Algiers became the Capital of French Algeria. During World War 2, Algiers was the 1st City to be seized from the Axis by the Allies in Operation Terminal, a part of Operation Torch.
In 1962, there was a bloody Independence Struggle. There were estimates ranging between 350,000 and 1,500,000 who died, mostly Algerians but also French and Pieds-Noirs during fighting between the French Army and the Algerian Front de Libération Nationale, FLN. Eventually, Algeria gained its independence, and Algiers became its Modern Capital. The Demonstrations of May 13 during the crisis of 1958 provoked the Fall of the 40th Republic in France, as well as the return of General de Gaulle to Power.
Algeria achieved independence on July 5, 1962. Run by the FLN that had secured independence, Algiers became a member of the Non-Aligned Movement during the Cold War. In 1991, a Political Entity dominated by Muslim Religious Conservatives called the Islamic Salvation Front. Fearing an eventual win by the Islamists, the Army canceled the Election Process, setting off a Civil War between the State and the armed Muslim Religious Conservatives which would last for a decade. Indigenous Islamist Terrorist Groups have been actively operating in Algeria since then.


In the case of Algiers, here is what one discerns are the 3 Main Structures that constitute the Cydonia, Mars Triangulation ‘Star-Gate’. What is very prominent in Algiers is the Monument dedicated to the Martyrs. It is the Army Memorial that is corresponding to the Giant D&M Pentagon Fortress of Cydonia, Mars. Then there is the Sports Stadium, the 20th of August. In this case the Mirror Image is depicted by its horizontal rotation. This Stadium corresponds to the Face of Ala-Lu, the Rebel King of Nibiru.
It was he that was exiled to Mars from Nibiru, then from Earth. What is interesting is that this Character promised to return to Earth and with a Vengeance. He will be seen as the Savior, just in Time for the Ancient Align Narrative Disclosure to occur. This is surmised to occur right after the Rapture Event. It will be that Event that will ‘Cover’ and be used to explain the ‘Return of the Cydonia Martian Saviors’, etc. It is this Narrative that has been propagated since Lucifer deceived Eve with. And that is that Humanity was created by the God’s of Eden and can become ‘Gods’. It is the Lie that will be Believed as it has been since Eve. One calls it the ‘Gospel According to Lucifer’.

With the A.I. Revolution and mRNA Injections, Lucifer’s Savior or Messiah will promise ‘Eternal Life’ to a gullible Humanity seeking Immortality. But it is really all about a Human Genome War. It is about controlling the Genes. Control the Genes and you control Humanity or destroy it. That is the Plan. Lucifer is very angry and is now vindictive because a Human, Jesus destroyed him and his plans to overtake Heaven, the Cosmos and Earth. Humanity got in his way. What is catastrophic for the Human Race, is that according to Jesus, most Humans will have believed Lucifer’s Lie.

Behind the ‘Star-Gate’ Veil
It will play right into the Hands of Lucifer’s Rebellion against YHVH, the True Creator of Humanity. This is where the ‘Mark of the Beast’ will come into play. It is really a Means to End and Destroy the Human Race at the Genetic Level. The aim will be to erase the ‘Image and Likeness’ of YHVH that Humanity only possesses. But as to the Triangulation of the Pyramids found on Mars? Accordingly, the Followers of this Lucifer Character Rebel King erected a Mausoleum in the form of His Face and Eagle Helmet.
This Narrative is based on the Lost Book of Enki, by Zecharia Sitchin, etc. Back to Modern Algiers. Then the area encompassing the National Library is where the corresponding Pleiades City Star Cluster is situated. So, one may ask, ‘Why has this hidden Triangulation not been found or talked about?’ If one’s Theory is correct, it is perhaps 1 of the Best Kept Secrets of all of Human Recorded History.

The Main Reason, one suspects or is convinced such Knowledge is kept Hidden from the Public Eye and/or Scrutiny, is that precisely, it is because this Cydonia, Mars Association directly links a prior Martian Civilization of Advanced Beings that interacted with Humanity and still does. This ‘Discovery’ would validate the Biblical World View. And worse, what the Bible foretell how the Present Age will ‘End’. And that is not ‘Good’. This Angelic Rebellion of Lucifer will nearly cost the Souls of all of Humanity as Billions will die in the Last Generation alone. And the ‘Ancient Alien’ Narrative will deceive most.

This is to say and insinuate that Humans are not alone on Earth. And such an ‘Ancient Alien’ Soft Disclosure has worked to negate the main Tenets of the Bible. It teaches how other Non-Human Created Beings, i.e., Angels Fell and have interbred with Humanity. Further, the Bible teaches that these sorts of Beings are still at War with the Creator GOD, YHVH and GOD the Son, Jesus. Why? In part, it is what is at stake or ‘In-the-Balance’ of who will win over every Human Soul on Earth. Realize that no other Created Being has a Soul created in the ‘Image and Likeness’ of YHVH.
Thus, such Souls are a Price to those that Possess them. The other Factor in this Celestial War is how the Bible reveals that it is Lucifer, the Chief Anointed Cherub that has led the Revolt against YHVH, even before Eden was revamped in Genesis 1:2. It is his Quest to usurp the Throne of this Triangulation Layout in Heaven, one surmises exists there and is the Source of the Triangulation found on Earth. Upon further Research, one is convinced that such a Sacred Triangulation also serve as a Portal or Star-Gate. It is where such Entities and/or Being traverse and pierce in-between the Dimensions of Earth, Mars, the Cosmos and Heaven itself.

This is why the Triangulation is kept ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. Only the ‘Initiated’ World Ruling Families are aware of it and control it. They are Luciferians at the core. Why? Those that control these Star-Gates on Earth, control the Earth. This is why the Sacred Sites all over the Globe, Past and Present have been situated on Earth’s Energies Ley-Lines. Thus, it is also why in Earth’s Ancient Sites and in Modern Capitals like Algiers, those that are given the Rulership of such Star-Gates are the ones always in Power. They are the ones, the so-called ‘Elites’ that rule from ‘Behind the Veil’, for now.

To that End, the Luciferians are working to prepare Earth for their ‘Creator Savior’ to return. But so is Jesus. This Luciferian War against Jesus and His Followers has already been determined. This was because of the Cross of Calvary. It was there and then that Jesus, taking upon Human Flesh, with all of its Genetics, fully Man yet fully GOD-Creator died to pay for Eve and Adam’s Disobedience. Jesus broke the Alliance the 1st Human Parents made with Lucifer in Eden that was and is based on a Deceptive Lie.  It is just that in Time-and-Space, the Final Chapter that brings about a Restored Eden back on Earth is yet to be actualized.

Free Online Cydonia Resource Page

Ancient Star Gates
Did Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earth’s Sacred Sites.​

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Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks will be about, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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Cydnia Mars - Algiers Star Gate.png