Luis Vega (1 Sep 2024)
"REVELATION 12 SIGN RAPTURE? - 7 Year Anniversary"

Timing Considerations

by Luis B. Vega

The purpose of this study is to consider the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign that occurred, Astronomically on September 23, 2017. One’s Question is, ‘What if the Sign was and is a 7-Year Countdown to the actual Rapture Event after all?’ Does that mean then that the Rapture is in the 7th Year, what is left of it? What if the Rapture Event is actually the following Year, sometime instead, or further out? One Thing is for certain, the Astronomical Sign has reached a Numerical Perfected Milestone in 2024. The Alignment in 2017 was Singular, but it was not the actual fulfilment of what is yet to occur during the Tribulation Period, according to the Book of Revelation Chapter 12.

Several Years before 2017, one was the Researcher that 1st pointed-out the Astronomical Alignment that would later become famous as the ‘Revelation 12 Sign’. But due to how the Sign was Sensationalized, it took on a Life of its own. Here is the Link to the Evidence of one’s Research in its totality, contrary to many other People that had and have claimed and still do claim that ‘they discovered it’. Not that it is important, but as one works in Academia, Intellectual Theft is common, disappointingly and Attribution is warranted where it is due and deserved. 
Journey in 'Discovering' the Revelation 12 Sign.
Evidence of Authorship.
One contends that the ‘Revelation 12 Sign’ is yet to still occur, but in the subsequent Jupiter Year of 2029. How so? That Year, 2029 is when Jupiter is next in the Sign of the Virgin. It is because the Planet of the Messiah, Jupiter has a 12-Year Cycle around the Mazzaroth. Jupiter is stationed, approximately at each of the 12 Signs and has its Retrograde there and then for approximately 9 Months as it was back in 2017, in Virgo. One has theorized that perhaps in 2029 is when the Prophetic Fulfillment is to occur.
This 2029 Year Conjecture is based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. This Event will coincide at the exact Mid-Point of the Tribulation, being 2 Halves of 1260 Days or 42 Months, etc. And this Event will correlate to the Abomination of Desolation Event. This is when Lucifer’s False Jewish Messiah will enter the Rebuilt 3rd Temple and sit on the Ark of the Covenant Mercy Seat, being the Throne of YHVH on Earth. He will then proclaim to be ‘God’ on Earth and will Mandate Absolute Worship. The Mark of the Beast will involve mRNA Type of Genetic Manipulated Injections that will erase the ‘Image and Likeness’ of YHVH in every Gene of a Human Being.

A 7-Year Countdown?
Perhaps this is when the Nephilim Genetic Intrusion will create the 3rd DNA Strand into Humanity’s Genome. It will only temporarily give Mankind the Secret Genetic Code of Immortality that Lucifer has promised since deceiving Eve in Eden. Initially, one tried to point-out some Misinterpretations about the Hype surrounding the Revelation 12 Sign, based on one’s Initial Research. For example, contrary to Popular Persuasion, the Revelation 12 Sign Alignment did not take place on Rosh HaShanah or the Feast of Trumpets, etc. Also, the New Moon occurred on the 20th, not the 23rd.
The Celestial Motif of Virgo was argued to be that of the Church, because the literal Word ‘Raptured’ or Harpazo was used of the Snatching-Away of the Man-Child from the clutches of the Red Dragon that seeks to devout it. The Man-Child is then ‘Raptured’ from the Woman to the Throne in Heaven, i.e., Jesus, etc. Thus, the Rapture Event was to have occurred on that Time and Date back in 2017. Although one would concede that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Sign of the Rapture for the Church, the ‘Sign is not the Event’. Why? The Sign is primarily for Israel during the Midst of the Tribulation Period.
One is of the Interpretation that any and all Events, Post-Chapter 4 of the Book of Revelation pertain Prophetically to Israel, to the 12 Sons of Jacob, etc. One argued that it was a ‘Wake-Up Call’ and it turned-out to be just that. But one understood the Faulty Logic in that the Sign has the Crown of 12 Stars that can represent the 12 Apostles and the 12 Sons of Jacob, just as much. What could possibly be a Confusion about it? But it was the Nation of Israel that ‘Birthed’ the Messiah, Jesus, not the Church.
However, one makes the Argument that the Revelation 12 Sign is a Multi-Layer Motif of Israel, the Church and Mary, etc. And the Sign will fulfill all of the 3 Main Types, eventually. What was interesting about the Revelation 12 Sign Phenomena back in 2017 was that the Planet Jupiter correlated Prophetically and Astronomically to a ‘Birthing’ out of the Constellation of Virgo. That was the Determining Factor that associated it to a Rapture Event. Why? Realize another Misconception about the Revelation 12 Sign.
The Sign or Astronomical Alignment occurs, approximately every Year, from September to October. The Astronomical Alignment occurs in Virgo, minus the Planet Jupiter that as mentioned, only enters the Sign every 12 Years, etc. Also, the Moon, at the ‘Feet’ of the Woman Motif will not always coincide with the Sun being in the Head or Shoulder area. Thus, this is why it is only a Yearly Approximation. So, what is pivotal is the Jupiter 12 Year Cycle. One’s Point is that what made and will make the Revelation 12 Sign of 2017 and 2029 unique is Jupiter.
Furthermore, what will constitute the ‘Red Dragon’ will be the Incoming 2nd Sun, Nemesis or Nibiru, Planet X, one surmises. In the case of Jupiter correlating to the Motif of the Messiah, it could pertain to the Rapture Event of those within the Church Body. The Argument for that is that the Rapture Event of the Man-Child, in this case representing Jesus’ Body was not Raptured but Ascended to Heaven after His Resurrection.

Red Dragon Returns
The Depiction does pertains to Israel in that it was Jesus, their Messiah that has sat down at the Right Hand of GOD in Heaven as the Depiction of the Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation portrays. As mentioned, in one’s Prophetic Estimation, the Aspect of the Astronomical Alignment that was unique about it, was that the Planet Jupiter had its 9-Month Retrograde in the ‘Womb’ Area of the Virgin Constellation Motif, etc. However, also noted is that Jupiter appears in each Constellation every 12 Years, approximately and does its Retrograde. Retrograde is the Optical Illusion of a Planet appearing to travel ‘Backwards’ from Earth’s Point of View.
The Effect is due to the Orbital Cycles and the Speed in which the Planets move in relation to each other, etc. So, there will be a next ‘Revelation 12 Sign’ Depiction or Astronomical Alignment with Jupiter in Virgo. It will occur in the Year 2029. It is exactly 12 Years or 1 Jupiter Year where it will be again in the Constellation of Virgo. And that is when one conjectures, could be the Mid-Point of the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline. If that will be or could be the case, then consider that at that Time and Place, is when the Literal Fulfilment, Prophetically will coincide with the Jews fleeing to the Wilderness, i.e., Petra to some.

Literally, they will be taken for Safety for the 2nd Half of the 7-Year Tribulation Period. Metaphorically, the Remnant Jews, Believers in Yeshua will be fleeing the ‘Red Dragon’ that Lucifer is identified in the same 12th Chapter of the Book of Revelation. And in fact, this is when, what one calls the ‘Revelation 12 War’ occurs in Heaven as Lucifer and his Fallen Angels seek 1 Last Assault against YHVH and Jesus. But then as mentioned, Astronomically, it is the Time and Place where the ‘Red Dragon’, 2nd Sun appears with its Flyby that will be used to Judge the Inhabitants of the Earth during the 2nd Half of the 7-Year Tribulation period, in one’s Interpretation.

1. Literal
2. Metaphorical
3. Astronomical

So, to reiterate, one’s Working Theory is that this 2029 Revelation 12 Sign could also very well coincide with the Red Planet, or ‘Dragon’. One surmises it will be Nibiru’s Flyby occurring. One is convinced that the incoming 2nd Sun is what YHVH will be using as an Instrument of Judgment upon the whole Globe. If one understands Geology, Plate Tectonics, Meteorology, one will pick-up on the Book of Revelation Explanation of such Catastrophic Events.
Those types of Catastrophes and the scale of them, can only occur as a result of a Near Earth Object approaching Earth. They will be Extinction Level Events or ELEs. And that with the 2nd Sun’s Perturbations, that is what will primarily cause the Pole Shift, Killer Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Tsunamis, that are described in the Book of Revelation, etc. Now many Skeptics, then as now will say, why even bother bringing-up this Topic again as it was shown to be a ‘Nothing Burger’? True.

Fog of Prophecy
But until now, one wishes to bring to your Attention its 7-Year Anniversary, that precisely could see the Prophetic Fulfillment of the Rapture of the Bride of Christ, as depicted in the Man-Child occur. Also realize that the Virgo Constellation is the only Female Motif of the 12 Signs in the Cosmos. Virgo is singularly laid-out in a Horizontal Inclination or in Degree that depicts the Planets being ‘Birthed’, out of its ‘Womb’ Area, etc. And thus subsequently, the various Cycles of the Planets that traverse the Constellation of Virgo depict this ‘Birthing’ Cycle.
One can see the Logic and the Inference to the Rapture Event also being like a ‘Birthing’. One’s Point is that the Language insinuates a ‘Rapture’ Event, as that is precisely the Wording used of the Man-Child being ‘Snatched-Up’ to Heaven. Naturally, many Christians believed September 23, 2017 would have been the Rapture Event itself.

However, what if the Revelation 12 Sign is indeed the Rapture Sign to the Church that it ‘Woke-Up’ to a large extent, but 7 Years later? Here is the Timeline of what the Revelation 12 Sign portrayed in terms of peculiar Events, most notably the Pope visit to the Ancient House of Abraham. This occurred in the Ancient City of Ur of the Chaldees in what is now Iraq. And interestingly, the Ziggurat of Ur is dedicated to the Moon God, the Red Dragon. Coincidence? No.

          |----------------------------- 7 Years ---------------------------- |

Revelation 12 Sign                         Mid-Point                              Revelation 12 Sign
              |---------------------------------------- | -----------------------------------------|
                              1260 Day                                   1260 Day

September 23, 2017                    March 6, 2021                         September 23, 2024            September 23, 2029
Jupiter in Virgo ---------------------------------------- 12 Year Cycle --------------------------------------- Jupiter in Virgo

What if the 2017 Astronomical Alignment in Virgo was a Countdown to the actual Rapture Event on its 7-Year Anniversary? This, of course, is pure Conjecture on one’s part as it was for those that believed the Rapture was to have occurred there and then. Now to reiterate one’s Supposition about the Rapture actually occurring or being linked to the 7-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign?
It is based on one's Interpretation and on one’s Research. 'Officially', as mentioned in one’s Write-Ups, one’s Highest Watch Date is still a July 23. Now, when one's Date has also come-and-gone, the subsequent High Watch Dates that are being considered are what one calls the 'Fog of Prophecy'. And one is 'Open' to perhaps being surprised by a Day Count that is still to be fulfilled. Or it is a Timeline that one has not seen or comprehended as of yet. One still surmises that it could be tied to a July 23 Date. Why? Consider the following ‘Fixed’ Solar Calendar Day Counts.

September 11
= 50 Days after July 23 (Feast of New Oil)

September 11
= Correlates to the Place and Time of the Rapture of Elijah at the Jordan River based on the 3 Towns visited before Rapture: Gilgal, Bethel and Jericho and the 50-50-50-Day Pattern, etc.

September 23
= 2 Months exactly from July 23 to Revelation 12 Sign

September 23
= Revelation 12 Sign  is also exactly 40 Days from the Rabbinical Av 9 of August 12.

October 2
= 70 Days from July 23 (Annular Eclipse) and Rosh HaShanah on Rabbinical Calendar

October 10
= 80 Days from July 23. Comet C/2023 A3 'Birthed' out of Virgo.

So, all that to say, for what remains of the Gregorian Year, the following Dates are linked to the July 23 that perhaps still could see the Rapture Event occur. And as mentioned, as one Turns the Corner into a New Year, then it is a sure consideration of the subsequent July 23 Date. Consider also the very interesting coincidental Month and Day Association with what will occur on the September 23 Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary. There will be a ‘Pact of the Future’ being signed at the UN in New York City by all the Member States.
Then also consider that in 2024, the 7-Year Anniversary of the 1st of the 3 Great American Eclipses, starting on August 21, 2017. Then it was precisely 33 Days later that the Revelation 12 Sign occurred. Coincidence? No. It was also very interesting that the Paris Olympics in the Summer of 2024 coincided with the 33rd Olympiad, 7-Years from 2017. Now, as to the September 11 Date being considered? It is based on the Solar Count from April 15, the Day after Passover. And?

It is then that the 3rd Penta-First-Fruit Feast will coincide then with September 11, being the Feast of New Oil. One’s Point is that these 3 Penta-First-Fruit Feast need to be considered as a Whole. Thus, the Feast of the First Fruit of the New Oil is a Feast to observe for its possible Rapture Fulfillment, perhaps. One has made the Argument that if the Feast of New Oil is Prophetically Significant, it would take into account the Notion that September 11 is when one surmises Jesus’ Birth-Day occurred.
And more interesting, based on one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Timeline, it is the Date that Jesus is to Return to Earth. That Day corresponds to the Sabbath of Return. Now, would that Date not be most appropriate? It would be great to have that ‘Spiritual Birth’ of the Body of Jesus at that Time on His Birth-Day, no? Then consider the Jewish Month of Elul 1. In 2024, it occurred on September 4. And? That is when the Jews began the 40 Days of Fasting and Repenting.

A Counterfeit Christ
Then 1 Week later was September 11 (7 Days Later). Consider the following Day Count. If one starts with YHVH’s Solar Calendar of Nisan being April 8 for 2024, that was the Day of the Solar Eclipse and 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse. Then 153 Days later brings one to Elul 1. Now as to some Geo-Politics? The Peoples of the World sure need a lot of Repenting. Also in 2024 is when the People of the USA will have elected their New President. Or rather, when the Luciferian Deep State will have Selected him or her.
It sure has been a Clown Show and an Embarrassment. But, if that is what the USA wants, it will get just that. Sad to see and realize what is coming for the USA. But as it has been stated, ‘If GOD does not judge the USA, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah’. And it does seem that it can ‘Blow-Up’ at any Moment, to a Major Regional War in the Middle East. But the Restrainer is still Restraining. Every End-Time Watchmen are scratching their Heads, as to the Timing of the Rapture. But this Present-Day Geo-Politics and Apostasy cannot go on much longer as mentioned. The ‘Water’ has to break, Metaphorically in terms of the Birth Pangs.
One sincerely hopes not to Turn-the-Corner on the New Year to have to ‘Repeat, Rinse and Repeat’ all over again. If so, then the Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Period Timeline could still work. But then the July 23, Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Rapture Speculation will be cutting it close. But is that not what will characterize the Rapture Event? It will be a ‘Snatching-Away’ from Pending Destruction that Existentially threatens the Bride of Jesus, no? It is not that way fully now, just yet. Or perhaps, it is and one does not see it.
Now as to the 49 Day and Year Prophetic Template of Time that is connected to Pentecost and the Revelation 12 Sign of a 7-Year Sabbath Period? Consider the 1st Pentecost Anniversary Israel had, was in 1997. And? Corresponding to the 7th-Year Anniversary of the Revelation 12 Sign, it is 27 Years of a Difference, (9 Years x 3 or 9-9-9). Coincidence? Perhaps, but not likely. And? The Year 1997 was when the Comet Hale-Bopp appeared. It was deemed the Comet of Noah because it heralded the ‘Season of Noah’. But here is what some End Times Students surmise about it. What if this Comet was an Announcement but that of the Birth of the AntiChrist? How so?
1948 Israel’s Birth +49 (7x7) Year Count = 1997

Well, like with Jesus, will Lucifer’s Messiah ‘Nephilim Hybrid’ be 30 Years Old when he makes the Covenant with the Many or the L’Rabbin Nascent Sanhedrin? Thus, was the Hale-Bopp Comet a Warning or Announcement of the Birth of the AntiChrist? If so, that would mean that in one’s Fall 2025 to Fall 2032 Tribulation Timeline, the AntiChrist will be 30 Years Old by that Fall of 2025. And at the 2029 Mid-Point of the 7-Year Tribulation Period where he enters the 3rd Temple.

                                                  Revelation 12 Sign
                                                (12 Year Jupiter Cycle)
  Fall 2025 ------------------------------ Spring 2029 --------------------------------- Fall 2032
  AntiChrist                                       AntiChrist                                               Christ
30 Years Old?                               33 Years Old?
At that Time, the False Jewish AntiChrist could very well be 33 Years Old. It is at that Time when he will receive that Mortal Death Wound and fake the Resurrection. It will be at that Time and Place, where He will be the Red Dragon to the Remnant Believing Jews but the Resurrected Messiah to the Synagogue of Satan and the World. What a dreaded Time that will be.
This is why one is considering the possibility of how the 7-Year Revelation 12 Sign could very well see the Rapture of the Bride of Christ. One is convinced that Jesus promised His Bride the Door of Escape from the Wrath that is to come to Test the Inhabitants of the World. And Jesus will visit this Last Generation to hold it accountable for all the Blood spelt of the Righteous in Jesus, who had put their Faith and Trust in Him.
Free Revelation 12 Online Resource Page

Maiden, the Manchild and Monster
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Notion of the Great Signs in the Heavens pertaining to the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. The Main Argument will be that such a Sign to occur prophetically will match the Astronomical Configuration on September 23, 2017 which was 1 Day after Rosh HaShanah and the Fall Equinox. The Focal Point of the Sign or motif is the Constellation Virgo which plays the Central Role is an apparent Cosmic and Prophetic ‘Enmity’ of sorts that goes back to the Garden of Eden with Eve and Lucifer. This Book will attempt to introduce the various other Characters to include the Identity of the 7-Headed Red Dragon and Manchild.
Order a Copy on Amazon Books.
In the Midst of the Tribulation 
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.

Order a Copy on Amazon Books.

Return of the Red Dragon
The purpose of this Book is to present various Insights, for-and-against the Planet X Phenomena. The study will try to ascertain a comprehensive array of Subject Matter surrounding this Notion of an allusive Extra Solar System 2nd Sun. The Book will introduce such a Topic to the Novice and gather the Main Tenets of the Phenomena of Planet X in a single reading. The aim is to better inform and educate the reader as to the various Arguments for-and-against the Hypothesis. This Book is not a Scientific Based Exposé of Nemesis and/or Nibiru.
Order a Copy on Amazon Books. 

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Revelation 12 Sign 7-Year Anniversary Comet.png